
Meeting date: 
Monday, July 10, 2017

Town of Wellfleet Minutes
Energy Committee July10, 2017 1
Wellfleet Energy Committee
Minutes of the Meeting of July 10, 2017
Council on Aging
7:00 p.m.
Present: Richard Elkin, Charles Cole, Lilli-Ann Green and Robert Shapiro
Alternate: David Mead-Fox
Guest: Brian Carlson
Chair Elkin called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
A request to tape record the meeting by Lilli-Ann Green was made and the request was granted
by the Wellfleet Energy Committee (WEC) Chair, Elkin.

Minutes of the June 14, 2017 meeting1:
Motion: Shapiro moved to accept minutes as emailed with agenda of meeting. Seconded by Cole.
The motion carried 5-0.
Power Purchase Agreement with the Cape and Vineyard Electric Cooperative (CVEC): Elkin
provided an overview. Town Council is reviewing. Eversource has asked the Department of Public
Utilities (DPU) to change the terms of solar net metering credits. If DPU finds in favor of
Eversource, this would change the terms CVEC has proposed to the town of Wellfleet and
therefore the savings to the town would not be as much. Shapiro questioned Elkin on the situation.
Elkin has heard that DPU may not make a determination until December or later. Green
suggested the Wellfleet Energy Committee (WEC) make a recommendation to the town to hire an
energy attorney to review any contracts with CVEC and also that WEC report the situation to the
Wellfleet Board of Selectmen so they are aware of what is happening.
Motion: Green moved to inform the Wellfleet Board of Selectmen of the DPU rate case brought
by Eversource and the status thereof.
No second.

Solarize Mass Plus Update: Elkin and Meade-Fox provided an overview. Handouts were
provided and WEC members have received several emails this past month. 2, 3, 4 There have been
meetings of representatives from the five Lower Cape towns. Eastham and Orleans are evaluating
the concept. The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (Mass CEC) provides participating towns
with $5,000 - $10,000 for marketing. Elkin and Meade-Fox are working on a proposal. They are
exploring advertising opportunities, volunteers to work on the program, organizational structure,
solar vendors that may be interested to participate, what the second technology should be, and
the division of labor. Elkin is working with Elizabeth Youngblood at Mass CEC on various aspects
the project would involve. Energy audits with the Cape Light Compact would be mandated prior to
installation of solar panels or other technologies such as heat pumps. A discussion was held and
questions were asked by all members of WEC. The representatives of the towns have met and
are discussing what role the various town energy committees would have in the project. If there is
a contract to be signed what town would sign the contract is also being discussed. The benefits of
working with Mass CEC were questioned versus not doing so since there are not the same
financial benefits as in the original Solarize program in Wellfeet. Elkin and Meade-Fox defined the