
Meeting date: 
Monday, June 8, 2015

Shellfish Advisory Board
June 8, 2015
Town Hall Meeting Room

Present: Barbara Austin, Barbara Brennessel, John Duane, Jams O’Connell (until 8:45), Jacob Puffer (Alternate), Tom Siggia, Rebecca Taylor

Regrets: Joel Fox

Others in Attendance:  John Mankevetch (assistant constable) Andy Koch (Constable), Zack Dixon, Michael DeVasto, Katie Murphy, Helen Miranda Wilson (selectboard), Michele Insley. Fred Richard, Curt Felix

  1. Convened: 7:10 pm

  2. There was a discussion about Helen MW taking on the role of sending out group emails to shellfishermen.

  3. Barbara Austin introduced Tom Siggia.

  4. John Mankevetch announced that thee was a good set of oysters on Indian Neck.

  5. Barbara Austin announced that there is a vibrio meeting at the Library on June 10 at 3:30. Michele Insley said that SPAT was hosting the meeting and John Brawley and Chris Sellaki will be there.There was mention that there should be meetings for recreational harvesters.The non-resident taxpayer meeting may be a good venue for education about Vibrio.Helen MW reminded us that there is an icing regulation for non-commercial permit holders. Barbara B announced that Diane Murphy’s pamphlets are in the Shellfish Office. John Mankevetch said that he lets people know about the Vibrio protocols.Michele Insley offered to write up and print the regulation for the non-commercial shellfishermen.

  6. Minutes from April 30:Accepted by 4 members, with one abstention.

  7. Reorganization of the committee:SPAT is being consulted about a person who might be willing to take minutes.Curt suggested Town support.Zach Dixon offered to take minutes.Jake Puffer will do the agenda.Becca Taylor will make the phone calls for voice notification of meetings.Barbara B. suggested that folks read the minutes before they come to the meetings and Barbara A. suggested folks come on time to the meetings. Barbara A. will continue to book the room, pick up the key.Folks should call Barbara A if they have an agenda item.

  8. SAB still needs some members but recruiting is not going well.

  9. Dredging:On behalf of the Dredging Task Force, Paul Pilcher requested a paragraph from the SAB in support of dredging.Wellfleet is seeking financial and other support for the dredging project.There was a unanimous vote that John Duane write the paragraph.1. Limited water flow due to man-made alterations such as the duck bill at Mayo Creek, the structure of the pier and the Herring River Dike. 2. Anoxic sediment buries shellfish and is detrimental to the health shellfish.3. There is a limited window of time for growers and shellfishermen to get their shellfish to the pier by boat.4. Prevents the construction ad maintenance of reefs, which would help with water quality.

  10. Issues for the Shellfish Department:1. Cultching can be done this year but special permitting may be required in the future.2. Roxanna Smolowitz needed a letter of support for a grant application to study hemocystic neoplasia in hard clams.3. New location for Town bed.After 25 years, the Zimmermans want more money for use of their property to grow hard clams.The Shellfish Department is experimenting with field planting on Indian Neck, and buying clams from the draggers (from CCB 11).There may also be another area for the town bed on Indian Neck.

  11. Barbara B. passed out information about the rotational closures in Virginia that resulted in the largest oyster harvest in 26 years.

  12. Handout flyers for boaters.Helen MW passed out the handout that will be distributed to boaters. Dick Lay of Slade Associates produced the maps.The document was edited to include the term “Warning.” Barbara A moved that the document be given to the Harbormaster to hand out to boaters and to Suzanne Thomas to give to people who pay to use the kayak racks.The motion was approved 5-0.Curt Felix made the suggestion to get the aquaculture grants on the navigational GPS maps of the Harbor or in google maps.Jake Puffer and Tom Siggia will look into this.

  13. Finfish survey/ Marine Resource survey: John Duane received a letter from Brad Chase about the delay in responding to the idea of doing a finfish survey in Wellfleet.Wellfleet needs a plan and DMF will provide technical support.John Duane said that we need to project a cost for the project and then figure out how to obtain the funding.

  14. Next meeting:Monday, July 6, 5 pm.

  15. Meeting adjourned at 9:10pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Brennessel