
Meeting date: 
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Mayo Creek Restoration Committee

Meeting Minutes   8/21/14

Present:  John Riehl, Jake Puffer, Walter Baron, John Portnoy, Pat Winslow

5:00 PM

* Discussion with group from Harbor Side Village

            Attending- John Tierney, Tony Francisco, Murieh Francisco, Vi O'Conner, Nora-Lee Ashe, Maria Hollis, Jane Mathews, Jack Farell

            - Overview the History of Mayo Creek

            - Review Questions submitted by Harbor Side Village June 27th 2014 letter to Curt Felix

                        1)Phragmites- yearly vegetative die back will decrease over time as the Phragmites shrink and eventually disappear- no increase in decay smell- decrease over time.                      

                        2) Mosquitos-

                                    -Currently Mayo Creek is a tidally restricted brackish marsh; such marshes have been observed to have the most vigorous mosquito species.

                                    -Restoration would introduce small predatory fish feeding on the mosquito and fly larva to the system that has been cut off from these predators.  

                                    -Salt marsh mosquitos would remain present as well as a possible increase in horse fly and greenheads.                                    

                                    -Letter of support from John Doane Head of Mosquito control Project

                        3) Well- Hydrological data presented by John Portnoy illustrates flow of water table away from Harbor Side Village

                        - Salt Water floats above the groundwater

                        -protective clay barrier in-between groundwater and tidal water

                        -Monitoring  wells - measure ground water height, Salt intrusion         

                        4)Chain of Command-,#1 Harry Terkanian TA, #2 John Riehl- logistics to be determined regarding physical responsibility of culvert.                     

                        5)Town Water- Mayo Creek committee recommend waiving hook-up fee to town water if a problem should arise, in exchange for dropping opposition of project. 

                                    -Harbor Side Village residents currently pay a usage fee for sewer and water

            - Harbor Side Village Representatives moving forward

            Nora Ashe

            Jack Farell

*Approve "Mayo Creek Restoration Case" ( John Portnoy) with addition of Carbon Sequestration

 Moved John Portnoy, Second Walter Baron  pass 5-0

*Future Planning issues

            -Permitting- ConsCom, Army Corr of Engineers, DEP

                        -Ask Tim King about State assistance with permitting

            -Abutters- low lying properties identified

                        - Contact Frank Capello regarding Parcel 20-2 about well location and depth

            -identify potential funding

* Approve meeting minutes from July 17th 2014 with amendments (Cape Cod mosquito control project)  Moved John Portnoy, Second Walter Baron - Pass 5-0

-Invite Alfred Pickard to next meeting Sept 18th 2014 at 5:00 PM

- Outline Questions

            -Social Concerns- John Reihl

            -environmental concerns- Jake Puffer

Meeting Adjourn 6:45PM

Approved: September 18 2014                   John Riehl, Chair