CPC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of Meeting January 14, 2015

Wellfleet Town Hall Hearing Room


Present: Kevin Carroll, Robert Jackson, Geraldine Ramer, Janet Reinhart, Cary Rea, Gary Sorkin

Regrets: Peter Hall, Elaine McIlroy, Donald Thimas

Vice-Chair Gary Sorkin called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m.


Reinhart moved to approve the minutes of December 17, 2014.  Rea seconded and the motion carried 5-0.


A letter had been delivered to the chair via FedEx, but it could not be introduced into the general meeting until he reviewed it. 

Remaining Historic Applications

The Committee had three applications still awaiting decisions: the Masonic Lodge rehabilitation, the purchase of the mid-section of 262 Main Street by the Historical Society Museum, and Phase 2 of cemetery restoration by the Cemetery Commission. 

Masonic Lodge

Brian Flanagan and Austin Knight presented a revised plan for Adams Masonic Lodge.*  Mr. Knight said that the Masons would be looking for a grant from the Massachusetts Historical Commission, which looks favorably upon Town involvement in selecting their recipients.  He thought they would be interested particularly in the copper flashing replacement.   Mr. Knight answered questions from the Committee on the phased approach.  He and Mr. Flanagan discussed their intention to keep the restoration authentic.  They are seeking to begin the first phase as soon as possible. 

Historical Society

Brad Williams and Terry Gips from the Historical Society came forward and explained their revised request for $270,000 for a bridge loan to cover the purchase of the mid-section of 262 Main Street.  They answered questions on inspections of the property and the related costs, the best use of the loan money, other grants they were seeking, the possibility of receiving a smaller amount from CPA funds, other renovations in the oldest section of the museum, and plans for maintaining the museum.  Brad Williams read the Historical Society Museum’s mission statement, which explains the importance of the museum and its outreach programs.  Terry Gips addressed the issue of avoiding major debt for the museum and some of the Historical Society’s ideas for ensuring a revenue stream.   Brad Williams expressed his view that the improved Main St. streetscape would be welcomed by the Townspeople.   Ms. Gips reported on connecting to other historical resources. 

Open Space Request

Janet Reinhart asked to revisit the approval of the Open Space amount of $181,000 towards the purchase of the lot on Drummer Cove.  Bob Jackson reviewed the importance of the project, funding of other Open Space land purchases, and the overall value of the purchase.  Concern was expressed that projects should not be passed immediately until taking into consideration the bigger picture all the submitted requests.

Cemetery Commission

CPC had not made a decision on the Cemetery Commission’s Phase 2 proposal.  The Phase 1 Cemetery project has a fund balance of around $30,000.

Rea moved to defer  the project till next year.  Jackson seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

Decisions for Adams Lodge & Historical Museum

The Committee discussed the requests by the Masons and the Historical Society and the options available for each organization.  Bob Jackson enumerated the advantages of purchasing the mid-section for the museum and restoring the building. 

Reinhart moved to approve $100,000 for Adams Masonic Lodge.  Ramer seconded, and the motion carried 5-0-1.

Reinhart moved to approve $189,000 to Historical Society towards the purchase of the mid-section of 262 Main St.  Jackson seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.

Senior Housing Survey

Gary Sorkin distributed information on the Senior Housing Survey and a benefit concert for Outer Cape Health. 

Agenda for the Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place February 11, 2015.  Agenda will include: letters to the approved applicants, Warrant votes, Minutes and Mail.


Reinhart moved to adjourn. Carroll seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_________________________                            ________________________

Mary Rogers, CPC Coordinator                            Gary Sorkin, Vice-Chair

CPC approved these minutes at the meeting held 3/11/15.

Public Records for 1/14/15

*Additional worksheets for a phased project at Adams Masonic Lodge