Approved Cons Comm Mtg Mins

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Minutes of Conservation Commission

April 1, 2015

Town Hall Meeting Room

Attendees:  Trudy Vermehren, Ginie Page, Barbara Brennessel, Cary Rea, Ed Simpson, and Lauren McKean

Staff:  Agent Hillary Greenberg-Lemos and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Regrets:  John Portnoy

4:00  Business and Agent’s Report

Recycling Committee – discussion regarding plastic bags.  Lydia Vivante and Lonnie Briggs gave an overview of the warrant for the Town Meeting regarding plastic bags.  She gave examples of what bags will be available at Stop and Shop, as well as the bags the recycling committee hopes will be used in town.  She requested the commission review the warrant and make a recommendation at Town Meeting.   Ed Simpson stated he had a discussion with a South Wellfleet Market worker who feels this is a good idea but has concerns with packages for to-go-food.  There was discussion regarding “green” containers that are being used at some of the take out food restaurants.  Lydia stated that the recycling committee is recommending 3.5 mil weight plastic, paper, or “bring your own” reusable bags.  Lydia distributed a copy of a survey the recycling committee will make available to the public.  If the bylaw is passed, it will be effective January 15, 2016.   

Americorps members gave a general overview of the current activities on the Cape.


  • Cary Rea received a Certificate of Achievement for completing the MACC Fundamentals for Conservation Commissioners course.
  • Notification of workshop:  Sat. April 24, 8:00 – 3:00 – lakes and ponds management
  • Division of Marine Fisheries – notification of collection and tagging of fish at Herring River
  • Harborside Village – letter regarding Mayo Creek restoration and test well on their property; they oppose the restoration but approve the well Agent Greenberg-Lemos stated there is no intention to have negative affects on the property.  Ginie Page moved to approve a Jurisdictional Opinion for Mayo Creek Committee to install a test well at Harborside Village; seconded by Cary Rea; passed 6-0.
  • Letter from Benjamin Hammer, 560 Chequessett Neck Rd – due to the heavy snow he requested additional 3 months to present a planting plan.  Trudy Vermehren moved to allow a 3month extension; seconded by Lauren McKean; passed 6-0.
  • NStar letter to the Wellfleet Board of Selectmen regarding spraying and provided recommendations from Orleans.  The comment period has been extended. [I don't remember what the Orleans recommendation were about.]
  • Mark Burgess letter to Hillary Greenberg – owners of the Preager property next to the Yankelovitch revetment on Indian Neck wants to place nourishment on their bank. Burgess stated he had spoken with NHESP and he is recommending placing the nourishment on the Yankelovitch property where it has already been permitted.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos did not have an issue with the nourishment on the Yankelovitch property.  Barbara Brennessel questioned why renourishment is placed when it is gone after one storm and recommended the money being spent should be for land conservation.

Fees – to be discussed at next meeting

Meeting Minutes – to be reviewed at next meeting

Public Hearings 5:00 pm:

Donald, 0 Bayview, Map 35, Parcel 39, NOI, extend existing timber bulkhead (Cont’d from 03/18/15).   At the request of the applicant, Trudy Vermehren moved to continue to May 6, 2015; seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 6-0.

Emmons, 119 Hamblen Farm, Mp 19, Parcel 13:  AOOC.  Barbara Brennessel and Lauren McKean recused themselves.  David Lajoie represented the Emmons.  A 20’ x 19’ building had been previously approved and they would like to construct a slightly larger 392 sq. ft. dwelling in the same location, as well as an 8’ x 10’ patio.  They would also like to increase the size of the retaining wall for access to the basement level.  Ms. Emmons stated they were working with an architect and needed to accommodate the stairs and countertops; therefore the building would be longer and narrower.  She stated they required the basement for storage.  David Lajoie stated this site is out of the flood zone.  The decking would be over the entrance to the foundation.  There will be minimal amount of grading as approved previously.  Abutter Sue Anthony stated it appeared to be a larger footprint than what was originally approved.  There will not be a poured concrete patio but gravel or stones.   The large shed was removed from the site by a certified asbestos removal company.  The commission requested additional information for the site plan, identifying the stairs and entryways on the plan,  flood zone delineation, and distance from the bottom of the foundation to the water table.  Trudy Vermehren moved to continue to April 15, 2015; seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 4-0.      

Broomberg, 195 Samoset Ave., Map 28, Parcel 97, NOI, remove and rebuild dwelling

John O’Reilly represented the applicant.  He identified the resource areas and the elevations.  The existing structure will be demolished, and the new dwelling will be approximately 18” wider than the existing footprint.  He stated a planting plan will be provided.  It will have a full foundation, has an updated I/A septic system, and will require ZBA review.  A letter from abutter, Mr. and Mrs. Cody, expressed concerns and objections to the project, particularly issues with water, the size of the proposed project, and the state of the road.  Trudy Vermehren expressed concerns with the decks within the 50’ buffer and the amount of livable space.  The commission requested a basement floor plan, the square footage of existing versus proposed (including decking and proposed foundation), stairways, and total amount of disturbance within the 50’ and 100’ buffer zones.  Trudy Vermehren moved to continue to May 6, 2015; seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 6-0.

Friend, 675 Gull Pond Rd., Map 9, Parcel 627, NOI, addition to dwelling and exterior stairway (Cont’d from 03/18/15).  Lauren McKean recused herself.  John Schnaible stated there were some changes to the original plans, a deconstruction and construction protocol was provided, and he stated the decking will be removed from the National Seashore property.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos read a letter from the National Seashore regarding the removal of the decking from their property, requesting a plan for the removal.  The setbacks of the deck should be reviewed by the zoning enforcement officer.  The National Seashore would be the applicant for the removal of the decking on their property.  Schnaible stated the platform has been there for over 20 years.   Trudy Vemehren moved to approve the NOI with conditions; seconded by Cary Rea; passed 5-0.  Supervisor:  Ginie Page

Trudy Vermehren moved to adjourn at 6:30 pm; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 6-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine A. Bates, Committee Secretary