2. All Health Department Permit Applications

As of February 5, 2024, the Town of Wellfleet is offering online permitting for many of our departments. Both the Board of Health and the Conservation Commission are among the departments that have launched this initiative. To file for a permit or application from the Health Department, click here.

The following applications can be found on this site:

Real Estate Transfer Oil Tank Waiver

Real Estate Transfer Septic Waiver

Well Permit

Disposal Works Construction Permit

General Business Licenses

Wastewater Professional Services: Collection and Transportation

Funeral Director License

Recreational Camp for Children

Swimming Pool Permit

Tobacco Product Sales

Title 5 Inspection

Farm Animal/Stable Permit

Body Art Establishment

Body Art Practitioner

Soil Evaluation (Perc Test)

Appear Before BOH

Disposal Works Installers License

Refuse Haulers Permit

Temporary Food Establishment (TFE) Permit

Create a profile on Open Gov to begin the process. By using this program, you will be able to see the progress of your application as well as communicate with the correct staff member to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

If you do not have easy access to a home computer, or require assistance in using the program, please come to the Health and Conservation office located at 220 West Main Street, and we will help you make your application. For more information, feel free to call the office: (508) 349-0308.