CPC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of Meeting January 29, 2019

Wellfleet Senior Center


Present: Gary Sorkin, Chair; Michael Fisher, Rhonda Fowler, Robert Jackson, Janis Plaue, Geraldine Ramer

Regrets: Andrew Freeman, Elaine McIlroy, Thomas Siggia                                

Chair Gary Sorkin called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 


Michael Fisher moved to approve the minutes of December 12, 2018 with a small correction.  Rhonda Fowler seconded, and the motion carried 6-0. 

Update on Shade Pavilion

The Conservation Commission has not yet made a decision about the location of the proposed shade pavilion at Baker’s Field, but the Recreation Director and Town Administrator agreed to go forward with the condition of ConsCom approval.  If they do not approve the request, Recreation will withdraw the proposal from the Town Meeting Warrant.  Rhonda Fowler and Mary Rogers will follow up with the Recreation Director. 

Reconsideration of Shellfish Application

Although the Shellfish Warden’s application had been well received and approved by the CPC, there was a question about whether parts of it were allowable with CPA funds.  Coordinator Mary Rogers contacted CPA Coalition President Stuart Saginor, who cautioned that all parts of the application did not qualify as capital improvement, the CPA criteria needed for Recreational grants.

Jan Plaue moved to rescind the December 12, 2018 vote to approve Shellfish Application #19-03.  Rhonda Fowler seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

Coalition Dues

Gary Sorkin explained that the Community Preservation Coalition dues had been raised to $2,875 this year because Wellfleet had crossed a threshold of $500,000 in revenue from the 3% local surcharge.  The fee had been $1,270 in the past.  He will speak to the Coalition President Stuart Saginor about the possibility of an abatement. 

Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, February 27, 2019.  The agenda will include a report on the Needs Hearing, approval of the percentages Warrant Article, review of the project Articles, Coalition dues, an update on ConsCom approval of the shade pavilion at Baker’s Field, and other project updates. 


The meeting was adjourned at 5:59 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Mary Rogers

CPC Coordinator


CPC approved these minutes at the meeting held 2/27/19.