
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Shellfish Advisory Board
September 9, 2015
Town Hall

Present: Barbara Austin, Jacob Puffer, Tom Siggia, Rebecca Taylor, John Duane, Zack Dixon

Regrets: Jim O’Connell

Others in Attendance:  John Mankevetch (assistant constable), Helen Miranda Wilson (selectboard), Bob Wallace, Barbara Brennessel, John Portnoy, Martha Rheinhardt, Ed Tesson, Susan Tesson, Fred Richard, Ethan Estey

1. Minutes from July 6, 2015 accepted, 6-0.


            Friends of the Herring River Project Manager Martha Rheinhardt presented the conceptual design for the bridge at Chequesett Neck Rd. Renderings prepared by Fuss and O’Neill showed the bridge as well as a proposed six car parking lot on Duck Harbor Rd. and two concrete staircases on the West side of the bridge providing access to the upriver and harbor side water, respectively.

            Fred Richard asked if the canoes left and used by shell fishermen on the harbor side of the bridge will still be allowed and if the parking on that side will change. Martha stated that nothing will change on that side.

            Helen Miranda Wilson pointed out that there is no access on the east side of the bridge and asked why not. Martha responded that the plans have not been updated since the time when east side access was suggested and that she will ask the engineers about including access on that side.

            Discussion of east side access included:

  • John Portnoy agreed that it is an important consideration
  • Barbara Austin mentioned that accessibility may make it easier for poachers
  • John Mankevetch and John Duane stated that the access on the east side could be just a path
  • Rebecca Taylor made the point that access is important for recreation and rescue
  • Bob Wallace suggested the consideration of removable stairs

It was agreed that a letter suggesting access in the east side should be included in any support of the design.

Ed Tesson commented that it is not a good idea to get rid of High Toss Rd. and Martha responded that it has been proposed by the Board of Selectmen, now it goes back to the engineers, then back to the BOS.

The Board and audience discussed High Toss Rd. and the possibility of re-opening the upper road from Duck Harbor and agreed that this can be addressed at a later date.

Barbara asked how much of Duck Harbor Rd. will be gone. Martha responded that it will not change.

Martha finished the presentation by showing the temporary bridge that will be in place for 8-10 months during construction.

Barbara made a motion to recommend supporting the conceptual design and including a letter suggesting that the design include access on the east side of the bridge. John Duane seconded the motion and it passed 6-0.

John Duane will write the letter.


            Height and Arrangement of Gear

New regulations regarding height of gear were approved 3-1 at the last Selectmen’s meeting.

Helen read the new regs aloud. Summary is:

-24” height will be allowed for gear that is plastic and flexible

-18” height will be allowed for gear that is metal and not flexible

Liability Insurance for Lease Holders

Helen - Board of Selectmen want to know if the SAB recommends requiring shellfish grant lease holders to carry liability insurance.

Barabara said that at the last BOS meeting the Selectmen stated that the town is well covered with their liability policy, but the aquaculturists are not.

After discussion, it was agreed that the board should work on ways to strongly suggest liability insurance for aquaculturists, but not require it. Initial suggestions were to use word of mouth and to include a letter from SAB strongly recommending liability insurance with lease renewal.

John Duane made a motion that a letter be drafted to the Town Administrator recommending that liability insurance not be required of aquaculturists. Barbara seconded the motion and it passed with 5 in favor and 1 abstention (Jacob Puffer).     


            -Shellfish Warden Andy Koch requested to present at the next SAB meeting the new form that will require leaseholders to remove all metal on a yearly basis or to have an overwintering plan. Barbara suggested that this would be an ideal time to include a draft of the liability insurance letter to aquaculturists.

            -John Duane discussed his campaign to design and produce a poster depicting the economic and ecological benefits of shell fishing in Wellfleet. He stated that he is looking for input on what to include on the poster. He will bring a draft to the next meeting. The deadline for changes is mid October.

            John also handed out a synopsis of a study of Marine Resources from 1969 and mentioned that the DMF is interested in doing another study like this one.

            -Helen gave the board a head’s up that she is thinking of bringing up the issue of floating aquaculture gear at a future BOS meeting. She will call the state to see if is allowed.

            -Barbara asked Tom and Jacob if we should add the mapping of shellfish grants to next meetings agenda. It was agreed that it will be added.