Approved ZBA Mtg Mins

Meeting date: 
Thursday, November 30, 2017



Zoning Board of Appeals

Meeting Minutes

November 30, 2017  7:00 pm

Wellfleet Senior Center

Attendees:  Roger Putnam, Bruce Drucker, Sharon Inger, Manny Heyliger, Reatha Ciotti, Mick Lynch, and Trevor Pontbriand, Building Inspector Justin Post and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Regrets:  Don Palladino and Sibel Asantugrul

7:00 pm

   17-24  Community Housing Resource, Inc., 120 Paine Hollow Rd., Map 29, Parcel 300, Application for a Comprehensive Permit pursuant to M.G.L. Cher 40B, Sections

20 – 23 to construct two structures each containing four units for a total of eight affordable rental units on the subject property containing approximately 4.96 acre (Cont’d).  The Board consisted of Roger Putnam, Manny Heyliger, Mick Lynch, Trevor

Pontbriand and Reatha Ciotti.  Sharon Inger, Bruce Drucker and Judi Barrett, consultant, sat at the table as well.  At 7:08 pm, Mick Lynch moved to go into recess until paperwork could be delivered; seconded by Manny Heyliger; passed 5-0.

At 7:20, Sharon Inger moved to resume session; seconded by Manny Heyliger; passed


The draft for Board Review was distributed and Judi Barrett gave an overview of the paperwork she provided.  She stated she has one additional area to add for the final decision.  She reviewed Governing Law, and stated if local concerns regarding safety are major issues, the Board can deny the project.  However, if there are conditions to adequately address the concern and reduces the potential for harm, the Board can approve the project, even if it is uneconomic for the applicant. 

The Findings she provided were based on previous discussions with the Board, the applicant and the audience and emphasized finding #8 regarding the written and oral testimony from the Fire Chief.  Conditions must be considered in the decision. 

There was discussion regarding the incline of the driveway and enforcing a sprinkler system for the units.  Four of the voting members of the Board would like a sprinkler system installed.    

Mick Lynch moved for Findings of Fact; seconded by Manny Heyliger; passed 5-0.  (findings were listed on page 2 and 3 of the paperwork provided by Judi Barrett).  Finding #8 was read regarding the local concerns regarding safety.  Edits were made to Finding #6.

Conditions reviewed:       

Ted Malone stated he is the applicant on behalf of the new entity as the holder.  #20 Ted Malone wanted the water storage tanks for each system be included as well as a cistern be included. 

Waivers – if there are diminutive changes, it will not require a public hearing; if revisions are of a greater nature, then it would require an additional public hearing.

Submission Requirements:  building development and paperwork to file with building department, construction protocols, etc. 

Public Safety, Stormwater Management and Utilities – normal consideration with the addition regarding the sprinkler system.. 

Project Design and Construction, e) will be removed. 

If additional material is supplied, the Board has 30 days to respond if there are any concerns. 

Item f under construction, edited regarding vandalism / unauthorized entry.

A waiver is required for one of the units being within the setbacks.   

Manny Heyliger moved the Findings of Fact; seconded by Mick Lynch; passed 5-0.

Mick Lynch moved to grant the Comprehensive Permit; seconded by Trevor Pontbriand; subject to conditions; passed unanimously.

Judi Barrett will make the revisions and provide them for the Chair to sign.

Mick Lynch moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm; seconded by Bruce Drucker; passed 7-0.


  Business:  None

 Meeting Minutes to be reviewed at a later date.


Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates, Committee Secretary