Finance Committee Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wellfleet Finance Committee

Minutes of Meeting of October 28, 2015

Council on Aging, 7:00 PM

Commissioners Present: Stephen Polowczyk, Chair, Sam Bradford, Janet Loewenstein, Fred Magee, Linda Pellegrino, Robert Wallace, Ira Wood

Commissioners Absent: Sylvia Smith, Liz Sorrell

Also Attending: Town Administrator Harry Terkanian, Assistant Town Administrator Brian Carlson

Chair Polowczyk called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM, and began by remembering Thomas Reinhart who passed away that morning.

Preschool Voucher Program

Chair Polowczyk commented the update given by Suzanne Grout Thomas on the status of the Preschool Voucher Program.  15 children are participating in the program, which was slightly more than had been projected, causing a projected shortage if all families receive the maximum amount.  There is no income eligibility to qualify for the program.  The Committee discussed financial implications of the full roster for the program.  The assumption was made that this program would receive a line item in the FY17 budget.  TA Terkanian commented that he assumed there would be but that it was too soon to say with certainty.  He explained that once the override passed that $100,000 for Preschool Vouchers was added to the tax levy indefinitely and doesn’t have to become another ballot question.  Chair Polowczyk contemplated the possibility of SPAT participating as a donor for funds that could cover preschool for children of Wellfleet shell fishermen.

Department Audit Process

Chair Polowczyk expressed his intention to have the Finance Committee follow the Board of Selectmen model for the departmental audit process.  TA Terkanian explained that the BOS plans to look in depth at one departmental budget at a time.  His recommendation is to “practice” on a department that is straightforward and relatively easy to tackle like the Police Department. 

TA Terkanian suggested that the Finance Committee define the question that it is trying to answer before the fact finding starts; define the scope and the deliverable first.  If the audit is approached from a budget stand point then it is in the purview of the FinCom in an effort to increase efficiency.  TA Terkanian said that he would welcome any discussion that would help guide the audit of the police department budget. 

Loewenstein suggested that the Finance Committee examine one facet of the DPW budget, but not the DPW budget in its entirety due to its complexity. 

The Committee agreed to use the term “efficiency audit” going forward, to replace “forensic audit” which has a different objective than what the Finance Committee wishes to pursue.

Parking at Cahoon Hollow Beach

Discussion centered on the issues of limited parking, lost Town parking income, trash over-flow.  Possible solutions included shuttling beach goers to Cahoon Hollow from other town parking lots, leasing the parking lot to Todd LeBart, owner of the Beachcomber Restaurant, and having him handle the trash as well as the parking, or asking LeBart to provide a dumpster at the lot that would be serviced daily. 

FY17 Budget

TA Terkanian briefed the Committee on the upcoming budget.  Revenue projections are done, but the process is still in its early stages.  Healthcare costs are increasing which take a large portion of the budget.  School enrollments are down. 

Wood questioned whether Town departments are overstaffed.  TA Terkanian’s assessment is that not only are there no extra staff, but some departments, like the building, police and fire departments, are understaffed.

The Committee then examined its own budget requests for the 2017 Fiscal Year.   Loewenstein moved to increase FY17 Reserve Fund from $75,000 to $80,000; Wallace seconded; the motion passed 7-0.

Bradford made the motion to request the $75 for advertising and $200 for memberships/dues (the same amounts as the previous year); Wood seconded; the motion passed 7-0.

PAYT Revenue

It was pointed out that all the information is available on the Town website.


No transfers were presented, but TA Terkanian updated the Committee on the state of the current fiscal year budget and he cautioned that there will be transfer requests imminent due to shortfalls in the budget.  Paid vacation time for a retiree and other expenses related to Community Policing workshop presenters and police shift coverage from other towns were some causes indicated. In addition, Workers Comp Insurance and Liability are both over budget.

2016 Meeting Schedule Draft Review

The Committee Review the draft and agreed to move the 2016 November meeting to the 16th.  The rest of the dates were acceptable as presented.


Loewenstein made the motion to approve the Finance Committee minutes of September 23, 2015; Pellegrino seconded; the motion passed 7-0.

Liaison Reports

Fire Department:

  • Lowenstein reported that in her conversation with Chief Pauley she learned the breathing apparatus expense is basically paid for through grants and other funding sources. 
  • The Sheriff’s Office has recalculated their dispatch fees and Wellfleet’s share would be adjusted down by 60% for FY16 and FY17.  
  • She also commented that a replacement of the remainder of the analog radio equipment is imminent.  Chief Pauley is looking for grant money to offset the expense.   
  • With the anticipation of the retirements in the near future, Chief Pauley is planning some restructuring.  He will need two full time staff to replace those who are leaving, and he wants to add an extra staff person because the department is understaffed.


The Police Department expense report was distributed to the Committee.

Agenda for Next Meeting: November 18, 2015

  • Fire Dept.
  • Recreation Dept.
  • Transfers


Wood made the motion to adjourn; Wallace seconded; the motion carried 7-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM.                                                                      

Public Records of 10/28/15

  1. Packet for FY17 Departmental/Board & Committee Budget Process
  2. Draft of Finance Committee 2016 Meeting Schedule