CPC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of Meeting December 13, 2017

Wellfleet Town Hall Hearing Room


Present: Chair Gary Sorkin, Andrew Freeman, Anne Freyss, Rhonda Fowler, Robert Jackson, Elaine McIlroy, Janis Plaue

Regrets: Geraldine Ramer, Thomas Siggia

Chair Gary Sorkin called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.


Jan Plaue moved to approve the amended minutes of November 29, 2017.  Elaine McIlroy seconded, and the motion carried 6-0. 

Presentations by Applicants

Preservation Hall Grounds

Marla Rice and Janet Lesniak from Preservation Hall explained their new request for $52,317.00 for protection of the grounds as an Open Space/Recreation project.  Much of the request is for safety issues.  The wetland will also be protected in accordance to Conservation Commission orders.  The Grounds Management Agreement needs to be updated, and a tree overhanging the garage needs to be removed.  Gary Sorkin asked if there was a lower figure that would be of use.  Something between $35,000 to $39,000 would be acceptable, Marla Rice said. 

Campbell-Purcell Property in Eastham

Charlie Adams of Pennrose Properties and Jackie Beebe, Eastham Town Administrator, relayed more information on the Community Housing project off Brackett Rd. in Eastham.  The request is for a $200,000 contribution towards the 65-unit rental property.  Mr. Adams explained the pocket park planned for the entrance off Brackett Rd., moving the bus stop to the location, and accommodations for bicyclists.  The buildings are clustered around two greens. There is a community center included in the plan.  He indicated the different building designs in the project.  There are no elevators in the buildings.  There are handicap units available.  Fifty of the units are for Affordable Housing; the other 15 units are for Workforce Housing. Mr. Adams explained rents and Section 8 subsidized units.

Mr. Adams commented on the state’s push to create regional Community Housing.  He said there is a need for the rent-burdened residents of Wellfleet.  Forty percent of people who work in Wellfleet do not live here, but many can afford living in Eastham.  Mr. Adams said the federal government will not allow local preference to a number of towns.  The 70% preference is for Eastham.  Eastham is willing to reduce the number to 65% of the Affordable units.  That is available to the entire Cape.  There is no preference offered for the work force units.  Jackie Beebe said that Eastham expects to draw renters from the other local Cape towns.  She explained Eastham’s contribution to the project. 

Charlie Adams said there are questions about towns supporting other Affordable Housing efforts that could be of future advantage to Wellfleet.  He explained that new legislation will not affect the project, but tax credits have become a challenge.  Eastham has applied for tax credits for family housing and qualified for a mini-round.  They hope to be approved in January.  It takes a while to obtain the credits.  Building depends upon the tax credits. 

Mr. Adams answered questions about job opportunities that the project would offer.  He and Ms. Beebe said the state looked at the project very favorably.  The zoning approvals have all been made for construction of the complex.

Housing Institute

Ann Robinson, Program Director Community Development Partnership, gave information on the plans to offer a 2018 Housing Institute through contributions from the participating towns.  The CPD request is for $15,000 for Community Housing support for the program.  She said CDP is looking for a different target audience.  Elaine McIlroy said that training advocates is an important offering. 

Habitat Homes

Jeff Brown and Wendy Cullinan from Cape Cod Habitat for Humanity explained the plan to build two permanent houses 2080 Rte. 6.  Ms. Cullinan explained the Habitat program using volunteer workers.  Jeff Brown explained the property site intended for a two-bedroom and three-bedroom home.  Mr. Brown reviewed the driveway layout and discussed water and septic issues.  The subdivision of the property will be brought to the Planning Board in January.  The groundbreaking is expected in 2019. 

The request is for $240,000, but the 2014 approval for three AADU’s at this property must be rescinded at Town Meeting.  The $180,000 would be returned to the CPA Fund Balance and available for use.  On a side note, the Habitat representatives gave an update on the Old King’s Highway Habitat plans. 

Jake Ketchum spoke in support of the Habitat project.

Historical Plan

Ann Freyss from the Historical Commission discussed the proposal for the continuance of Form B’s for a $20,000 request.  She exhibited a portfolio of old Form B documents.  There are currently two homes in danger of demolition.  The consultant Eric Dray is currently working on the updated series.  The Historical Commission would also update the binders and hold a workshop for home owners.  Ms. Freyss said that Eric Dray was amenable to working with interns who might be able to learn how to create new Form B’s and get them on MACRIS.  Elaine McIlroy commented on the significance of the historic properties. 

Report on Selectmen’s Meeting

Gary Sorkin reported that there had been an interest in giving CPA money to Community Housing.  He also reported on the proposal that the Selectmen approved to solicit opinion from all boards and committees on the disposition of Town-owned property on Coles Neck Rd. (Map 7, Parcel 24) for Affordable Housing purposes.  CPC members discussed Open Space, Historic Preservation and Housing needs and the possibility of changing the balance of percentages. 

Funds Available

The Committee studied the money available to fund the 2018 projects.

Votes for Funding

#18-01 Building Financial Capacity for Housing Trust Fund request for $100,000

Elaine McIlroy reviewed the uses of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund if the money available.

Jan Plaue moved to approve funding of $100,000 for Application #18-01 Building Financial Capacity for Housing Trust Fund.  Bob Jackson seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

#18-02 Making Homes Affordable request for $100,000

Gary Sorkin explained the on-going Housing Authority program that provides Buy-downs for first-time homeowners. 

Jan Plaue moved to approve Application #08-02 for funding of $100,000 for Making Homes Affordable.  Andrew Freeman seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

#18-03 Habitat Homes at 2082 Rte. 6 request for $240,000.

This will be contingent on rescinding the 2014 grant for the same property, a plan for Affordable Accessory Dwelling Units.

Jan Plaue moved to approve funding of $240,000 for Habitat Homes contingent upon the $180,000 allocated at 2014 being rescinded and returned to the General Fund.

Rhonda Fowler seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

#18-04 Campbell Purcell request for $200,000

Jan Plaue moved to approve funding of $100,000 for the Campbell Purcell in Eastham.

Bob Jackson seconded. 

Discussion followed on the benefit to Wellfleet.  Elaine McIlroy explained how the future use by Wellfleet has lasting value.  She pointed out that Eastham had lowered their potential preference in good faith.  Andy Freeman discussed selling it at Annual Town Meeting.  Mr. Adams said the money has to be structured as a loan, instead of a grant. 

The motion to allocate $100,000 carried 6-0.

#18-05 Wellfleet Preservation Hall Grounds request for $52,317

Elaine McIlroy moved to approve funding of $39,000 for Application #18-05 from the Preservation Hall Grounds.  Andy Freeman seconded. The Committee discussed the request.  Jan Plaue was concerned about protecting the wetland area. 

The motion for $39,000 carried 6-0.

#18-06 Historical Plan request for $20,000

Jan Plaue moved to approve funding of $20,000 for Historical Plan Continuance.

Bob Jackson seconded.  Ann Freyss discussed the importance of the information for conducting the Demolition Delay bylaw.   The motion carried 6-0.

#18-07 CPC Housing Institute request for $15,000

Gary Sorkin discussed the amount requested from each town.

Rhonda Fowler moved to approve funding of $7,000 to contribute to the Housing Institute.  Jan Plaue seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

Agenda for Next Meeting

The next meeting on January 24, 2018 will be to review the CPA Articles to be submitted for the Annual Town Meeting Warrant.


The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 11:46 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Mary Rogers,

CPC Coordinator


The CPC approved these minutes at the meeting held 1/24/18.


Public Records Material of 12/13/17

CDP information sheet on Cape Housing Institute

All applications are in the permanent CPC files