Approved Cons Comm Mtg Mins

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Wellfleet Conservation Commission

Meeting Minutes

June 15, 2016

Town Hall Meeting Room

Attendees:  Trudy Vermehren, Barbara Brennessel, Ed Simpson, Cary Rea, Ginie Page,   Lauren McKean and John Portnoy

4:00 - Business Meeting & Conservation Agent's Report

Mail / Discussion

Jurisdictional Opinions

50 Higgins Lane:  Construct 10 x 12 shed.  One tree to be removed.  Trudy Vermehren  moved to approve the Jurisdictional Opinion; seconded by John Portnoy; passed 7-0.

 30 Arey’s  Lane,  McCorry, remove tree up against the house.  Trudy Vermehren moved to approve the Jurisdictional Opinion; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 7-0.

There was discussion and concern regarding the recent mowing of the cap at the Transfer Station, because birds are likely nesting there at this time of year.  It was recommended that someone contact Bob Prescott at MA Audubon for suggestions on time-of-year restrictions for DPW mowing in this area.

Meeting Minutes

June 1, 2016.  Recommendations were made regarding some edits.  Cary Rea moved to approve the amended meeting minutes of June 1, 2016; seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 7-0.

Trudy Vermehren moved to adjourn  the business meeting at 4:30 pm because there were  no further items to discuss; seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 7-0.


Public Hearings 5:00 pm:

Town of Wellfleet, Aquaculture, NOI (Cont’d)  Lauren McKean recused herself.  Don Monroe represented the town and provided revised plans which include the areas where the Cape Cod National Seashore has study plots.  He described the various areas which have been cultched in 2013 and 2014. It was recommended that the Commission set conditions to ensure both the timely deposition of cultch and the protection of CCNS research sites from interference. Under the proposed conditions, the Town Shellfish Department would annually submit a plan and detailed maps for proposed cultching for review by the Commission and the CCNS – prior to the deposition of cultch. Monroe recommended the cultching areas be monitored on a yearly basis.  Andy Koch stated he spreads cultch in shallow areas which enable shell fishermen access.  A letter was distributed to the commission from the National Seashore.  Sophia Fox explained that the National Seashore’s concerns are future increase in cultching scale, lack of monitoring, and the locations for access by the shellfishermen.  She stated that the CCNS may have    to undertake an environmental assessment of the cultching under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and questioned whether all the other regulatory agencies are aware and accepting of  this project.  She stated they are concerned about shellfish habit restoration vs. propagation.  Trudy Vermehren stated she would like the sites identified by markers for future monitoring.  Sophia stated the previous cultching that has affected some of the instruments and monitoring involved with their pre- and post-restoration research at Herring River.  Doug Guey-Lee stated he has been in communication with Agent Hillary Greenberg-Lemos and she offered to assist in writing the conditions.  Andy Koch stated he does not have much cultch to put out this year.  He stated he would be placing cultch in Chipmans Cove, Blackfish Creek, and the Herring River mouth.  Don Monroe stated he believes a written document identifying the locations and the volume of cultch will help all agencies involved.  Communications should be directed to Sophia Fox and George Price at the National Seashore.  Trudy Vermehren moved to approve the NOI for propagation, subject to the conditions outlined above; seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 6-0.                      

Lauren  McKean left the meeting at 5:45 pm. 

Crockett, 145 and 121 Holbrook Ave, Map 20, Parcels 133 and 132, Certificate of Compliance.  Chet Lay represented the applicant and stated there was a three-year plan in the Order of Conditions and the commissioners requested the 60 plants be flagged and copies of invoices be presented so that the Commission can verify that all plants are in fact in the ground, and to enable monitoring of survival.   Chet Lay requested a continuation to July 6 and Trudy Vermehren moved to continue; seconded by Barbara Brennessel; passed 6-0.   

Pyles, 170 Bayberry, Map 41, Parcel 121, Request for extension.  Robert Sr. and Robert Jr. came to the table and Robert Jr. stated there are 3 adjoining lots which they own.  Two of the lots have not been built on as yet, although approval was earlier granted.  Trudy Vermehren moved to approve a 3 year extension to 2019; seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 6-0.  

Pyles, 180 Bayberry, Map 40, Parcel 122, Request for extension – 3 year extension to 2020.  Trudy Vermehren moved to approve; seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 6-0.

Miller, 1225 State Highway, Rte 6, Map 36, Parcel 13, Request for extension.  Trudy Vermehren moved to approve a three year extension; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 6-0. 

Cocivera, 35 Ryder Court, Map 14, Parcel 7, RDA, replace existing 14 x 22 deck with 14 x 16 three-season room.  Mr. and Mrs Cocivera gave an overview of the project.   Barbara Brennessel identified the RDA as a Negative 3; seconded by John Portnoy; passed 6-0.

Denterlein, 5 5th St., Map 40, Parcel 66, NOI, prune scrub oak, remove 6 cedar trees and prune 6 pitch pines (some located on abutting property).  A site visit was made.  Dari Denterlein and Chet Lay came to the table.  Natural Heritage has not responded.  Work would not be performed during the terrapin nesting timeframe.  There are 3 different properties involved and all agree to the pruning / removal of the trees.  Chet distributed a picture of some abutters pruning of pitch pine.  No mitigation planting plan was provided.  Scrub oaks will be pruned.  Mitigation will be 3 shrubs for each tree removed.  It was recommended there be an invasive plant management plan.  A new plan will be provided identifying the view corridor and it was recommended that low-growing evergreen trees replace the cedar trees to maintain the dense wildlife  habitat.  Trudy Vermehren moved to continue to July 6, 2016; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 6-0.     

Flattery, 479 Black Pond Rd., Map 4, Parcel 38, NOI, replace wood stairs with stone stairs (Cont’d).  At the applicant’s request; Trudy Vermehren moved to continue to 07/06/16; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 6-0.

Community Housing Resource, 250 Gull Pond Rd., Map 8, Parcel 39, Certificate of Compliance (Cont’d).  Trudy Vermehren recused herself.  Cary Rea was Acting Chair.  Ted Malone, developer of the property, gave a history of the property.  He stated they are aware of the drainage issues on Gull Pond Road, including the inadequacy of the swale to handle runoff, and poor grading of the driveway so that sheet flows misses the catch basins.  He stated there is a proposal to fix the problem, but work cannot commence until agencies grant approval of the project and provide the money for the construction of the rental units.   He provided plans which will improve the flow of water from the driveway to the drains.  The commission reviewed the plans identifying the improved swale location and discussed a catch basin’s maintenance plan.  The actual design of a renovated swail at the bottom of the driveway and beside Gull Pond Rd is in preparation and will be submitted at a later date.  Doug Guey-Lee will review current paperwork to establish best practice to close this Order of Conditins. Cary Rea moved to continue to 07/06/16; seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 5-0.        

Trudy Vermehren moved to adjourn at 7:00 pm; seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 6-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine A. Bates, Committee Secretary