Approved April 3, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Wellfleet Conservation Commission

Meeting Minutes

April 3, 2019 5:00 pm

Town Hall Meeting Room

Attendees: Lauren McKean, Barbara Brennessel, John Cumbler, Michael Fisher, Deborah Freeman, and John Portnoy, Agent Hillary Greenberg Lemos, and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

4:00 - Business Meeting & Conservation Agent's Report

Mail / Discussion

Nancy Civetti and John Mankevetch, of the Shellfish Department, advised the Commission they have obtained a barge which will be used for cultching. Buoys will be placed in the cultching area within Loagy Bay and Herring River on the west side of the harbor. Mr. Mankevetch stated they have received over 150,000 oyster seed from local shell fisherman. They will be developing new areas. Mr. Mankevetch stated the Town would be happy to help with any projects in the harbor, including delivering sand and transporting materials.

John Cumbler identified some activity at the end of Marvin Way. Other activity was taking place at Snake Creek Road by Jeremy Young. Barbara Brennessel questioned if a driveway is dug up and replaced, do they have to come to the Commission, and the response was yes.

Blasch property: the septic tank has fallen from the bank and has been broken up on the beach by wave action.  The renourishment shelf has completely eroded away..

Grant money was received for a regional team working from Provincetown to Eastham to provide beach nourishment on a regular basis

MAIL: Letter from Soloway-Gray – Barbara Brennessel recommended mitigation for planting in bare area.

Agent Greenberg-Lemos issued an Emergency Certificate for Kellers Corner. The DPW was picking up asphalt (from the beach?) and placing it back into the rip-rap shore protection.

Agent Greenberg-Lemos wrote a letter to Eversource in opposition to using herbicides on the power line right of way.

The Zimmerman’s work is complete.

DLTA – The Commission reviewed Barbara Brennessel’s preamble.

Jurisdictional Opinions: none

Meeting Minutes – to be addressed later

Yankelovitch – Barbara Brennessel and Debbie Freeman signed appropriate paperwork, stating they had read the meeting minutes. John Cumbler moved to approve the NOI; seconded by Lauren McKean; passed 5-0. (John Portnoy recused himself)


Kandel, 60 Bay View Ave, Map 35, Parcel 37, RDA, Reconstruct lower portion of stairway

Don Monroe from Coastal Engineering stated the stairway is in very bad shape.  The proposal is to repair the bottom of the stairs by changing the slope to anchor the stones. The lower section is buried in sand at this time. They would like to make the lowest section of the stairs  seasonal, with work to be done by hand. Renourishment is scheduled for June 2019 and the stair repair would be performed at that time. The Commission requested the bottom portions of the stairway be identified / labeled with the property owner’s name, so that it was clear who should clean them up. The 3 bottom sections will be able to be lifted up to the top portion of the stairway. It was recommended to use aluminum on the bottom and cedar or locust instead of ACQ. Lauren McKean identified the project as a Negative 2; seconded by John Portnoy; passed 6-0.

Cancilla, 96 Wigwam St., Map 35, Parcel 154, RDA, Removal of 7 trees that pose danger to dwelling, removal of 2 tree trunks, (increase efficiency of solar system) Joan Cancilla stated they had 3 trees come down last year, and stated there are safety issues regarding the 7 trees. They just installed a solar system. There are 5 trees within the buffer zone. John Portnoy stated he would like to see the 2 broken trees remain for wildlife habitat. The commission requested five three-gallon shrubs (probably bayberry) be placed between the house and the wetland. John Portnoy identified the project as a Negative 3; seconded by Deborah Freeman; passed 6-0.

Limbach, 599 Chequessett Neck Rd., Map 19, Parcel 119, RDA, Renourishment of 21 cubic yards at existing stone revetment. Alfred Pickard represented the applicant and stated the renourishment is part of the neighboring properties’ projects. Powers Landing or the Yacht Club will be the access and staging area. John Cumbler identified the project as a Negative 2; seconded by Lauren McKean; passed 6-0.

Clark, 615 Chequessett Neck Rd., Map 19, Parcel 118, Renourishment of 123 cubic yards at existing stone revetment. Alfred Pickard represented the applicant and stated this is a part of the neighboring properties’ project. Staging will be at Powers Landing or the Yacht Club. Renourishment will be on the rock wall. Barbara Brennessel identified the project as a Negative 2; seconded by Lauren McKean; passed 6-0.

O’Neil, 200 Briar Lane, Map 13, Parcel 1143, NOI, Reapplication to construct new garage, chicken coop and driveway extension. Mr. O’Neil stated there are no changes from his original request but has been unable to start the project. The chicken coop is finished. The garage has been removed. It was recommended that he file a request for a partial Certificate of Compliance in order to close out the paperwork at the Registry of Deeds. There was concern regarding the proposal and the wetland on the property. Deborah Freeman stated she would like to see a new site plan identifying all the buildings, the driveway, Briar Lane, the retaining walls, the garden, and proposed grading as well as the total area of disturbance. Lauren McKean recommended submitting an alternatives analysis. Lauren McKean moved to continue the O’Neil project indefinitely; seconded by Deborah Freeman; passed 6-0.

Spear, 835 Chequessett Neck Rd., Map 19, Parcel 105, NOI, replace timber beach stairs with stone steps (Cont’d) Lauren McKean recused herself. Mark Burgess represented the applicant.

Barbara Brennessel was acting chair for the hearing. Burgess stated the driveway has a propane tank and generator at the end of the driveway so access to the sight from the high side would be dangerous. Instead he suggested using the Chequesset Yacht and Country Club to access the site via the beach. Future nourishment could be done from above due to the small amount of sand required. The work could be coordinated with the neighbor and would only take 2 front-end-loader trips for the sand. Agent Greenberg-Lemos stated some properties will have to give permission for access.  Also, the applicant should try to coordinate with Wellfleet Marine, who will be performing renourishment as well. The applicant does not want to use steel stairs. John Portnoy moved to approve the NOI; seconded by Mike Fisher; passed 5-0. Supervisor: Barbara Brennessel

The public hearings were closed at 6:18 pm.

Meeting Minutes:

John Cumber moved to approve the amended 02/20/19 meeting minutes; seconded by Mike Fisher; passed 4-0.

John Cumber moved to approve the 03/06/19 amended meeting minutes; seconded by Barbara Brennessel; passed 4-0.

John Portnoy moved to approve the 03/20/19 amended meeting minutes; seconded by John Cumbler; passed 5-0.

Agent Greenberg-Lemos stated the Conservation Commission’s recommendations did not show up on the Town Warrant.

Deborah Freeman moved to adjourn at 6:35 pm; seconded by Lauren McKean; passed 6-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates, Committee Secretary