Approved Conservation Commission Mtg Mins

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Approved Wellfleet Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes February 7, 2018 Town Hall Meeting Room Attendees: Trudy Vermehren, Barbara Brennessel, Deborah Freeman, Lauren McKean, John Cumbler, John Portnoy, Agent Hillary Greenberg-Lemos and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary Discussion: Mark Vincent, Director of the DPW, came to discuss proposed road repairs. There are 13 roads and 3 parking lots that require resurfacing, paving, and maintenance throughout the town. He will be submitting a Chapter 90 to the State for funding. The DPW will sweep the road, then a private contractor puts down a tacking surface, then one leveling course, and then a final overlay. Some roads will require capping. The three parking lots to be maintained are Mayo Beach, Great Pond and Indian Neck. Lt. Island Road requires drainage work to reduce runoff into the adjacent salt marsh. Mail: Notification of MACC Annual Conference on March 3, 2018. Notification that the Nextel Tower on Gross Hill Rd will be modified. Letter to Ms. Kaplan regarding shed along with her response that they are in compliance. Letters from Agent Greenberg-Lemos regarding renourishment. A response from Andrew Wright of Pleasant Point area stated they did not own the land and could not perform the beach renourishment as promised in their Order of Conditions extension. Agent Greenberg-Lemos will revisit the file and make a determination of how to encourage them to do the renourishment (possibly having Wright go to Board of Selectmen for use of Town-owned land). Jurisdictional Opinions: None Meeting Minutes: January 17, 2018. Trudy Vermehren moved to approve the amended 01/17/18 meeting minutes; seconded by Barbara Brennessel; passed 5-0. December 20, 2017. Trudy Vermehren moved to approve the amended 12/20/17 meeting minutes; seconded by Barbara Brennessel; passed 4-0. There was discussion regarding the height of revetments based on the new FEMA requirements. There was concern regarding if one individual increased the height of their revetment / wall, and the neighboring property does not increase the height of their seawall, what type of impacts could happen on properties. Barbara Brennessel asked if it was appropriate to contact applicants to file for a Certificate of Compliance when the work appears to be complete. The Commission was advised it was fine to do that. Truro / Wellfleet grant. – pathways Lauren McKean reported she is participating in a team consisting of representatives from different towns on the Cape to discuss and determine a plan regarding climate adaptation and communication (informing people to be proactive vs. reactive). They will be meeting for 6 weeks. There are 6 teams throughout the country. Agent Greenberg-Lemos will write a letter to the State DPW, DEP and DMF reiterating the Commission’s concern for the blockage of tidal flow/fish access into Hawes Pond. Public Hearings 5:00 pm: Nickerson Real Estate Holding Co., LLC, 45 Commercial Street, Map 15, Parcel 102, NOI, replace existing lumber building. Cont’d Paperwork from DEP was received. Trudy Vermehren moved to approve the NOI; seconded by John Cumbler; passed 5-0. Supervisor: Trudy Vermehren Smith, 80 2nd Ave., Map 40, Parcel 126, NOI, proposed revetment and stairway reconstruction (Cont’d). At the request of the applicant, Trudy Vermehren moved to continue to 2/21/18; seconded by Lauren McKean; passed 6-0. Volterra, 14 Commercial St., Map 15, Paracel 93, Certificate of Compliance. The original Order of Conditions was issued in 1987 and the request is to close out the order. Trudy Vermehren moved to issue a Certificate of Compliance; seconded by John Portnoy, passed 6-0. Cumberland Farms Inc., 2586 Rte 6, Map 23, Parcel 39, 3 year extension. Attorney Jamie Veara represented the applicant along with Tarra McGill from Coastal Engineering. Veara explained the MA Extension Act, which was an automatic 4 years for applicants to start their project. He reviewed the various appeals regarding Cumberland Farms. He is hoping the litigation process would be completed prior to the 3 year extension. Ms. McGill gave an overview of the project and the commission reviewed the plans approved in 2011. Attorney Veara stated the litigation could take one, two, or three years to resolve, and he would prefer to get a three year extension instead of coming back each year. He stated he would be happy to come back to the commission to educate them on any new technology. John Portnoy moved to approve the 3 year extension; seconded by Barbara Brennessel; passed 6-0. Trudy Vermehren moved to adjourn at 5:45 pm; seconded by Deborah Freeman; passed 6-0. Respectfully submitted, Christine Bates, Committee Secretary