
Meeting date: 
Monday, July 20, 2015

Meeting Minutes 7/20/15

Mayo Creek

Present: John Riehl, Walter Baron, Pat Winslow,  Jake Puffer, John Portnoy

5:00 PM

-Discussion of DEP meeting and response letter to HVCC appeal on Conservation Commission ruling

-Discussion of filing RDA vs. NOI

-Meeting with DEP 7/22/15 11:00AM

            -Need to meet HVCC comments with specific info rebutting their assertions

            -Supply the map that indicates test well locations

-Discussion of Bennett year end summary for HVCC

            -Na Concentration around 21ppm

            -1st Na sample from test well 23ppm

-Review Board of Selectmen Document

            -What are mechanisms to terminate the trial

            -What Na Concentration in ppm is threshold

Going Forward

            -Find out what HVCC has for a baseline Na concentration

            -Determine how far and what elevation the septic at HVCC is from the salt marsh

Motion to approve minutes from 6/11/15 as amended John Portnoy, Second Walter Baron

pass 5-0

Next Meeting August 11th 5:00 PM

Possible Selectmen’s meeting August 25th


Approved, August 11 2015, 5-0

John Riehl, Chair