
Meeting date: 
Monday, January 22, 2018

Meeting Minutes 1/22/18

Mayo Creek Restoration Committee

4:00 PM

Present: John Riehl, John Portnoy, Walter Baron, Pat Winslow

Excused: Jake Puffer

-Discussion of the report for the Board of Selectmen

-Outline of Mayo Creek history

-Abutter Issues

-Restoration Plan

-Talk to Joe Powers about organization of information

-Create an executive summary for the Board of Selectmen

-Discussion of a construction cost estimate.

-Comparable projects

-estimated price of 2M - 4.3M

-When does the cost exceed the projects usefulness in terms of the CWWPC planning for

compliance with the 208 plan.

-John Riehl submitted pre-proposal to Mass Bays and Estuaries for funding

-Full proposal due 24th of February

-discussion of possibilities if pre-proposal is denied

-Discussion of data needs

-Pump test

Motion to adjourn 5:15PM Walter, second John Portnoy, pass 4-0