
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Meeting Minutes 1/13/15

Mayo Creek


Present:  John Riehl, Jake Puffer, Walter Baron, Pat Winslow

Excused: John Portnoy




- Review of Status Report for BOS

            -Ask Selectmen for right to use town property located at Bakers field and the well at the marina North of Mayo Creek.

            -Approval from Ruggles property for a test well

            -Possible March meeting with abutters for further locations


- Motion to approve Status report Walter Baron, Second Jake Puffer, pass 4-0


- Next steps


- Must seek Jurisdictional opinion from ConsCom for placement of test wells.

- Create a plan for the removal of duck bill trial

            *Must be brought to seek approval from ConsCom for a RDA

- Additional abutter issues

            -Inundated low-lands, property build ability .


- Motion to approve documents for the Town Report

            -Jake Puffer, Second Patrick Winslow pass 4-0

- Motion to Approve meeting minutes from 12/1/14

            -Walter Baron, Second Jake Puffer pass 4-0


Next meeting 2/9/15

Motion to Adjourn, Walter Baron, second Jake Puffer pass 4-0




Approved: February 24 2015                                             ____________________


                                                                                                John Riehl. Chair