
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of Meeting December 4, 2019

Wellfleet Town Hall Hearing Room

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Present: Gary Sorkin, Chair; Rhonda Fowler, Andrew Freeman, Michael Fisher, Robert Jackson, Janis Plaue, Thomas Siggia, Elaine McIlroy, Geraldine Ramer                          

Chair Gary Sorkin called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m.  


Michael Fisher moved to approve the minutes of November 13, 2019.  Bob Jackson seconded, and the motion carried 9-0. 

Cemetery Commissioners’ Request

The Cemetery Commissioners had sent a letter requesting reconsideration of the CPC decision to reduce their grant to $10,000.  Janis Plaue said there was nothing new that the Commissioners offered other than the plan.  She said the Town should have a line item for the Cemetery.  Michael Fisher said the plan CPC had discussed was for an overall financial one.  Tom Siggia considered responsibility in a worst-case scenario of large destruction of gravestones. CPC members maintained that the Town budget should include money for cemetery care.  CPC could work with the Cemetery Commission on getting Town money.  The consensus of the Committee was not to increase the amount.  CPC will support a Cemetery Commission’s effort to get a line item into the Town budget.  No action will be taken on the request.  The option to come back next year with another grant request is open to the Cemetery Commission.   Chair Gary Sorkin will talk with Cemetery Commissioner Nancy Vail. 

Decisions on New Applications

Housing Concerns

Gary Sorkin discussed the Nauset Green project, to which Eastham had added a needed $1.2 million after the state, CPC’s of several towns and federal money had contributed to the project.  He had concerns about sufficient funding for Lawrence Road Housing f, which should be underway next year at this time. 

Affordable Housing Buy Down Program 2020        

Gary Sorkin explained the Buy Down program, which helps offset the cost of buying a house in Wellfleet for qualified work force applicants.   The new application for $185,000 would make a seventh buy-down possible.   He suggested waiting until the Lawrence Rd.  Housing application was submitted.  Janis Plaue said she’d rather approach applications year by year, funding worthwhile ones as they come in.  Bonding was the best route for a big project such as Lawrence Rd. Housing.  Other committee members agreed with her. 

Andrew Freeman moved to approve the Housing Authority’s application for $185,000 for another Buy Down in Fiscal Year 21.  Janis Plaue seconded. The motion carried 9-0.

Rental Assistance Program 2021                 

Elaine McIlroy said that the Rental Assistance Program was not something that could be withdrawn.  She said the Housing Authority hoped to continue the offering for three more years. 

Janis Plaue moved to approve $165,000 for the Rental Assistance Program. Robert Jackson seconded.  After discussion, the motion carried 9-0.

Wellfleet Historical Society & Museum Restoration Phase 2   $500,000

Gary Sorkin reviewed the money already given to the museum, over $800,000, the largest amount for any project.  He suggested approving an amount of $140,000 for the Phase 2 request.  Bob Jackson spoke on the importance of the museum to the Town, but he needed to leave the meeting.   The rest of the committee was split on the importance of the museum to the Town and the fiscal responsibilities of CPC.  Historical Society & Museum representatives Dwight Estey and Jake Ketchum reviewed their funding sources and needs.  Gary Sorkin said he was reluctant to depend upon bonding for other expected future projects.  Janis Plaue said the point of CPC funding is to make the historic buildings useable. 

Janis Plaue moved to approve $500,000 for Phase 2 of the Historical Society & Museum’s Restoration of the museum.  Michael Fisher seconded.

Discussion followed.  Rhonda Fowler suggested funding at $200,000.  Museum Director Sheryl Jaffe and Jake Ketchum discussed pledges, a capital campaign planned for 2020 and naming rights for major donors.  The Massachusetts Cultural Council might offer them $200,000.  Jake Ketchum said they have pledges of $100,000 and will be starting a capital campaign in the new year.  Over 500 people on their list have donated in the past.  They will be offering naming rights for major donors.  Sheryl Jaffe said their major goal is to have year-round offerings at the museum.  Gary Sorkin questioned giving so much to one project. 

Rhonda Fowler moved to grant an amount of $200,000 for the musem.  Gary Sorkin seconded. 

Rhonda Fowler said that she believed the museum would be able to raise other money.  Mike Fisher spoke against the amendment.  He said the museum would be crippled by the reduced amount when they had presented a very specific budget. 

Andrew Freeman suggested splitting the difference to reach consensus.  He supports the project but believes the museum can go forward with less than $500,000 from CPC. 

Rhonda Fowler withdrew her amendment.  Andrew Freeman moved to amend the amount to $350,000.  Elaine McIlroy seconded.  The amended motion carried 6-2. 

The original motion for the grant for the Historical Society Museum, now amended to $350,000, carried 7-1. 

Needs Lists & Hearing

The Annual Needs Hearing is scheduled during the January 14, 2020 meeting with the Selectboard.  Gary Sorkin and Mary Rogers will give the presentation, but other CPC members are encouraged to attend. 

Annual Report

Courtney Butler, Executive Assistant to the Town Administrator, has issued the deadline for the Annual Town Report.  Mary Rogers asked for any specific items CPC members wanted to see included in the report.

Existing Project Concerns

There were some brief updates on Adams Lodge, Pond Hill School, the Town Park, and the Shade Pavilion for Baker’s Field.

Elaine McIlroy invited everyone to the Monday, January 6, 2020 meeting of the Lawrence Rd. Task Force at the Senior Center.

Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for February 12, 2020 to review and recommend the CPC Articles for Annual Town Meeting. 


Janis Plaue moved to adjourn.  Rhonda Fowler seconded.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:11 a.m. 

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Rogers,

Community Preservation Coordinator

Public Records of 12/4/19

Applications are filed in CPC’s permanent records

Letter from Cemetery Commissioners dated 12/2/19

The Community Preservation Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 2/12/2020.