Approved ZBA meeting minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, April 16, 2015


 Zoning Board of Appeals

Meeting Minutes

April 16, 2015 7:00PM

Wellfleet Senior Center

Attendees: Acting Chair Roger Putnam, Bruce Drucker, Manny Heyliger and Trevor Pontbriand, Mick Lynch, Sharon Inger, and Don Palladino

Regrets:  Vern Jacob, Nick Nicholson

Acting Chair Roger Putnam called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.


15-14  Cynthia & John Lasker, 185 Main Street, Map 15, Parcel 71, Application for a Special Permit under WZB 6.1.5; 5.4.2;, and 5. 4.3 to construct an addition on the left side of the existing dwelling to serve as a new kitchen and living area.

The Board consisted of Roger Putnam, Bruce Drucker, Manny Heyliger, Mick Lynch, and Don Palladino.

Attorney Ben Zehnder represented the applicant and gave a description of the project.  Due to the slope in the backyard Attorney Zehnder felt putting an addition on the back of the house was not favorable to the project.  After the Board discussed the intrusion into the side setback and the size of the addition, Attorney Zehnder requested a continuation.

Mick Lynch moved to continue to May 21, 2015; seconded by Bruce Drucker; passed 5-0.

08-20    (Amendment) Community Housing Resource, Inc., 250 Gull Pond Road, Map 8, Parcel 39:  Request for an Amendment (Project Change) from 5 unit condominium for-sale development to 6 rental units.


The Board consisted of Roger Putnam, Bruce Drucker, Manny Heyliger, Mick Lynch, and Trevor Pontbriand.

Ted Malone represented the Applicant and gave an overview of the proposed changes as well as the financial backing of the project. 

The Board read letters of support and opposition from abutters and others. Carolina Marsetlica, one of the three qualified applicants for the units under the ownership scheme, spoke in favor of the project. Richard Lay, an abutter, posed questions to which Mr. Malone responded.

Bruce Drucker moved that the Board tentatively supports the following changes outlined in the Applicant’s March 16, 2015 Notice of Project Change subject to the input and guidance of Town Counsel:

  1. A change in the number of dwelling units from 5 to 6 while maintaining the total number of bedrooms in the development at 9.
  2. A change the form of tenure from home ownership to rental housing.
  3. Per the draft drawings, a change the building design of one of the three buildings on the lot, identified as Unit E on the site plan and architectural plans.
  4. A change of the building footprint of Building 3 resulting in change of lot coverage of 120 sq. ft for a total lot coverage of 2,664 sq ft , that is 2.7% ,as shown on the revised plan.
  5. A change the Subsidized Agency Program from the Local Initiative Program of the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development to the Housing Stabilization Fund Program of DHCD.

Provide further, that the Applicant has stipulated to a continuance of the matters contained in the March 16, 2015 Notice of Project Change to May 7, 2015 and it is moved to continue the hearing to May 21, 2015 .

Seconded by Mick Lynch; passed 5-0.

Bruce Drucker stated the Board hopes to have Town Counsel’s assistance at the next meeting and will ask the Town Administrator for permission for the Board to work with Town Counsel.  It was recommended that Town Counsel and the lawyer for the project discuss the outstanding issues under MGL 40B.


Meeting Minutes

02/19/15: Mick Lynch moved; Roger Putnam seconded; passed 3-0.

03/19/15:  Mick Lynch moved; seconded by Manny Heyliger; passed 5-0.

04/2/15:  Mick Lynch moved; seconded by Manny Heyliger; passed 5-0.

A letter from Vern Jacob was read into the record requesting to withdraw as a regular member and become an alternate.  Sharon Inger submitted paperwork to become a regular member. The Board unanimously approved Vern Jacob becoming an alternate member and Sharon Inger becoming a regular member. Paperwork will be submitted to the Board of Selectmen for these changes.

Mr. Drucker reported that Attorney Mary Giorgio is retiring from Town Counsel’s office.

Mr. Putnam moved to adjourn at 8:30PM; seconded by Don Palladino; passed 7-0.

Respectfully submitted,


Christine A. Bates, Committee Secretary