
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Mayo Creek Restoration Committee                Meeting Minutes 10/14/14

Present:  John Riehl, Jake Puffer, John Portnoy, Walter Barron, Pat Winslow


Discussion of Risk Assessment with removal of duckbill valve.

            - No risk to drinking water

            - No Risk of usable yard space being inundated

            - Risk to septic systems:    -5 Ft clearance required between bottom of leach field and ground water (Only 4ft required for systems installed under old Title V rules)

                                                            -Removal of Duckbill may reduce this clearance by as much as 2ft in some areas because modeling predicts a mean-tide-level increase of 2ft.

                                                            - State will not permit a variance


             1)Septic rebuilding at higher elevation

             2) Lower creek Bed

             3) Reduce the size of project, i.e. volume of tidal water allowed through culvert.

Next Step: 

            -Identify septics that might be at risk

            - Pursue different culvert orientation to reduce mean tide level

            - Ask DPW when the clapper valve failed, and was replaced by duckbill

Submitted Documents

*Letter of support received from Cape Cod Mosquito Control Project

* Response letter to Harborside Village

* Meeting Minutes from 9/17/14   John Portnoy Moved, Second Pat Winslow   pass 5-0

Next meeting   11/20/14  9:00am

Adjourn 6:10


Approved December 1 2014                                                           John Riehl, Chair