January 6, 2016 Cons Comm Approved Mtg Mins

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Wellfleet Conservation Commission

Meeting Minutes

January 6, 2016

Town Hall Meeting Room

Attendees:  Barbara Brennessel, John Portnoy, Ginie Page, and Cary Rea

Regrets:  Trudy Vermehren, Ed Simpson and Lauren McKean

Cary Rea was voted to be the Acting Chair for the meeting.

4:00 - Business Meeting & Conservation Agent's Report

Mail / Discussion

Mayo Creek Restoration Committee applying for a grant from the Massachusetts Bays Healthy Estuaries Program to do additional modeling work for potential salt-marsh restoration at  Mayo Creek.  The committee requires a letter of support from Conservation Commission, Board of Selectmen and Waste Water Committee.  The existing culvert is too small and too high to allow habitat restoration, so the grant request is to fund the testing of alternate culvert configurations using Woods Hole Group’s existing hydrodynamic model. Ginie Page moved to support the project; seconded by Cary Rea; passed 5-0. 

E-mail from Lauren McKean representing the CCNS regarding a large concrete block on a bluff at the Marconi site, part of an old army structure.   CCNS does not feel it is safe to remove from the top of the bluff and will wait until it falls onto the beach and remove it at that time.

Agent Hillary Greenberg-Lemos reported a letter was sent to the owners of 275 Pilgrim Road regarding the deck overhanging the bank.  She has not received a reply as yet.

Agent Hillary Greenberg-Lemos reported a letter was sent to Susan Little regarding  illegal tree cutting on Conservation Trust property.

Hillary Greenberg-Lemos will combine the 2015 Annual Report from the Conservation Commission with her report as the agent. 

Jurisdictional Opinions

Randy Bartlett, 50 Steel Road, fill 3 large holes in driveway with either stone or shells.  There would be approximately 3 yards of material to fill the holes on his property.  John Portnoy moved to approve the Jurisdictional Opinion; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 4-0.

Meeting Minutes

John Portnoy moved to approve the amended meeting minutes of 12/16/15; seconded by Cary Rea; passed 3-0. 

The Commission requested Agent Hillary Greenberg-Lemos ask the town for assessor’s maps in the downstairs conference room as well as new 2016 calendar.

Barbara Brennessel requested a list of projects the Americorps will be working on in Wellfleet.


Public Hearings 5:00 pm:

Town of Wellfleet, Omaha Landing, Map 28, Parcel 189 (north of), RDA, Install 2 kayak racks.  The racks will be 40’ in length at Omaha Road.  The racks will remain at the site year-round.  Ginie Page identified the project as a Negative 2; seconded by John Portnoy; passed 4-0.

Town of Wellfleet, Field Point, Map 35, Parcel 188 (in front of) RDA install 2 kayak racks.  The racks will be 40’ in length.  Barbara Brennessel recommended installing  the racks next to each other on the south east side of the landing, and placing some symbolic barrier/fencing around the eroded area.  Barbara Brennessel identified the project as a Negative 2; seconded by John Portnoy; passed 4-0.

Shaefer / Fay, 520 Black Pond, Map 4, Parcel 39, Certificate of Compliance (Cont’d)

Chet Lay stated there are separate drywells for each downspout from the roof.  Cary Rea moved to approve the Certificate of Compliance; seconded by Barbara Brennessel; passed 4-0.

Soloway / Gray, 48 Sandpiper Hill Rd., Map 22, Parcel 7, NOI, rebuild deck and stairs, install gas fire feature, rebuild walkway and patio, extend retaining wall, and plant shrubs (Cont’d).  Chet Lay provided photographs and revised plans in color depicting the areas of the project.  The proposed walkway pavers will be spaced three inches  apart, top soil will be placed between the pavers, and planted with thyme.  The deck will be smaller and the retaining wall will be closer to the dwelling.  A letter from the owner was read by Mr. Lay and stated the deck is unsafe.  Currently there is no way to walk from the front door to the steps and the plans are proposing an area which will allow wheelchair access.  The staircase will be placed along the dwelling, not jutting out.  The total amount of disturbance will be provided by Chet Lay to Agent Hillary Greenberg-Lemos.  Cary Rea moved to continue to 01/20/16; seconded by John Portnoy; passed 4-0.         

Strauss, 75 Richman Lane, Map 21, Parcel 30, RDA, prune 8 to 10 pines (Cont’d).  There are 5 (3 pines, one oak and one cedar) trees within the jurisdiction of the commission.  A list of native plants will be provided to Mr. Strauss.  It was recommended Mr. Strauss employ an arborist to prune the trees.  Barbara Brennessel identified the project as a Negative 3; seconded by John Portnoy; passed 4-0.

Parlante, 50 Kendrick Ave., Map 20, Parcel 3, Certificate of Compliance.  (parking lot)

The originally permitted parking area has been replaced by  the septic system.  Cary Rea moved to approve the Certificate of Compliance; seconded by Barbara Brennessel; passed 4-0.

Parlante, 50 Kendrick Ave., Map 20, Parcel 3, Certificate of Compliance (septic system)

Cary Rea moved to approve the Certificate of Compliance; seconded by Barbara Brennessel; passed 4-0.

Bridger and Shub, 206D Kendrick Ave., Map 20, Parcel 28, NOI, construct screened porch and small bathroom,  Chet Lay represented the applicant, and stated the revised site plan dated 12/28/15 shows a deck and wooden walkway verses the original proposed screen porch.  The deck will not require a railing because it is close to the ground.   The footings will be hand dug.  John Portnoy moved to approve the NOI revised 12/28/15 plan; seconded by Barbara Brennessel; passed 4-0.  Supervisor:  Ginie Page.

Picariello, 299 Gull Pond, Map 8, Parcel 48, RDA, remove 8 pine trees and prune oaks and maples.   Due to the fact that Barbara Brennessel has to recuse herself; there was not a quorum.   Cary Rea moved to continue to 01/20/16; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 4-0.

Chequessett Yacht and Country Club, 675 Chequessett Neck Rd., Map 19, Parcels 115 and 81, RDA, cut back “choke weed” (mostly bittersweet) and have maintenance plan.  Barbara Boone represented the club and stated bittersweet is overtaking the parking area as well as storage area.  She stated there are also locust trees along the driveway that require some pruning.  It was recommended that CYCC flag the area to be cut back for Commission inspection and produce a maintenance plan for the periodic removal of vegetation from the parking and boat storage area.  Ms. Boone stated she would like to add an additional kayak rack.  John Portnoy moved to continue to 01/20/16; seconded by Barbara Brennessel; passed 4-0. 

Cohn, 145 (135 new) Pine Pt., Map 21, Parcel 55, new well and grading.  David Lyttle represented the applicant and stated a house has been designed outside of the buffer zone; however, well installation and some grading is proposed within the buffer zone. The Cohn’s are working with Bartlett Tree Service to  will try to save the oak trees on the property from insect attack.   The neighbors to the west had an agreement with the original owners of this property for use of a well which will be abandoned.  Mr. Lyttle stated there are 5 trees that are within the jurisdiction of the commission which need to be removed and are located to the south and west of the proposed dwelling.  The commission would like to see eventual house plans in order to review the grading requirements, if any.  They also requested more information on existing vegetation and planned access for well installation.  The Boriskin’s, who live across Duck Creek from the proposed project, requested evergreens be maintained on the water front area so they don’t have to look at the dwelling without flora.  Mr. Lyttle stated he would provide revised plans deleting the grading.  Nancy Rea, abutter, stated she is pleased to see that the grading has been pulled back.   Cary Rea moved to continue to 01/20/16; seconded by John Portnoy; passed 4-0.      

Smith, 20 Catboat Rd., Map 41, Parcel 67, RDA, Septic upgrade.  Jason Ellis represented the applicant and stated the current Title 5 septic system requires an upgrade for the leach field.  There is a small isolated wetland across the street.   The well to the east will be abandoned and they will use the existing well.  John Portnoy identified the project as a Negative 3; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 4-0.  

Ferris, 1005 3rd Ave., Map 40, Parcel 8, RDA, replace existing deck.  Jason Ellis represented the applicant and stated the deck has structural issues and they would like to remove the deck by hand, and construct a deck in the same footprint.  All staging would be in the driveway.   Barbara Brennessel identified the project as a Negative 2; seconded by Cary Rea; passed 4-0. 

Hight and Rogers, 60 Springline Drive, Map 29, Parcel 255, RDA, septic upgrade.  Jason Ellis represented the applicant and stated the house will be put on the market shortly and requires an upgrade.  The leach pit has been in failure and the house has not been occupied for several years.  This will be an enhanced nitrogen-removal system.  There will be a few pine trees that will need to be removed within the buffer zone.   John Portnoy moved to identify the project as a Negative 2; seconded by Giinie Page; passed 4-0.

John Portnoy moved to adjourn at 6:20 pm; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine A. Bates, Committee Secretary