Planning Board Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wellfleet Planning Board

Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Council on Aging, 7:00 PM

Members Present: Gerald E. Parent, Chair, Andrew Freeman, Eric Larsen, Janet V. Morrissey, R. Dennis O’Connell, Alfred Pickard, Janet Reinhart

Members Absent:

Others Present: Michael Banghart, John Arsenault, Assistant Town Administrator/Planner Brian Carlson, Grizwold Draz of 550 Pamet Point Rd,

Chair Parent opened the meeting at 7:03 PM

Scenic Roads Hearing: tree removal at 550 Pamet Point Rd

DPW Director Mark Vincent inspected the tree in question at 550 Pamet Point Rd. and said that it was difficult to discern whether the tree is in the road layout.  Several Board members indicated that they had viewed the tree.  O’Connell moved to approve the property owner’s request to remove the tree at his own expense, assuming that the tree is in the road layout; Pickard seconded; the motion passed 7-0.

District Local Technical Assistance (DLTA) funding from the Cape Cod Commission for Cluster and Cottage Colony Bylaws

This is an effort by the Cape Cod Commission to streamline rules and regulations regionally.  The CCC will lead the Planning Board through the process of drafting a new or revised bylaw for cluster housing and cottage colonies by reviewing the current bylaw and recommending updates. 

ATA Carlson will find out logistical specifics like meeting dates, locations, etc., and report back to the Board. 

Food Truck Bylaw Discussion Continued

Chair Parent opened the discussion by stating that he had met with Town Administrator Terkanian regarding food truck permits.  Thus far, all permits have been issued for town property use, and TA Terkanian felt that the Board of Selectmen has been within their purview in granting permits for these businesses.  TA Terkanian agreed that the Planning Board should determine in which districts food trucks should be allowed to operate, but the Board of Selectmen will still be the licensing board, by right, no special permit required.  The Board of Selectmen would set guidelines for hours of operation, etc. 

The Board discussed alternatives including making no changes to the current the Zoning Bylaws or current procedures of the Selectmen, defining food trucks and inserting them into the use table, or drafting a zoning bylaw.  Districting versus creating an overlay district, primary use and accessory use for property, and “by right” versus special permitting were also part of the discussion.

O’Connell expressed concern for making neighbors aware if food trucks are operating in residential areas.

Morrissey moved that at a future meeting the Board define food trucks and determine their placement on the Zoning Bylaw Use Table; Pickard seconded; the motion passed 7-0.

Special Permit Procedures

The State statute states the minimum abutter notification requirement is 300 feet for Special Permits.  The Board agreed to use the same requirements as the Wellfleet Zoning Board of Appeals.  Subdivision Control requirements for abutter notification is already in place and need not be amended.  Pickard made a motion that abutter notification requirements for Special Permits be consistent with the ZBA abutter notifications requirements and that this requirement be added to the Planning Board procedures document; Morrissey seconded; the motion passed 7-0.

New Officers

O’Connell nominated Morrissey for the position of Board Chair; Freeman seconded. Reinhart nominated O’Connell for the position of Board Chair.  O’Connell withdrew.  Morrissey nominated Parent for the position of Board Chair; Pickard seconded. The vote for Morrissey was 3-4; the vote for Parent was 4-3.  Pickard moved that the rest of the positions remain filled as they are currently; Larsen seconded; the motion passed 7-0.  The Planning Board Officers are: Chair G.E. Parent, Vice Chair J.V. Morrissey, and Clerk R.D. O’Connell.

Minutes of 6/3/15 & 7/15/15

Freeman moved to approve the Planning Board Minutes of 6/3/15 as amended; O’Connell seconded; motion passed 7-0.

Morrissey moved to approve the Planning Board Minutes of 7/15/15 as amended; Larsen seconded; motion passed 7-0.


O’Connell noted the ZBA decision to allow the withdrawal of the request for a variance on 370 Eastwind Circle dated 7-1-15.

Topics for Future Concern

Law Suit Old King’s Highway Community Housing Project

Nextel – Restoration Bond

Revised Zoning Bylaws & Attorney General’s Response

Landing Strip

Agenda for Meeting on September 2, 2015

Food Truck Definition & Districting



Larsen moved to adjourn; Morrissey seconded; the motion passed 7-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Public Records of August 19, 2015:

  1. MassGIS Map of 550 Pamet Point Rd
  2. Memorandum of Agreement with CCC dated 6-23-15
  3. Cottage Colony and Cluster Zoning Bylaws
  4. Beach Concession Agreement – Baker Field dated 5-5-15
  5. Email from J. Morrissey to Board dated 5-26-15
  6. Response from Town Counsel dated 7-16-15
  7. ZBA Decision dated 7-1-15