Finance Committee Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

                             Wellfleet Finance Committee

October 25, 2017, 7:00PM

Wellfleet Senior Center, 715 Old Kings Hwy

Present: Chair, Janet Loewenstein; Stephen Polowczyk; Linda Pellegrino; Ira Wood; Vice Chair, Fred Magee; Robert Wallace

Regrets: Kathy Granlund

Others Present: Town Administrator, Dan Hoort

Chair Loewenstein called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Minutes-Move to approve, as amended by Polowczyk, seconded by Pellegrino. The motion carried, 6-0

Transfers-No transfers to note

Video Taped Meetings-

Loewenstein asked the Committee members how they felt about the video-taped sessions. Hoort offered that not all meetings be taped, but whatever issues the Committee feels should be shared with the public be taped. The discussion is tabled for a future meeting.

Preliminary Budget Discussion-Discussion tabled to a future meeting.

Strategic Planning

  1. Loewenstein mentioned Fire Department salaries and staffing needs, and with some people retiring or leaving, then the salaries will have to be reviewed for new hires. Polowczyk offered that with even the salaries being desirable, housing is not affordable. He suggested talking to the affordable housing department. Wood asked if there were funds available elsewhere for increases, and Hoort responded that salary negotiation would fall under the firefighter’s union. The Committee discussed about any availability of grants for training purposes.
  2. The Finance Committee members discussed the Board of Water Commissioners request for a Professional Hire. Hoort explained that it’s a request from the Water Commissioners and Comprehensive Wastewater Management Planning Committee. The Finance Committee members discussed the request for the possibility of creating a professional hire and department. Wood asked if there will be any opportunity to change the structure of the Department of Public Works to accommodate the changes. The Committee would like representatives from the Board of Water Commissioners and Wastewater to attend a Finance Committee meeting. Polowczyk requested to review a copy of the Horsley-Witten Group Contract prior to the meeting.
  3. The Committee discussed the dredging the harbor. There was a task force meeting and consideration of purchasing equipment, but the state is telling the Town of Wellfleet to develop a maintenance plan.
  4. The Recreation Department should be available to come to a Finance Committee meeting. Kathy Granlund will be the liaison for the Recreation Department.
  5. Polowczyk discussed an email from Tom Conrad regarding Resource Allocation and District Action Reports (RADAR): In-District Pre-pupil Expenditures, and how it’s a tool to use for budgeting.

Loewenstein thinks that brainstorming will allow the Committee to get something structured and help come up with recommendations.

Liaison Reports-

-Wallace attended a Shellfish Advisory meeting, and explained that the Shellfish Constable, Nancy Civetta is doing well, thus far. There are currently three full-time employees, and Civetta is recommending a fourth hire.

-Pellegrino informed the Committee that Chief Fisette reported that the new police station construction is progressing.

-McGee met with Mary Beth Rodman and her budget would be lower this year by less one bus, less one teacher, and the timeline for a draft should be available in November. There should be a number the Committee will be able to work with.

Correspondence-There is no correspondence at this time.

Agenda Items


-Strategic Planning

-Video-taped Meetings

-Recreation Department

-Liaison Reports



The meeting adjourned by consensus at 8:34 P.M.

Public Record:

-Resource Allocation and District Action Reports (RADAR): In-District Pre-pupil Expenditures