Approved Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Wellfleet Conservation Commission

Meeting Minutes

February 3, 2016

Town Hall Meeting Room


Attendees:  Trudy Vermehren, Ed Simpson, Lauren McKean, Cary Rea, Barbara Brennessel, Ginie Page

Regrets:  John Portnoy

Business Meeting and Agent’s Report

Mail / Discussion

            Review Fees and After the Fact Filings (to be addressed at another meeting

Herring River Low Lying Roads:  Martha Reinhart, Friends of Herring River, Chris Feeney, Hunt Durey, Steve Block, and Jason Ringler made a Power Point presentation.  Martha stated she was going to provide a brief summary and objectives of the project which included the removal of existing tidal restrictions in the river and its tributaries.  The power point presentation included several photographs and data, identifying the history over the past 100 years. Agencies that require approval were identified as well as the project timeline. The current dike would be replaced with a much wider opening equipped with tide control gates.  Existing road culverts will be replaced to handle increased tidal flow.  A total of 2.7 miles of roadway from Pole Dike to the Truro line will need to be elevated by varying amounts determined by modeling based on a storm of record and potential sea level rise. The new roadway following the existing centerline will be widened to accommodate two 11-foot paved lanes and 3-foot shoulders.  The sides of the road embankment will be mostly a 3:1 slope, though steeper rip-rap slopes or vertical retaining walls may be necessary in some areas.  Due to the short distance to ground water along most of the road, there are no plans to install drain catch basins; instead the roadway will be crowned to shed water.   Lauren McKean expressed interest about how well the new road will  accommodate bikes and horse-back riding.  Trudy Vermehren questioned if there is any data for crashes on the existing roads; this question will have to be followed up with the Police Department. Agent Greenberg-Lemos questioned whether  storm water issues and regulations were being addressed.

Jurisdictional Opinions:  Map 9, parcel 628, 6 Way 14, remove one dead pitch pine tree.  Ed Simpson moved to approve the Jurisdictional Opinion; seconded by Cary Rea; passed 6-0.

Meeting Minutes – to be addressed at a future meeting.


Public Hearings 5:00 pm:

Collins, 51 9th St., Map 40, Parcel 156, Certificate of Compliance (Cont’d).  Trudy Vermehren moved to continue to  March 2, 2016; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 6-0.

Robin, 29 Briar Lane, Map 14, Parcel 26, RDA, construct walk-in freezer within buffer zone (Cont’d).  Sarah Robin gave an overview of the project, stating the new freezer would be placed on an existing concrete slab and there would be a door either from the inside or outside.  The current freezer has been having problems and she stated the location is not good for the plumbing.  Trudy moved to continue to March 2, 2016 so DEP can be notified of the hearing; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 6-0.

Kenney, 50 Lookout Road, Map 35, Parcel 5, NOI, prune and remove trees for corridor view (Cont’d).  Charles Wentz of Ponderosa Landscaping described the revised planting plan and proposed a phased planting timeline of spring 2016 and spring 2017.  He stated there will be temporary irrigation.  Barbara Brennessel moved to approve the NOI; seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 6-0.  Supervisor:  Barbara Brennessel       

Dean, 260 Lt. Isl. Rd., Map 41, Parcel 42, NOI, add garage, bedroom, bath and foyer to existing dwelling; construct shell driveway (Cont’d).  At the request of the applicant Trudy Vermehren moved to continue to February 17, 2016; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 6-0.

Kelly, 20 4th Ave., Map 40, Parcel 15, NOI, tree removal and vista pruning (Cont’d).  Chet Lay represented the applicant and stated the ACEC line is identified on the site plan and the abutter’s well will not be affected.  Bob Prescott of MA Audubon, stated this is a turtle nesting site and there are two lots available, which both MA Audubon and the Wellfleet Conservation Trust are interesting in obtaining.  He stated it would be good to remove the trees, but not replant shrubs, in order to re-establish the turtle nesting area.  Prescott recommended starting at the west end, and over a period of time, phase the cutting and allow stabilization of the bank to create new nesting habitat.  Prescott stated several trees would have to be removed due to shade.  Barbara Brennessel stated there could be small shrubs planted for erosion control.  Trudy Vermehren stated that turtle nesting gardens were not part of the original proposal and the commission could rule only on the NOI as submitted.  Approximately 30 trees would be pruned and 7 removed.  The commission recommended having a professional arborist make a site visit and determine what pruning could be done without removing the trees.  Trudy Vermehren moved to continue to 02/17/16; seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 6-0.        

Gainsboro, 30 Hiller Ave and 0 Kendrick, Map 20, Parcel 65 & portion of Bluff Ave., NOI, remove 11 pitch pines and invasive vines (Cont’d).  Trudy Vermehren moved to continue to 02/17/16 at the request of the applicant; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 6-0.

DiRocco, 155 Indian Neck Rd., Map 28, Parcel 134, NOI, construct elevated pedestrian walkway and perform invasive species management (Cont’d).  Trudy Vermehren moved to continue to 02/17/16 at the request of the applicant; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 6-0.

Riley, 464 Rte. 6, Map 42, Parcel 22, NOI, plant trees (Cont’d).  Still waiting for response from NHESP.  Trudy Vermehren moved to cont’d to 03/02/16; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 6-0.

CCNS, 225 Way 625 (off Long Pond Rd), Map 16, Parcel 630, RDA, Septic Upgrade revisions.  Lauren McKean recused herself and explained the minor changes proposed to an already approved proposal to meet objections from the DEP.    Trudy Vermehren identified the project as a Negative 3; seconded by Cary Rea; passed 5-0.

Yudowitz, 75 Omaha Rd., Map 28, Parcel 189, NOI, protect vegetation from off-road parking using line of stones at edge of private road.  Ginie Page recused herself.  Gordon Peabody represented the applicant and gave the history of the property, stating the commission had previously approved wood posts and instead they used stones.  A letter from the abutter gave an overview of the issues with cars parking in the area, people removing the wood logs placed, and people stating Omaha Road has always been open parking.  The letter supported the use of the stones as a barrier for the resources.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos stated there used to be a turn-around on the road, and since there is a public beach at the end of Omaha, people have the right to utilize the road, but the Yudowitz cannot obstruct vehicles with stones out in the road.  Gordon stated he would move the stones into the vegetation on the Yudowitz property.  Trudy Vermehren moved to approve the NOI; seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 6-0.  Supervisor:  Barbara Brennessel   

Rice, 345 Cove Rd., Map 28, Parcel 35, NOI, construct addition.  Lauren McKean stated she knows Mr. Rice, and the commission did not feel it would hamper her decision.  The addition would be at the rear of the dwelling, and it falls within the flood plain (15-foot elevation).  A screened porch and entry way will be above the floodplain.  There will be approximately 2,000 sq. feet of disturbance.  Trudy stated there is a retaining wall within the resource area.  Another site plan was distributed to the commission which was not included in the original package.  At the 15’ contour there is a small amount of work.  There will be grading within the floodplain.  The commission required additional information and requested there be no fill in the resources.  Trudy Vermehren  moved to continue to 02/17/16; seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 6-0.

Trudy Vermehren moved to close the public hearings at 6:30 pm; seconded by Lauren McKean; passed i6-0.

Business reopened:     

Gordon Peabody represented the applicant, Mr Provisor of 375 Cove Road, Map 28, Parcel 33, NOI tree cutting.  Mr. Provisor was present and asked the commission to listen to his case because he will not be able to attend the next scheduled hearing.  He stated some natural vegetation was trimmed.  Peabody presented a plan for mitigation plantings and stated the area requires diversity and natural vegetation would enhance habitat.  The NOI will be presented at the 02/17/16 public hearing, and the commission will vote then..  Trudy Vermehren will be the supervisor.

Trudy Vermehren moved to adjourn at 7:00 pm; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 6-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates, Committee Secreetary