Approved ZBA mtg mins

Meeting date: 
Thursday, November 2, 2017



Zoning Board of Appeals

Meeting Minutes

November 2, 2017   7:00 pm

Wellfleet Senior Center

Attendees:  Roger Putnam, Bruce Drucker, Sharon Inger, and Manny Heyliger, Building Inspector Justin Post and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Regrets:  Mick Lynch and Sibel Asantugrul, Reatha Ciotti, Don Palladino, and Trevor Pontbriand

17-34  Dennis Melvin, 35 Holbrook Ave., Map 20, Parcel 138, Application for a Special Permit under WZB 6.1.5 to demolish and rebuild two structures on same location, but raise houses 8 feet up on piers and a floodplain exemption pursuant to WZB 6.13 and 6.14 (Cont’d to 11/16/17).  Roger Putnam stated the applicant had requested a continuation to November 16, 2017, so moved by Bruce Drucker; seconded by Manny Heyliger; passed 4-0.

17-37  Curtis Felix, 2207 State Highway, Map 23, Parcel 217:  Application for a Special Permit under WZB 5.4.13 for a pre-existing non-conforming use affirmed by SP 16-01 to re-establish prior use: request for 5 food trucks on premises is no more non-conforming than the prior 95 seat restaurant. At the request of the applicant, Manny Heyliger moved to continue to November 16, 2017; seconded by Sharon Inger; passed 4-0.

Business – none to report

Meeting Minutes – to be addressed at the November 16, 2017 meeting.                                       

Respectfully submitted,

Christine A. Bates, Committee Secretary


