
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Wellfleet Shellfish Advisory Board
Town Hall Hearing Room

Jan. 14, 2015

Present: Barbara Austin, Barbara Brennessel, Rebecca Taylor, Jacob Puffer (Alternate), Helen Miranda Wilson

John Duane (listened by conference call).

Regrets: James O’Connell, Joel Fox

Others in Attendance:  Andy Koch, Shellfish Constable, John Mankevetch, Assistant Constable, Fred Richard

  1. Convened 6:05 pm
  2. Minutes from December 15, 2014 were approved with revisions (4-0).
  3. Barbara A talked to Mike Hickey about the oysters being sold on eBay.  MA DMF is checking into this.
  4. Draft of proposed amendment 7.16a to bring General Permit Requirements into compliance for those selling petite oysters and gems:  Barbara Austin spoke to Mike Hickey about this and it appeared that adding this proposed amendment to the regulations would add another level of complexity for growers and require an additional permit. There was consensus that no action was needed.
  5. Beach access points and sea level rise: Barbara B. explained that she was working with SERI (Social and Environmental Research Institute) on a model of how sea level rise may affect access to shellfishing areas. She sent a map to SAB members for review.  We amended the map to add 4 additional areas. Barbara B. will revise the map and send it to Seth Tuler.  Parking areas were included.
  6.  Report from Conservation Commission on Indian Neck access. Barbara Brennessel passed around the google earth maps of the area indicating locations of erosion and concern.  Helen MW moved that we ask the Conservation Commission and Shellfish Department to enforce the rules regarding access, which were already agreed on.  There was a recommendation for physical barriers instead of/or in addition to signage. 
  7. Marina regulation #5 Safety: The Marina Advisory Board will incorporate the suggestion from the SAB to include the term “aquaculture gear.”
  8. Next agenda: Barbara A. had discussions with Mike Hickey and Harry Terkanian about the trade name “Wellfleet Oysters.”  The Dept. of Agriculture may be able to help Wellfleet with a trademark.  Helen MW offered to find out more about this (use of logo and entity involved). 
  9. Harry Terkanian expressed concern that the SAB is bringing things to the BOS piecemeal. Barbara A explained the time sensitive nature of many of the proposed changes to regulations.
  10.  John Duane may need to apply through approved channels, to attend meetings “remotely.”  Helen will talk to Harry Terkanian about the procedure.
  11. Next Meeting: Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015.  Barbara A would like to discuss the new Shellfish Harvesting, Handling and Transport Affidavit.
  12.  Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.


Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Brennessel