
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Mayo Creek Restoration Committee                          Minutes       August 11 2015


attending: John Portnoy, Walter Baron, Pat Winslow, Jake Puffer, John Riehl


Call to order 5 pm

Letter to State DEP requesting to withdraw RDA application without prejudice has been sent

NOI Plan

         - Discussed need for outside support & review

         - Meet with DEP to understand expectations; “segmentation” issue

         - Publicity to emphasize benefits; best channel would be Op-ed in local papers

         - Limited funds for planning; less constraints on execution

         - Need good maps & drilling logs showing properties, wells and septics that might be                               impacted; Slade

         - Need to detail monitoring plan for low-lying parcels and wells, including HVCC test well

         - Groundwater. Two topics discussed:

                   * Evaluation of risk, given that current abutting groundwater is well above creek

                            and that only 10 acres would be inundated at MTL. Use Fetter, Martin,

                            Portnoy theory.  Map needed.

                   *Culvert strategies to reduced MTL in restored creek.

         - Creek flow velocities for review of sediment transport

Adjourn 5.55 pm; next meeting to be decided


Approved November 17 2015, vote 4-0, Walter Baron excused

John Riehl, Chair