Finance Committee Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Wellfleet Finance Committee

February 14, 2018 7:00PM

Wellfleet Senior Center, 715 Old Kings Hwy

Present: Chair, Janet Loewenstein; Ira Wood; Vice Chair, Fred Magee; Kathy Granlund; Linda Pellegrino; Robert Wallace, Jeff Tash

Absent: Stephen Polowczyk

Others Present: Town Administrator, Dan Hoort

Chair Loewenstein called the meeting to order at 7:04 P.M.

Transfers-No transfers to note.

Discussion-Liaison Report

Magee reported the Wellfleet Elementary School budget is a decrease of 0.69% from FY2018.  The Nauset Regional School District budget, while not yet final, is an increase of 2.49% from FY 2018.  The Cape Tech budget is coming in at approximately the same increase as seen in FY 2018.

Chair Lowenstein distributed the liaison lists and said the assignments will be reviewed at the next meeting.

Discussion-Strategic Planning

The spreadsheet for the future big-ticket items is getting filled in.  Magee talked to Town Moderator Danny Silverman about how to present this information to Town voters.  Options included

  • Brief presentation at start of Town Meeting
  • Include information in the Town Meeting warrant
  • Have information on table at entrance to Town Meeting
  • Post in the Banner

Hoort reported that he requested information from the Recreation Department such as schedules and timeframes. Chair Loewenstein requested Granlund be involved. Granlund agreed to meet with Suzanne Thomas.

The Finance Committee would like an activities’ report from the Recreation Department.

Strategic Planning-

Magee prepared handouts examining potential “Disruptors” to the Town Budget. The Committee members reviewed the informational material.

Tabled for a future discussion.

FY 2019 Budget Review

Town Administrator Hoort said no significant change since the last update dated January 24th was provided to the Committee.

Water Enterprise Budget – The Committee discussed the possible new department head position for Water and Wastewater that has been proposed.  No job description has yet been received.  Hoort mentioned the subsidy that would be requested from the General Fund to fund the FY 2019 Water Enterprise budget.

Wood moved, Pellegrino 2nd, to recommend the Water Enterprise Budget as requested ($278,486).  Motion carried 7-0

Marina Enterprise Budget

Granlund moved, Wallace 2nd, to recommend the Marina Enterprise Budget as requested ($651,171). Motion carried 7-0

General Government Budgets – The Committee was reminded by Hoort that the only budget in General Government that had any significant changes was the Shellfish Dept. budget and the Committee had already met with the Shellfish Dept. staff.  Hoort also pointed out that the Town Collector is retiring and the Collector and Treasurer positions were being combined which reduces staff by one position.

Wallace moved, Woods 2nd, to recommend General Government budgets #114 through #162.  Motion carried 7-0.

Note: Those budgets include

114      Moderator                                $425

115      Constables                               $100

121      Audit                                        $22,500

122      Selectmen                                $9,370

123      Town Administrator                  $237,121

124      General Administration             $145,909

131      Finance Committee                  $300

132      Reserve Fund                          $85,075

135      Town Accountant                     $149,890

141      Assessor’s Office                    $170,911

145      Treasurer/Collector                  $217,313

161      Town Clerk                              $84,234

162      Elections/Registrations            $11,504

The Committee briefly discussed the Shellfish Conservation/Propagation budget.  The Committee requested the Town Administrator follow up with the Shellfish Dept. and DPW to see if it would be possible to reduce trucking costs by having cultch brought back to Town by an empty DPW trash hauler.  Committee postponed any recommendation to their meeting on February 27th.

The Committee reviewed the remainder of the General Government budgets.

Wood moved, Wallace 2nd, to recommend General Government budgets 151, 153, and 158

Note: Those budgets include:

151      Legal Services                         $103,300

153      Computerization                       $157,933

158      Tax Title                                   $11,000

Wood moved, Granlund 2nd, to approve budget #171, Conservation Commission ($3,630).  Motion carried 7-0.

Wood moved, Granlund 2nd, to approve the remainder of the General Government budgets.  Motion carried 7-0.

Note: Those budgets include:

174      Planning Board                        $10,435

176      Zoning Board                           $1,756

177      Open Space Committee           $1,500

178      Herring Warden                       $2,500

181      Shellfish Advisory Committee   $100

182      Chamber of Commerce            $10,000

183      Natural Resources Adv Bd       $1,150

189      Housing Authority                    $5,000

195      Town Reports & Warrants        $13,000

196      Consultancy                             $20,000

Public Safety Budgets – The Committee reviewed the budgets for Police and Fire previously during a joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen.

Wood moved, Pellegrino 2nd, to recommend the 210 Police Dept. budget ($1,406,469).  Motion carried 7-0.

Granlund moved, Pellegrino 2nd, to recommend the 215 Communications/Dispatch Dept. budget ($374,857).  Motion carried 7-0.

Wood moved, Wallace 2nd, to recommend the 220 Fire Dept. budget ($1,520,747).  Motion carried 7-0.

Tash moved, Magee 2nd, to recommend the 241 Building Dept. budget ($220,934).  Motion carried 7-0.

Wood moved, Granlund 2nd, to recommend the 291 Emergency Management Dept. budget ($5,000) and the 293 Traffic/Parking Control budget ($6,250).  Motion carried 7-0.

Correspondence-No correspondence to note

Other Business-Nothing to report at this time


No minutes were approved at the meeting.

Moved to adjourn by consensus at 8:55 P.M.

Public Record:

-Magee’s report of “disruptor’s” to the Town budget.