
Meeting date: 
Monday, September 29, 2014


Shellfish Advisory Board
September 29, 2014
7:00pm  Town Hall Hearing Room

Present: Barbara Austin, Barbara Brennessel, John Duanne, Joel Fox, James O’Connell, Rebecca Taylor, Helen Miranda Wilson

Others in Attendance: Fred Richard, Curt Felix, John Morrissey, Berta Bruinooge, Dennis Murphy, John Brawley

Regrets: Jacob Puffer

  1. Meeting convened at 7:10 pm
  2. Minutes from August 20, 2014 were approved after revision (5-0)
  3. Communication regarding SAB and BOS.  Miscommunication arose surrounding the regulation regarding the drafting of Section 6.6 Transfer of Oysters to Wholesale Dealer’s Truck.  There was a discussion about the process whereby the BOS receives information from the SAB, and the process for bringing regulations to the BOS.   Helen MW will check with Michael Moore about making Section 6.6 perennial.   Because the state vibrio regulations may change, the SAB decided to revisit this next year.  
  4. Re-establishment of candy cane poles.
  5. Illegal harvesting on the south side of Lieutenant Island.  There was a discussion about the regulation. The regulation, which closed the area to harvest, includes all shellfish.  Apparently there was some confusion about this regulation, whether it included quahogs as well as oysters and how individuals are informed about the regulations. Some suggestions were made to inform the public, including hard copies of the regulations and signage. 
  6. Review of data from Diane Murphy and John Brawley.  John Brawley gave a brief report.  Samples from Bob Wallace’s shellfish farm have been sent to UNH to look for Vibrio.  The samples show no evidence of pathogenic strains of Vibrio.  UNH is using the MPN test.  Most of the samples are showing very low numbers of total Vibrio.  He will also download and report on the water temperature fluctuations throughout the season.  John B. reported that industry would like to see some changes in the Vibrio regulations, such as time to ice, batch tagging, and time for necessary resubmergence. 
  7.  Helen MW will contact Mike Hickey and remind him about our request for permission for batch tagging for the purpose of pitting.
  8. Draft Amendment to Section 7.18.2. Height and Arrangement of Equipment.    There was extended discussion of the height of equipment.  Some members of SAB described how the industry has evolved and the equipment in use by many growers no longer complies with the current 18 inch height regulation.  Barbara B. pointed out that Wellfleet is a multi-use harbor and that the grants are not in deep water. Barbara Austin volunteered to talk to the TA about liability for non-compliance and the Harbormaster about height.  Helen also agreed to talk to the TA about liability.  She will also consult him about the wording of her draft regulation.  The issue is tabled until a future meeting.  The action plan is to survey current gear to get a sense of the height of gear that folks are using. 
  9. DMF’s Shellfish Planting Guidelines, 2014.  The SAB will read the new guidelines and discuss in the future. Barbara B.and Curt Felix gave a condensed version of the guidelines as they might apply to Wellfleet.
  10. Liability Insurance:  This issue is tabled.
  11. Becca Taylor suggested that SPAT host a coffee or other meeting for young/new shellfishermen and growers. 
  12. Next meeting: Oct. 27 at 7 pm
  13.  Adjourned: 9:30 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Brennessel