Planning Board Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Wellfleet Planning Board

Wellfleet Senior Center, 715 Old King’s Hwy

November 15, 2017 7:00 P.M.

Members Present: Chair Gerald Parent; Vice Chair Andrew Freeman; R. Dennis O’Connell; Steve Cooney; Beth Singer; Alfred Pickard

Others Present: Assistant Town Administrator, Brian Carlson; Attorney, Ben Zehnder; Martha Hevenor of the Cape Cod Commission.

Chair Parent called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Announcements, Open Session & Public Comment:

-Carlson announced that the Local Comprehensive Plan Working Group will hold a Community Wide Forum from 10:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. on Saturday, November 18th at the Wellfleet Council on Aging.

-Freeman said he has been attending the Cape Housing Institute’s sessions and will bring the slides for the next meeting.

Meeting Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes of 11/1/2017 by Singer.

Seconded by Cooney, and the motion carried 5-0.

Motion to approved the minutes of 10/23/2017, as amended, by Cooney.

Seconded by Freeman, and the motion carried 4-0-1.

Pickard entered the meeting at 7:11 P.M.

DSD 17-03 Marven Way-Covenant and Mylar Review

Attorney Ben Zehnder is present to review the covenant for 125 Marven Way. He requested that the members of the Board who were present at the September 20th meeting sign the covenant. Chair Parent asked if there was a Homeowner’s Agreement, and Zehnder responded that there was a separate Agreement drafted as a request of the Board, citing the Road Maintenance Agreement. Zehnder will remove the word ‘Collectively” from the covenant. He will return the fully-signed, adjusted covenant and Homeowner’s Agreement for the Board’s review.

Discussion with Martha Hevenor from the Cape Cod Commission on Draft AFRD Bylaw 

Martha Hevenor from the Cape Cod Commission is present to discuss the updated draft for the Affordable Flexible Residential Design (AFRD) zoning bylaw. She has prepared slides including modified scenarios based on the Board’s October Work Session. The draft included the following information:

Preliminary Subdivision Plan: Base Allowable Density

Scenario 1: Draft AFRD Bylaw

Scenario 2: Draft AFRD Bylaw with Minimum Lot Size

Scenario 3: Maximizing Small Lots

The Board members expressed concerns about lot size and septic requirements, incentivizing affordable housing for developers vs marketable rates, and how the amount of bedrooms will be a governing factor of what the economics are going to be able to produce in a subdivision.

Pickard suggested taking the lot lines and the open space out of the equation.

Hevenor proposed two different options to the Board members: no minimum lot size and considering a different minimum, or taking out the lot lines and having the ability to build multiple units on parcels of land.

The Board discussed parcel size, open space requirements, and maximum number of units allowed. They would like to have Hevenor return to another meeting and revisit the AFRD document, and find out if what is expressed at the meetings is doable.

Discussion-Draft Special Permit for Site Plan Approval and the C2 District    

Chair Parent reiterated the conversation he had with Carolyn Murray, Town Counsel who made it clear that the Planning Board should not get into a situation where the Planning Board would be the site plan review panel, and the Board of Appeals would be the Permit granting authority, or vice versa. Chair Parent had also asked her how to get teeth into the development of significant impact bylaw, and she recommended that if there is a rewrite to the bylaw on Site Plan review, as part of the special permit granting authority, which makes it stronger for that board to look at. She recommended if you’re going to do a site plan review, you have to do it with a special permit. The discussion will be tabled to a future meeting.

2018 Planning Board Calendar Review-The 2018 calendar was reviewed by the Planning Board.

Discussion-Video Taped Meetings

Chair Parent asked the Board members what they would like to do about the video-taping of meetings. Parent said he spoke with the Town Administrator who said that the decision belongs between the Chair and the Board.

Motion for the Planning Board to not be video-taped by Pickard.

Seconded by O’Connell, and the motion carried 5-1.

Liaison Reports-No liaison reports at this time.

Correspondence-No correspondence to note.

Topics for Future Concern

-Housing Production Plan

The meeting adjourned by consensus at 9:21 P.M.

Public record:

-Draft AFRD Bylaw and Scenarios dated November 8, 2017

-Draft Zoning Bylaw-Special Permit/Site Plan Review dated November 9, 2017