
Meeting date: 
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Shellfish Advisory Board
November 19, 2015
Town Hall

Present: Barbara Austin, Jacob Puffer, Tom Siggia, Zack Dixon, Jim O’Connell

Regrets: Rebecca Taylor, John Duane

Others in Attendance:  Andy Koch (constable), John Mankevetch (assistant constable), Fred Richard, Curt Felix,  Peter Prokesch, Edward Tesson, Susan Tesson,

Meeting called to order, 6:05 p.m.

1. Jake Puffer motion to accept minutes from October 7, 2015, Barbara Austin seconded. Motion accepted, 5-0.


Andy has not spoken with Mike Hickey (DMF) recently, but in their last conversation Mike said that they could discuss this issue next spring.  However, Andy says he will contact him soon to revisit the issue.


Helen, Andy and Harry Terkanian have been working to fit Andy’s Contract for Overwintering Equipment on Grants into the shellfish regulations.

Helen handed out a copy of the current regulations and a draft of the proposed amendments.

She said that she and Harry have the concern of getting the language correct so that the regs are enforceable. This would require some changes including calling the signed document an agreement rather than a contract (Harry’s suggestion).

Andy Koch stated that he wants the document to stay as he wrote it so that it is simple and enforceable.

Debate about the merits of changing the document or leaving it as is included the point by Jim and Helen that the document only reiterates what is already on the books. Andy and Johnny M. countered that they are aware of this, but having grant holders sign this new document will make the regulations much more enforceable. Johnny stated that he believes that this document will solve the problem.

Barbara suggested that both Andy’s original version and the proposed amendments brought by Helen are reasonable and good, and that we should work to combine them so that we can present one version (not two) at the next selectmen’s meeting.

Furhter discussion included changing the term clam hooks to u-hooks, the March 1st deadline, changing the existing overwintering metal equipment height to 8” rather than “to the bottom” so as not to be burdensome to aquaculturists, changing the the document to an agreement rather than a contract.  Other changes to language in the document were also suggested. Andy and Helen (and maybe Harry) will get together before the next selectmen’s meeting to finalize these changes.

Barbara made a motion to recommend that the BOS approve the overwintering agreement as drafted during the 11/19/2015 SAB meeting. SAB also recommends that the BOS approve the Draft Amendments 7.18.4 and 7.18.5. Jake seconded the motion and it passed 5-0.


A new pickup truck has been ordered and Andy looks forward to having two working vehicles.

The new budget is a level budget, so no extra money in the department. Andy stated that the Shellfish Dept. has less of a budget now than it did 12 years ago when he took over.

Jake asked if the town has any plans for the “Shellfish Shack”? Helen added that the Shellfish Dept. deserves a new building.

Andy said that he’d like to have a nice, professional building where he could educate people and function comfortably. As it stands now, the Shellfish Dept. is operating out of the beach sticker building in a room that Andy built with $1500.00 from the town. It has cement floors, two small electric heaters and no bathrooms in the wintertime.

In a related issue, Andy mentioned that the town barge is falling apart and that the BOS had already approved funds for a new barge, but nothing had come of it.

Curt Felix added that it is deplorable that the town voted for something to support the Shellfish Dept. (a new barge) and then things fizzled and nothing happened. He noted that this is an important issue because if we stop culching and improving water quality in the harbor a wastewater system will cost the town $60 million.

Helen said that she will go back in the BOS minutes and check the vote and that she will bring it up in the 11/24/15 BOS meeting.


Tom opened by stating that mapping of the grants is important to the safety of boaters and to protecting the grants themselves.

He said that he and Jake have been discussing strategies for a communication plan to residents and non-residents and are focusing on the following 4 things:

  1. Putting a map and warning blurb on the town website and in the annual report (Also, looking into the Chamber of Commerce brochure).
  2. Giving the map and warning to those applying for mooring permits or paying for ramp use.
  3. Fixing/adding signage at town landings
  4. Giving the map and warning to boat rental businesses.

Jim asked if anything ever came of the effort to get the grants on GPS.

Jake answered that NOAA was cooperative and that he should have more info from them at the next meeting.

Curt asked about Google Maps and Tom replied that Google Maps is difficult to deal with (especially when making changes).

Andy, Tom and Johnny agreed that any graphic on signage at town landings should include a box or a bubble around the shellfish grant area (instead of showing individual grants) so as to be very simple and clear.

Tom and Jake will meet with Michaela, the Chamber of Commerce, the Shellfish Dept and the DPW as well as to speak with NOAA again and give us an update at the next meeting.


Barbara reported that at the 10/28/15 Marina Advisory Committee meeting the Harbormaster is considering marking a channel between Old Saw and Egg Island.

Andy added that it would protect boaters and aquaculturists.

Helen suggested that we take a vote at the next meeting to recommend it or not.


Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.