Planning Board Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Wellfleet Senior Center, 715 Old King’s Hwy

December 20, 2017, 7:00 PM

Members Present: Chair, Gerald Parent; Vice Chair, Andrew Freeman; Steve Cooney; Alfred Pickard; R. Dennis O’Connell

Regrets: Beth Singer

Others Present: Assistant Town Administrator, Brian Carlson; Wellfleet Housing Authority & Local Housing Partnership members, Gary Sorkin, Elaine McIlroy.

Chair Parent called the meeting of the Planning Board to order at 7:00 P.M.

Announcements, Open Session & Public Comment:

Meeting Minutes:

The minutes of 11/15/2017 were moved to approve, as amended, by O’Connell, Seconded by Pickard. The motion passed, 5-0.

The minutes of 12/6/2017 were moved to approve, as amended, by Freeman. Seconded by O’Connell. The motion passed, 5-0.

Public Hearing- Proposed Food Truck Zoning Bylaw:

Chair Parent opened the public hearing at 7:15 PM

Chair Parent would like to separate the definition with a separate article number for food trucks.

O’Connell moved to separate into two articles. Seconded by Pickard, and the motion carried 5-0.

The Board members continued with a discussion. Freeman would like to discuss the propriety of the use table.

The public hearing was continued to January 17th at 7:30 P.M. by Chair Parent.

The two hearing items are as follows:

Public Hearing Item 1: Add “Food Truck” to ZBL Section II - Definitions

Public Hearing Item 2: Change in the use table to add “Food Truck” to ZBL Section V - Uses, Section 5.3.2 Commercial use and Central District

Discussion-Draft Affordable Flexible Residential Design by law (Cluster) 

The Board members reviewed the Draft Affordable Flexible Residential Design Bylaw. The Board would like to have the Local Housing Partnership (LHP) and Wellfleet Housing Authority’s (WHA) input as they review the draft bylaw.

The amendments discussed included, but were not limited to, increasing the percentage of affordable units from 20% to 50%, including the Seashore District, and adding “Homeowners Agreements" in the Application Requirements.

Elaine McIlroy of the Wellfleet Housing Authority asked if the 20% would be available as affordable for year-round residents, what would happen to the rest of the units? The Chair responded that they would be bought and sold at market rate.

The Board discussed with the Housing Authority whether there should be local preference allowed. Freeman responded that this is not something administered by the housing authority and it would be up to the developer.

The Planning Board will put together the changes to the draft, then send copies to Town Counsel and the Cape Cod Commission for consideration.

Discussion-Draft Special Permit/Site Plan Review for Impactful Commercial Uses by law. Chair Parent wants to clarify the maximum number of parking spaces allowed. The discussion is tabled to the January 3rd  meeting.

C2 District-Tabled for a future meeting.

Joint Meeting- Wellfleet Housing Authority & Local Housing Partnership-Discussion of a New Housing Plan and Parcels of Land Located on Coles Neck Road (Map 7/Parcel 24) for affordable housing:

Gary Sorkin of the Wellfleet Housing Authority said he will need a response from the Planning Board regarding the Housing Needs Assessment and Action Plan by at least March. They are asking the Board if Is it feasible and desirable, and will the Planning Board assess it. The Housing Authority is looking for a vote and welcomes the Board’s suggestions.

The Chair opened the discussion to the panel regarding what the Town’s plan will be for developing the property on Coles Neck Road. Gary Sorkin mentioned they are looking into how much land is available, what is the water capacity, and what, if any, are the restrictions imposed. O’Connell suggested getting to the review process for disposition. ATA Carlson explained that the Board of Selectmen are using the Disposition of Land Policy to gather information from all of the boards, commissions, and public about the feasibility of putting affordable housing on the property.

The discussion will be tabled until the January 17th meeting.

Discussion-Solar Panel Height/Ground Height in the C2 District-Tabled to a future meeting.

Discussion-Home Occupation-Aqua Culture Definition-Tabled to a future meeting.

Discussion-81T Notice of Submission of Plan

Chair Parent explained that in the State regulations 81T document show direct abutters are the only people to be notified when a plan is submitted. The Chair suggested that abutters-to-abutters within 300 feet receive notification of a subdivision submission.

Pickard moved for a public hearing to change the notification to abutters-to-abutters within a 300-foot radius. Seconded by Freeman. The motion carried, 5-0.

Liaison Reports-

-The Charter Review is closer to a clean draft. Have permitted on regulatory boards; suggested two for the Planning Board.

-Freeman reported on some of the work from the Community Preservation Community.

Correspondence-Retirement Notification for Tommy Ferreira

Topics for Future Concern-None to note

The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 10:16 P.M.

Public Record:

Draft: Affordable Flexible Residential Design (AFRD) Dated 12/14/2017