Approved Conservation Commission Mtg Mins

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Wellfleet Conservation Commission

Meeting Minutes

May 15, 2019 5:00 pm

Town Hall Meeting Room

Attendees:  Lauren McKean, Barbara Brennessel, John Cumbler, Michael Fisher, John Portnoy, Deborah Freeman, Agent Hillary Greenberg-Lemos and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary 

4:00 - Business Meeting & Conservation Agent's Report


Mail / Discussion

            DMF – Blasch property; a copy of the filing with the Environmental Notification Form under MEPA.  John Portnoy questioned if the Commission and other parties will have the opportunity to make comments.  

CZM resiliency grant for Wellfleet, Truro, Provincetown and Eastham.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos  requested the Commission write a letter and describe how sand is moving and how towns are working together to replenish. 

Agent Greenberg-Lemos had a meeting with the Shellfish Department and Don Monroe regarding cultching within the inner harbor.  It was agreed to request an extension to the current application.    There will be a phase 2 for other areas after some history is gathered regarding locations.  The National Seashore has several concerns and would like to make comments on future expansion.        



            We have not received any comments to date.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos will write a letter requesting a draft.

Municipal Vulnerability Plan – A listening session of proposed actions will be presented on May 28, 9:00 am at the Truro Library.       

Jurisdictional Opinions

            Long Pond:  Americorps will perform work placing straw bales and adding 12 plantings. Mobey mats will be used if necessary.  (there was discussion regarding mats and if they remain year-round or are removed during the winter months).  John Portnoy moved to approve the Jurisdictional Opinion; seconded by Deborah Freeman; passed 6-0.

John Portnoy stated Bartlett Tree Service sprayed pesticides for winter moths in his neighborhood and questioned the need for pesticide applications to control winter moths when this species has been controlled by the introduced parasitic fly.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos will write a letter to the homeowner and Bartlett Tree Service.  

Meeting Minutes

Lauren McKean moved to approve the amended 04/03/19 meeting minutes; seconded by John Cumbler; passed 6-0.

Barbara Brennessel moved to approve the amended 04/17/19 meeting minutes; seconded by John Portnoy; passed 6-0.

Jude Ahearn was in the audience and she stated she wished the meetings were taped.   


Donald, “0” Bay View Ave., Map 35, Parcels 38 and 39, Certificate of Compliance. Mike Fisher and Deborah Freeman recused themselves. Agent Hillary Greenberg-Lemos stated the work was completed and Conditions #1, 2, and 3 will be ongoing.  Barbara Brennessel moved to approve the Certificate of Compliance, seconded by John Portnoy; passed 4-0.

Beck, 30 Ryder Court, Map 14, Parcel 12, Request for Extension of Order of Conditions.  The applicants were unable to complete the work; therefore, they would like an opportunity to finish. 

John Portnoy moved to approve the extension; seconded by Barbara Brennessel; passed 5-0.  (Mike Fisher abstained).

O’Neil, 200 Briar Lane, Map 13, Parcel 1143, NOI, Reapplication to construct new garage, chicken coop and driveway extension  At the request of the applicant, John Cumbler moved to continue to 06/05/19; seconded by Mike Fisher; passed 6-0.    

Simeon Atwood LLC, 6 Commercial St., Map 15, Parcel 92, NOI, Septic system upgrade.  Jason Ellis represented the applicant.  The retaining wall was taken off the plan.  A new site plan was provided.  The Board of Health approved the plan and project.  Barbara Brennessel moved to approve the NOI; seconded by John Portnoy; passed 5-1.  John Portnoy stated that there is an apparent 5-ft drop in the water table between this leach field and Duck Creek, meaning that the time of leachate travel for nitrogen removal could be very short; this factor should be considered in future regulations to reduce eutrophication of coastal waters.    

Kaplan/Rose, 135 Old Truro Rd., Map 8, Parcel 164, NOI, construct dwelling, septic, well, and appurtenances (Cont’d).  At the request of the applicant, John Portnoy moved to continue to 06/05/19; seconded by Mike Fisher; passed 6-0. 

Tierney, 2059 Weatherly Ave, Map 20, Parcel 19, NOI, construct 31’ x 14’ addition to replace an existing addition and decks.  Mr. Tierney and Maria Hollis came to the table.  Mike Fisher recused himself.  A 10’ x 20’ addition will be removed and a 31’ x 14’ addition will be constructed.  Decking will also be removed.  Ms. Hollis stated the cost to raise the homes above the FEMA flood zone would be approximately $35,000.    There were concerns regarding the elevations as well as if the cost of the project will be over 50%, which would require elevation of the structure by eight to nine feet to be FEMA compliant.  The building inspector will resolve this estimate of the cost.  John Cumbler suggested that raising the structure would be prudent to avoid a total loss in a future flood.  John Cumber moved to approve the NOI; seconded by John Portnoy; passed 5-0 with the condition the estimate of the construction be less than 50% of the value of the existing structure.  Supervisor:  Barbara Brennessel 

Cassidy, 65 Vanessa’s Way, Map 29, Parcel 246, NOI, replace existing deck.  Mike Fisher recused himself.  David Lajoie and Mr. Cassidy came to the table and Mr. Lajoie reviewed all the resources in the area.  There will be a different access for the stairs.  Barbara Brennessel requested information on the amount of disturbance including the existing building and the deck.  John Cumbler recommended the use of diamond piers instead of sonotubes.  Plantings will be placed on the southeast property line.  There will be a condition that there will be no storage of objects under the deck.  Abutters expressed concern with parked cars blocking Vanessa’s Way and their access to the marsh..  Natural Heritage had not responded back as yet.  Mr. Lajoie requested a continuation to June 5, 2019.  John Portnoy moved to continue to 06/05/19; seconded by John Cumbler seconded; passed 5-0

Evangelista & Kolenberg, 745, 765, and 775 Chequessett Neck Rd., Map 19, Parcels 111, 110, and 109, NOI, repair timber bulkhead, reconstruct timber walkway and stairs (Cont’d)

At the request of the applicant Lauren McKean moved to continue to 06/05/19; seconded by Mike Fisher; passed 6-0.

Lauren McKean moved to adjourn at 6:10 pm; seconded by Deborah Freeman; passed 6-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates, Committee Secretary