
Meeting date: 
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Shellfish Advisory Board
April 30, 2015
Town Hall Meeting Room

Present: Barbara Austin, Barbara Brennessel, John Duane, Joel, Fox, Jacob Puffer (Alternate), Rebecca Taylor, Helen Miranda Wilson.

Regrets: James O’Connelll

Others in Attendance: John Mankevetch, Assistant Constable, Ed Tesson, Sue Tesson

  1. The meeting convened at 7:12pm

  2. Reorganization of committee and reapplication for membership: Helen MW distributed forms for committee members to fill out.Helen MW offered to submit them to the BOS at Town Hall.

  3. Barbara B. pointed out about the missing candy cane poles in the Harbor, the rebar on Great Island at the Tavern Beach and the detergent bottles buoys on Great Island.

  4. Barbara Austin contacted Diane Murphy about massive die offs of quahogs.It’s not clear what the cause might be.There was some speculation that the winter ice may be involved.

  5. Minutes for the March 19, 2015 meeting were accepted as edited (6-0).

  6. Joel Fox questions the enforcement policies and these policies were reviewed.

  7. Jacob Puffer announced the Mayo Creek Restoration Committee will be having an informational meeting on May 14, 7pm at the COA.

  8. The constitution of the SAB was discussed in light of the fact that Barbara B. will be leaving and Helen MW might be leaving.Joel Fox also announced that he would not be on the SAB when his term expires.It would also be a good idea to recruit wild pickers and/or draggers. The SAB discussed recruiting members.

  9. Barbara B gave a brief report about the horseshoe crab project being conducted by Mass. Audubon and the Climate Change and Shellfish Working Group.

  10. Handout flyers for boaters with information about shellfishing in the Harbor: Joel Fox circulated a draft flyer. Helen MW offered to work on this.There was some discussion about how this information should be distributed and whether signs should be made up by the DPW.

  11. John Duane: Finfish survey.John Duane spoke to Brad Chase about a survey of finfish in the Harbor.The last time this was done was in 1972 (Curley et al.). The DMF would be in charge of the survey.Funding such a survey may be an issue.A similar study was done in Salem, MA.John Duane drafted a letter to Brad Chase; the SAB approved the draft 6-0.

  12. John Duane announced that he sent a letter about menhaden to the Chairman of the Menhaden Management Board on behalf of NRAB.

  13. Beach Clean up: Saturday, May 2, starting at 9am at Mayo Beach.Barbara B. has made some assignments.

  14. Ice Machine: Curt Felix provided an update about an ice machine for the pier.The Harbormaster is willing to manage and oversee it, provide water and electricity.This is a salt water ice machine.Preliminary cost estimate: $100,000. There are still some unresolved issues about how the machine would be managed; i.e. how much the ice will costs, maintenance costs, etc.

  15. Next meeting: Jacob Puffer suggested we address the wild shellfishery.HelenMW suggested we discuss branding/trademarking.

  16. Next meeting: Monday, June 8; 7pm.

  17. Meeting adjourned 9:45 pm


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Brennessel