CPC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Meeting Date: 
February 27, 2019

Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of Meeting February 27, 2019

Wellfleet Town Hall Hearing Room


Present: Gary Sorkin, Chair; Michael Fisher, Andrew Freeman, Rhonda Fowler, Janis Plaue, Geraldine Ramer, Thomas Siggia                                

Regrets: Robert Jackson, Elaine McIlroy

Chair Gary Sorkin called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. 


Janis Plaue moved to approve the minutes of January 29, 2019.  Michael Fisher seconded, and the motion carried 7-0. 

Coalition Dues

Gary Sorkin explained that Coalition dues had been raised to $2,875 this year because Wellfleet had crossed a threshold of $500,000 in revenue from the 3% local surcharge.  The fee had been $1,270 in the past.  He will speak to the Coalition President Stuart Saginor about the possibility of an abatement. 

Michael Fisher moved to approve payment of $2,875 for 2019 Community Preservation Coalition dues.  Rhonda Fowler seconded, and the motion carried 6-1. 

Warrant Articles

Article 27 Percentages

Janis Plaue moved to recommend Article 27.  Michael Fisher seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.

Article 28 Housing Specialist

Janis Plaue moved to recommend Article 29.  Michael Fisher seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.

Article 29 Affordable Housing Trust Fund

Janis Plaue moved to recommend Article 29.  Rhonda Fowler seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.

Article 30 CDP Housing Institute

Janis Plaue moved to recommend Article 30.  Geraldine Ramer seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.

Article 31 Shade Pavilion for Baker’s Field

Director of Community Services Suzanne Grout Thomas explained the Recreation Department’s need for an additional $6,000 for the proposed shade pavilion at Baker’s Field.  CPC and Ms. Thomas discussed the availability of Recreation funds and the timing for constructing the shade pavilion.  CPC and the Recreation Department will make an agreement after Town Meeting that stipulates that the $6,000 is added as a contingency in case the pavilion is not constructed for this summer and the Recreation Department uses their money budgeted for a tent.  If the tent rental is not necessary, CPC funding will return to the original application request of $54,000, and Recreation will cover the remaining cost of the pavilion. 

Rhonda Fowler moved to increase the amount of the grant for the Shade Pavilion to $60,000 and recommend it to the Town Meeting Warrant.  Tom Siggia seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.

Article 32 Historical Commission’s Form B’s

Jan Plaue moved to recommend Article 32.  Andy Freeman seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.


The CPC representatives, Gary Sorkin, Jan Plaue and Mary Rogers, who presented the Needs Hearing at the Selectboard meeting and the met with the Finance Committee were well received at both meetings. 

Project Updates

Habitat for Humanity had sent an update on both Habitat projects.  The Rte. 6/Durkee Lane site is being excavated this week.  The Housing Trust is about to complete a fifth buydown.  Mary Rogers will get reports on other projects in progress for the next meeting. 

Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, April 24, 2019.   


The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Mary Rogers                                                                              

CPC Coordinator


The Community Preservation Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 4/24/19.


Public Records material of 2/27/19

Draft Warrant for 2019 Annual Town Meeting