BOH Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Wellfleet Board of Health

Meeting Minutes April 8, 2015

Senior Center, Long Pond Room, 7:00 pm


Attendees:  Chair Kenneth Granlund, Gary Locke and Moe Barocas

Regrets:  Janet Drohan

Chair Granlund opened the meeting at 7:00 pm.


  1. Title V Variances Requests

Connelly, 55 Arrowhead St, Map 29, Parcel 362, variance(s).  David Lajoie represented the applicant and provided a revised plan locating the in-ground pool 8 feet within the leach area.  The Board requested the plan identify where the drywell will be located.  Linda Schelster, an abutter, expressed concern for her well and ground water.  David Lajoie stated this will be a salt water pool and filled year round.  It was explained there will be no leaching from the fiberglass pool and there will be minimal back washing taking place.  The pool bottom will be higher than the existing leaching area. The Board questioned if the pool or portions of the septic system could be relocated.  David  Lajoie requested a continuation to the May 13, 2015 meeting. 

Baglione and Procidano, 84 Springbrook Rd., Map 47, Parcel 28, variance(s).  Jason Ellis represented the applicant and stated a system was installed in 1996.  The house is for sale and the existing leach field is above the ground water level.  The leach field fails under the regulations.  Mr. Ellis is requesting a variance for 2.18’ elevation above ground water level.  Gary Locke stated there was an error in the installation.  The system would be placed in the same location and the Board did not feel this qualifies for a variance since the property is for sale and requires updating.  Gary Locke moved to deny the request; seconded by Moe Barocas; passed 3-0.  The Board requested certified plans be supplied within 6 months to the Health Agent.

Tash, 64 Chequessett Bluff Rd., Map 19, Parcel 133, variance(s).  David Lajoie represented the applicant and provided an overview of the addition of a garage, which would be within 4 feet of the existing leach area.  The leach area is below the elevation of the garage slab.  There are no other variances on the current system.  Gary Locke stated this is more of a technical merit versus health and would be creating a variance.  Ms. Tash stated they would be willing to move the leach field.  David Lajoie requested a continuation to the May 13, 2015 meeting.                       

  1. Business

Recycling Committee – plastic bags.  Lydia Vivante and Lonnie Briggs represented the Recycling committee and stated there is a warrant on the Town Meeting for banning the single use shopping plastic bags.  It would not affect bread, produce or meat bags sold from a deli.  Lydia stated 50% of bags are not recycled.  Lydia stated she has had discussions with the Market Place and the General Store and the bags they are using are biodegradable bags but would be banned as well because they don’t break down until 18 months.  Provincetown has passed a new bylaw regarding plastic bags.  The Recycling Committee is promoting reusable bags or paper bags.  Restaurants and take out service typically use cardboard and boxes.  Lydia stated she is hoping the Board of Health will make a recommendation at the Town Meeting.  Lonnie Briggs stated if the plastic gets into the environment, the chemicals will ultimately return back into the food chain. Moe Barocas moved to make a recommendation in favor of the warrant article; seconded by Gary Locke; passed 2-1.    

Commercial Haulers¸ summer and fall fees.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos stated she had a discussion with the DPW Director regarding commercial haulers who told her he felt the transfer station could accept them year round and he recommended $110 per ton.  Moe Barocas felt if commercial haulers did not use the purple plastic bags, it would not encourage the PAYT program.  If the haulers used the PAYT bags, it would be $30 per ton.  There would have to be a public hearing to increase any new fees.  The Board determined to raise the fees for chickens/foul to $2.00 each.  Mark Vincent requested to change the hours of the transfer station to 7:30 am to 3:30 pm year round to accommodate more of the commercial haulers.   The Board was in favor of changing the hours.  There was discussion regarding the commercial haulers using the plastic bags, and Agent Greenberg-Lemos stated only one hauler has used the PAYT bags.  The rest of the haulers are taking their refuse out of town.  The Board will review this fee at the June/July meeting.  

  1. Licenses - signed

IV.       Minutes – to be addressed when there is a full quorum.

V.        Correspondence - reviewed

Business:  Agent Greenberg-Lemos stated the 8 salt water beaches will have a water quality test once before the beach opening and once per month thereafter.  Fresh water ponds are sampled once a week.  Gary Locke moved to approve Agent Greenberg-Lemos recommendation for the beach testing at the salt water beaches; seconded by Moe Barocas; passed 3-0.

Agent Greenberg-Lemos reviewed letters she sent regarding enforcements. 

Suzanne Thomas requested Hillary Greenberg-Lemos recommend the beaches be smoke free.  The Board did not make any recommendation.

Moe Barocas moved to adjourn at 8:10 pm; seconded by Gary Locke; passed 3-0.         

Respectfully submitted,


Christine A. Bates, Committee Secretary


  The Board of Health approved these minutes at the meeting held 9/9/15.