CPC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of Meeting June 27, 2018

Wellfleet Town Hall Hearing Room


Present: Chair Gary Sorkin, Rhonda Fowler, Robert Jackson, Elaine McIlroy, Andrew Freeman, Thomas Siggia                                

Regrets:, Janis Plaue, Geraldine Ramer

Chair Gary Sorkin called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.


Rhonda Fowler moved to approve the minutes of April 25, 2018.  Andrew Freeman seconded, and the motion carried 6-0. 


Jan Plaue indicated her willingness to continue as Vice-chair and Gary Sorkin said he was willing to continue as Chair. 

Elaine McIlroy moved to approve the current slate of Gary Sorkin as Chair of CPC and Jan Plaue as Vice-chair.  Andy Freeman seconded, and the motion carried 6-0. 

Feasibility Study for Land Near COA

Gary Sorkin distributed a map of the parcel of Town-owned land that includes the COA.    He asked Andy Freeman about legal aspects of use of the land.  He said this could be ascertained through deeds.  There is a 3.7-acre portion of the COA lot.  Mary Rogers said this would be administrative funds well spent to avoid proceeding with a project that could not be done.  The Board discussed the possibility of a feasibility study but agreed to discuss the matter with the Town Clerk first.  It might be possible to investigate the matter without cost.  The Committee considered what regulations were in place on the lot that includes the Transfer Station. 

Agreements for New Projects

Mary Rogers reported that Town Counsel had reviewed the agreements, and the Selectmen had signed the agreements with outside entities at their meeting on June 25, 2018.  This included a previously prepared Habitat for Humanity agreement for construction at Old King’s Highway. 

Coordinator’s Salary Request

Mary Rogers asked for a raise of approximately 2% that would raise her salary.

Rhonda Fowler moved to approve.  Elaine McIlroy seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

Updates on Projects

Tom Siggia explained the features of the new Historic Form Bs, that have been funded through CPC money.  Mary Rogers distributed the updated activity sheet on all projects and discussed unfinished work at Pond Hill School and unspent money for Gull Pond Landing.  Cape Cod Village had asked if Wellfleet would like to participate in a conference call upon their closing, but CPC members declined.

New Deadline

Mary Rogers will see to publicity for the new CPC application deadline of October 15, 2018. 

Next Meeting

The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for August 22, 2018. 


Andy Freeman moved to adjourn.  Tom Siggia seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.                       The meeting was adjourned  at 10:10 a.m.    

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Rogers,

CPC Coordinator

The Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 9/26/18.