Finance Committee Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Finance Committee

715 Old King’s Hwy, Conference Room

7:00 PM Wednesday January 16, 2019

Meeting Minutes



Members Present: Janet Loewenstein, Chair; Kathy Granlund, Fred Magee, Ira Wood, Jeff Tash


Members Absent: Bob Wallace, Stephen Polowczyk, Linda Pellegrino


Others Present: Dan Hoort, Town Administrator; Rebekah Eldridge, Committee Secretary; Tim Cole, Videographer; Chief Fisette, Wellfleet Police Department; Chief Pauley, Wellfleet Fire Department


Chair called to meeting to order 7:00PM


Police Department Budget review with Chief Fisette

          Chief gave a run down on his 2020 budget. He gave information on special training for police officers being cut and going to one universal academy, which could be a concern in the future. Neighborhood watch groups were discussed, because Wellfleet is so rural a watch might be difficult. Chief talked about his retirement in February of 2020. He talked about hiring within the department, Lt. Hurley taking over his position as chief. Chief discussed filling an open position sooner rather than later, so that there are no issues with training. He discussed putting his unused sick time in his budget. It was asked by a member if there was any concern about the pot shops going in around Wellfleet, chief explained that he is trying to track what is happening and at this time his main concern is the traffic not necessarily the shops. He discussed his concern, how he will handle the drugged driving, edibles are a big issue more than the smoking of the marijuana. He stated at this time there is no way to test if someone is driving while high. Discussion on how the new police department is running, chief reported as of now he feels the building is running great, with a few minor issues with codes but they are under warranty and being fixed. Regionalization was discussed but the chief explained that the towns really don’t like the idea, because the community likes to know their officers personally and regionalization won’t make that as easy as having local officers.


Fire Department Budget Review with Chief Pauley

          Chief Pauley discussed his budget. He informed the board that his call volume is up over 10% from 2107. His EMS rescue calls are up 752 as of the end of November. His Fire calls are up 443. He discussed his staff. Nine active on call people, which is his immediate concern. He expressed he needs more on call staff. He stated he is funded for eleven on call staff but hasn’t had any viable applicants to fill the positions. His concern is he has two candidates in paramedic school and once they are done, they will be hired to other departments because there are no full-time open positions. Then he loses two more on call staff. Chief expressed that if he loses two on call staff he won’t be able to function as a department. Chief went on to explain the dynamics of losing two on call people. He would need to take the 6 or 8 people and divide coverage. Squads would be scheduled for more overnights. The dynamic of the department was discussed. The chief discussed his intense need for new firefighter/paramedics. Ira asked if the surrounding towns were having the same issues. The chief explained that Eastham got rid of their call unit but were able to hire more full-time firefighters/paramedics, with grants. He explained that Wellfleet doesn’t want to rely on grants because they aren’t guaranteed. IT was asked if Wellfleet could regionalize on call firefighters, chief explained that they do right now to a point, but schedules tend to conflict. Truro rejected the idea of regionalizing chiefs. Ira asked if the chief has received any response from the schools. He explained the Cape Cod Community College no longer runs the paramedic program.

          Discussion on making Wellfleet a more desirable place to work. The chief also brought the edibles to the board’s attention, there are more overdoses which ties up more ambulances. He stated a case where 3 ambulances were tied up on one evening. He believes the town will see more calls like the one he shared. The private use of Narcan was discussed as a negative effect. The board discussed planning ahead; having an increase in a full-time fire fighter/paramedic one a year, and the chief asked for two immediately to put the fire department ahead. Dan talked about putting more staff on an article for the upcoming town meeting.

          The board discussed having the chief come in at a later date to discuss ideas on how the town could get new young firefighters/employees to work for Wellfleet. The board asked the chief to keep some notes on what his “ideal situation” would be. The Chief said have the two trainees who are going to paramedic school, he doesn’t want to lose them he wants to be able to hire them when they have finished all their schooling and testing.

          The chief discussed his budget, adding a new Lt. position and new administration hours from 35 to 40 hours per week. The difference with the money increase has to do with personnel.

Medical supplies have gone down and the chief explained that they have found a company that provides the same medications and supplies for a lot less money. Bringing their budget for supplies down.


Future Planning – memo from Janet Reinhart

          Chair Loewenstein discussed the meeting being held on January 23rd from 2-4PM. She asked that any member that can be there, to please be there. Hoort explained that the purpose of the meeting is to discuss what the future of Wellfleet will look like.


Strategic Planning

          Fred reported he sent out the forms. A report doesn’t have to be put together until late February early March. A more extensive fire department report will be added.



Liaison Reports

          Bob’s letter will be discussed at the January 23rd meeting






          December 19, 2018 – Ira moved to accept minutes, Fred seconded the motion 4-0 vote, Kathy didn’t vote as she was absent from the meeting.


Other Business

          Unspent funds were discussed, Hoort explained that Chapter 90 funds were being saved by DPW to redo Lt. Island Road

          Audit report summary for Kendrick Ave. Hoort explained there is still interest in the property. He has asked staff to come up with ideas with what the town should do with the property.

Ira moved to adjourn the meeting, Jeff seconded the motion 5-0 motion carried.

Meeting ended 8:40PM