
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Mayo Creek Restoration Committee                                            Meeting Minutes 1/4/16

Present: John Riehl, John Portnoy, Jake Puffer, Walter Baron, Pat Winslow

5:00 PM

-Discussion of the culvert

            - Present design is unable to achieve the 20 acre restoration without impacting abutters.

            - Ask Kirk Bosma about modeling for a lower larger culvert.

- Preliminary proposal to Mass Bay’s program was accepted, full proposal can be submitted by January 29th

            -Support from town

                        -25% match required

                        -letters of support of proposal from, Board of Selectmen, Conservation Commission, and Waste Water.

-Next Steps

            -NOI , need fully engineered plans, construction and de-construction plans.

            -Allows for adaptive management

            -support proposal with test well data, elevation, and groundwater level.

            -reference funding sources


            -estimate of $9,780 for modeling

            -$8500 Mass Bay’s program

            -$1780,  town match of 25%

-Motion to approve proposal subject to minor revisions of budget, John Riehl, second Jake Puffer.  Pass 5-0

-Motion to approve the town report as modified , John Riehl, second Walter Baron, pass 5-0

-Motion to approve minutes from 11/17/15 as amended john Portnoy , second Jake Puffer, pass 4-0

-Next meeting TBA


Minutes approved July 27 2016, as amended 4-0                                             

  August 1 2016

John Riehl, Chair