
Meeting date: 
Thursday, February 15, 2018

Wellfleet Local housing Partnership

Minutes of 2/15/2018

Present: Bruce Hurter, Judy Taylor, Sharon Inger, Gary Sorkin, Paul Cullity,

Sharon Rule-Agger. Guests: David ?? , Anne Suggs

1) Minutes of January 4,2018 meeting were approved 6-0.

2) Old COA: Lengthy discussion of plan, approved by BOS and forwarded by

Town Manager Dan Hoort, to build Town Annex consisting of offices and

archives on the foundation of the Old COA. WHA has asked repeatedly over

many years to use this site for Affordable Housing but it was never pushed

through. For the past few months, it was thought that acreage on Coles

Neck Road would be made available for a housing project but

Representatives from the DPW, speaking at the last WHA meeting, made it

clear that there are many very expensive challenges presented by that site.

Not insurmountable but expensive. Also the odorous cultch pile has elicited

complaints from existing neighbors. The Coles Neck site took the pressure

off the Old COA but the pressure has now resurfaced. This issue is time

bound because it will be presented to voters at Town Meeting and, if

approved, will no longer be a housing option. It was agreed that we work to

prevent this. One possibility is to try to get the BOS to review the case and

possibly remove it from warrant to allow time for further study. Various

committee members will speak to Select Board members to clarify thinking

around their vote. Dan Hoort will be informed of our intentions. Another

possibility is to present sufficient feasibility of allowing both uses (annex and

housing) on the 9+ acre parcel without losing ball field so that warrant will

beammended on the floor. A third possibility would be to create sufficient

dissent at Town Meeting to propose Indefinite Postponement which would

allow time for more study of this parcel and all other vacant town owned

land that might be suitable (there isn’t much.)

3) New member needed: Due to the resignation of Bob DuBeau there is an

opening on the LHP. Anne Suggs and David ?? Were asked if they were

interested. Both are considering.

4) Fred Bell Way: WHA and multiple other entities are being sued by a family

that feels that the property that the Fred Bell Way Affordable Housing is on

land that was improperly taken for taxes back in the 1970s and that this

property is rightly theirs. It is felt that this is likely to be an expensive (in legal

fees) nuisance suit. Paine Hollow: Law suits from abutters continue.

Access is still problematic, alternative access from above is being

considered. 2082 State Highway: proceeding under auspices of Habitat for

Humanity. Old King’s Highway: Still in court. Oyster Lane, deed restricted

affordable home has received NO applications. Committee members are

urged to continue getting the word out. Coles Neck: see above. Gull Pond:

Fully occupied! Tax bill insert requesting donations (“Save our young

people!!) was approved by BOS. Did not discuss Cluster Zoning Bylaw


5) CPC Housing Articles on Town Warrant: Committee discussed, moved and

approved Warrant items 15-20 which are Housing related. #15 is a request

for $100,000 for the Wellfleet Affordable Housing Trust. Paul Cullity moved to

accept warrant as written, Sharon Inger second, 5-0 approval (Barbara

Knapp had to leave before meeting was over.) #16 is a request for $100,000

to be earmarked for Making Homes Affordable, an Work Force Housing

initiative for small (up to $20,000) loans to first time home buyers who make

too much to qualify for other assistance but need additional support to make

a home purchase and stay in Wellfleet. Paul Cullity move, Inger Seconded,

5-0 approval. #17 and #18 are budgetary housekeeping involving 2082

State Highway rescinding previous funding request and then contributing

those funds to cost of development by Habitat. Cullity moved, Inger

Seconded, 5-0 approval. #19 is a request for $100,000 to be given to

Eastham in support of development of Affordable Housing off Brackett Rd.

It was felt that this was an appropriate regional response and that many

people who work in Wellfleet live in Eastham. Cullity moved, Inger

Seconded, 5-0 approval. #20 is a request for $7,000 to contribute to

Community Development Partnership to support Cape Housing Institute.

Cullity moved, Inger Seconded, 5-0 approval.

6) No further business.

7) Next Partnership meeting will be sooner than usual to allow for continued

discussion of Old COA. Thursday, March 1st. 4 pm. Town Hall.

Sharon Rule-Agger, Clerk Gary Sorkin, Chair