Approved Cons Comm Mtg Mins

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Wellfleet Conservation Commission

September 7, 2016

Meeting Minutes

Town Hall Meeting Room

Attendees:  Trudy Vermehren, Ed Simpson, Barbara Brennessel, Ali Sands, John Portnoy, and Ginie Page

Regrets:   Lauren McKean

4:00 - Business Meeting & Conservation Agent's Report

Mail / Discussion

Recreation Dept sent notification to residents of Cove and Pilgrim Spring Rd:  that the Oyster Fest Race 2016 will take place on their roads. 

Pamphlet – article regarding reef in Harwich located on Nantucket Sound.   

Jurisdictional Opinions - none

Meeting Minutes  

Ginie Page moved to approve the amended Aug. 3, 2016 meeting minutes; seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 4-0.

John Portnoy moved to approve the amended Aug. 17, 2016 meeting minutes; seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 4-0.                                   

Trudy Vermehren brought up local regulations that might require review pertaining to projects having more than 5,000 sq. ft disturbance.  She requested the commissioners to think about a change in the local regulations.  One of the problems is not being able to keep track of the cumulative disturbance of multiple projects occurring within the 100 foot buffer zone (including buildings) at various points in time. Agent Greenberg-Lemos pointed out that applicants are required to show total disturbance that has occurred and will occur on a lot as part of their permit application. There was further discussion regarding definitions, disturbances, and timeframes of work performed etc.        

Request from CPC for a new member from the commission, replacing Cary Rea.  Ed Simpson volunteered.

Moby Dick’s – A Commission site visit found wood chips at the edge of the shell parking lot and spilling into the marsh, invasive Japanese knotweed, and fill placed around a tree.  The Commission would like to make a site visit of  the entire property.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos will issue an enforcement order   and request that the owner  attend a Commission meeting. and. 

Special Town Meeting in November 2016.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos would like to add an warrant article to fund an Environmental Impact Review of the shellfish cultching program for compliance with the state MEPA program.   

Public Hearings 5:00 pm:

Town of Wellfleet, Kendrick Ave, Maps 21 and 20, Parcels 114 and 31:  NOI, Wellfleet Harbor Dredging.  Continued to November 16, 2016.  

AJOR, LLC, 635 Chequessett Neck Rd., Map 19, Parcel 117, NOI, remove existing pool and deck and replace with new pool, deck and patio (Cont’d). John O’Reilly represented the applicant along with Peter White, landscape architect.  O’Reilly identified the changes noted on the revised site plan and stated the owners would like to maintain the pool patio as originally proposed.  Peter White stated he has had conversations with the owners, and the deck has to be replaced because no further repairs can be done due to damage. Decking will be wood with gaps to allow drainage during heavy rains.  An infiltration system will be used to contain water from the pool terrace and patio area.  Additional plantings will be used.  There will be a total of approximately 3,000 square feet of disturbance within the 100’ buffer zone, including existing structures.  The plans for the infiltration system are based on a 25 year storm, and he stated there are things that could be done to bring it up to the 100 year storm requirements.  The Commission had concerns regarding the hard surface on the pool area which the owners want to make  impervious.  Mr. White explained the proposed infiltration system  tanks, and the design.  Trudy Vermehren requested the scientific names of the plants be identified on the plan.  Trudy Vermehren moved to approve the NOI; seconded by John Portnoy; 1 in favor, 5 against.   Reasons for denial:  1) the addition of 600 square feet of patio within the 100’ buffer zone; and 2) soil erosion if the water-catchment system does not work properly

Flattery, 479 Black Pond Rd., Map 4, Parcel 38, NOI, replace wood stairs with stone stairs (Cont’d).   Tim Brady represented the owner and requested a continuation to September 21, 2016.   Trudy Vermehren moved to continue to September 21, 2016; seconded by John Portnoy; passed 6-0.

Malone, 250 Gull Pond Rd., Map 8, Parcel 39, RDA, maintenance and repair to storm water swale.  Trudy Vermehren recused herself.  Tim Brady represented the owner and explained the work required to repair the storm water issues.  Rain water is bypassing the two drains and is going into the road.  He stated they will install a trench drain to divert water, currently bypassing the catch basins, into the basins. The drainage swale at the bottom of the driveway requires some maintenance; however, Mr. Brady could not show the Commission either existing conditions or a plan for remediation. The Commission requested a detailed plan for this swale before further consideration of the project.  Ed Simpson moved to continue to September 21, 2016; seconded by Ali Sands; passed 5-0.      

Houston, 130 School St., Map 15, Parcel 26, RDA, septic upgrade.  Jason Ellis represented the applicant.  John Portnoy stated it is close to Squire Pond but believes there is adequate distance and vegetation for the removal of pollution.   Trudy Vermehren identified the RDA as a negative 3; seconded by John Portnoy; passed 6-0.

Meyer, 70 Cliff Rd., Map 24, Parcel 135, NOI, relocate dwelling from 70 Cliff Rd to 220 Ocean View Dr.   Tim Brady represented the applicant and stated the same family owns both properties.  The house at 70 Cliff Road is at the top of the retreating coastal bank and needs to be  moved.  220 Ocean View Drive is not within the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission.  Anything underground at 70 Cliff Road will be removed, including   the septic and well, as well as any wires or debris.  There will be some vegetation removed in order to move the house, because  Brady plans to move the house on a wheeled vehicle.  Brady stated the entire area will be revegetated.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos requested that the applicant consider another method to move the house that does not damage vegetation along the route of the move. She also requested a site plan with elevations identified.  The commission also stated they would like to see additional plantings other than beach grass (Ammophila breviligulata), particularly including some of the native shrubs that now occupy the site.  Trudy Vermehren moved to continue to September 21, 2016; seconded by Barbara Brennessel; passed 6-0.

John Portnoy moved to adjourn at 6:30 pm; seconded by Ali Sands; passed 6-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates, Committee Secretary