Approved Cons Comm Mtg Mins

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Wellfleet Conservation Commission

Meeting Minutes

August 16, 2017

Town Hall Meeting Room

Attendees:  Barabara Brennessel, Deborah Freeman, Trudy Vermehren,

Lauren McKean, and John Cumbler, Agent Hillary Greenberg-Lemos and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Regrets:  John Portnoy

4:00 - Business Meeting & Conservation Agent's Report

Mail / Discussion

            David Lajoie:  5 Holbrook Ave, Map 21, Parcel 105, revised site and sewage plan

Mr. Thompson and David Lajoie came to the table.  They requested an amendment to build decking on the first and second floor.  The original plan did not identify any decking.  Diamond piers would be used for the support.  The footprint of the house will be reduced.  Barbara Brennessel expressed concern with activity within the buffer zone.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos stated she did not feel there would be a major impact.  John Cumbler was concerned with the removal of vegetation under the decking.  Mr. Lajoie identified the mitigation plantings.  Mr. Thompson stated they would maintain the grass which would be under the decking and didn’t anticipate using the area for storage.  Mr. Thompson stated he made several concessions on the property.  More than half of the property is unusable.  Lauren McKean moved to approve the revised plan; seconded by Deborah Freeman; passed 4-1.

        David Lajoie:  260 Lt. Island Road, Map 41, Parcel #42:  revised site and sewage  

plan.  Mr. Lajoie presented a revised plan and described why the pump chamber needed to be placed in another location.  The pump chamber will move closer to the marsh for easier maintenance.  Barbara Brennessel moved to approve the revised plan; seconded by Lauren McKean; passed 5-0.

            Wesley Swamp Pumping – Agent Greenberg-Lemos has paperwork from the DPW and will bring it to the next meeting for discussion.

Jurisdictional Opinions

Miriam and Todd Spencer, Commercial St., limited limbing and pruning of black locust trees.  A to Z trees will be doing the work.  John Cumbler moved to approve the Jurisdictional Opinion; seconded by Barbara Brennessel; passed 5-0.

Art Hugey – 264 King Phillips Rd, 34/9, remove dead and almost dead trees from the buffer zone.  There are 7 trees to be removed.  The commission was unable to identify the trees to be removed on the site visit and Agent Greenberg-Lemos will request that Mr. Hugey flag the trees.  Either she or her assistant will go to see the property again.  Trudy Vermehren moved to approve the Jurisdictional Opinion; seconded by John Cumbler; passed 5-0 with the condition the trees to be removed are marked. .

Town of Wellfleet - Town Landing at Bank Street – remove the invasive vegetation from the area near the parking lot.  Debris will also be removed.  Trudy Vermehren moved to approve the Jurisdictional Opinion; seconded by Deborah Freeman; passed 5-0.   Helen Miranda Wilson stated the boats in the area were never given permission to be there.      

Meeting Minutes: August 2, 2017:  Trudy Vermehren moved to approve the amended meeting minutes; seconded by John Cumbler; passed 5-0.

July 19, 2017:  Trudy Vermehren moved to approve the amended meetings; seconded by Barbara Brennessel; passed 5-0.

Barbara Brennessel brought up the number of tables on the deck under the new roof at Mac’s Seafood at the harbor.    


Public Hearings 5:00 pm:

Palmer, 70 Lookout Road, Map 35, Parcel 7, Certificate of Compliance.  Agent Hillary Greenberg-Lemos stated the work is completed with substantial compliance.  Ms. Palmer stated wildlife is enjoying her property.  Trudy Vermehren moved to approve the Certificate or Compliance, seconded by Lauren McKean; passed 5-0. 

Murphy, 445 Old Chequessett Neck Rd., Map 19, Parcel 12.2, Certificate of Compliance

Agent Greenberg-Lemos stated site visits have been made and the work is completed with substantial compliance.  Trudy Vermehren moved to approve the Certificate of Compliance; seconded by Deborah Freeman; passed 5-0.

Saloway and Gray, 48 Sandpiper Hill Rd., Map 22, Parcel 7, Certificate of Compliance

Trudy Vermehren stated at a site visit, there were a number of items that were changed from the original NOI.  The shower was never relocated, thyme plantings were not done as directed, and there was no beach renourishment.  The fire pit was not built.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos will ask the applicant to come to a meeting for a discussion.  Trudy Vermehren moved to continue to the Sept. 6; seconded by Barbara Brennessel; passed


Douglis, 70 Eric’s Way, Map 8, Parcel 68, NOI, septic upgrade (Cont’d)  Jason Ellis stated the NOI had received a number from DEP and a response from Natural Heritage with  a no take.  He distributed a vegetation plan.  Trudy Vermehren asked for a management plan for ongoing upkeep.  There is a shed located within the 50’ buffer zone and if it needs to be replaced, it would have to come back to the commission.  Trudy Vermehren moved to approve the NOI; seconded by Barbara Brennessel; passed 4-0 (one abstaining).        

Gifford, 41 Crest Avenue, Map 35, Parcel 87.2, NOI, new patio, wall with fire pit, deck, plant native vegetation and seasonal kayak rack.   Tarja McGrath and Kate Wolhatter gave an overview of the project.  All work will be outside of the 50’ buffer.  The new decking on the 2nd level will be smaller than the current deck.  Ms. Wolhatter gave an overview of the proposed plantings.  Plugs will be used, as well as some loam added to the soil.  No vegetation will be removed for the kayak rack.  Trudy Vermehren didn’t feel the oak trees could be transplanted so the trees would survive.  The commission requested a management plan for the locust trees on the bank.  There was discussion regarding the trees close to the proposed patio.  The commission requested a different plan for the kayaks.  Trudy Vermehren moved to continue to September 6, 2017; seconded by John Cumbler; passed 5-0.                                           

Trudy Vermehren moved to close the public hearing and reopen the business meeting for correspondence.

Barbara Brennessel reported on the following:

  • Pond Condition Progress Reports from the National Seashore were distributed. 
  • Violation notifications
  • Letters to property owners who have not performed beach renourishment
  • NRAB voted to support a climate change bill and sent a letter to the commission regarding land acquisition.
  • Agent Greenberg-Lemos letter to Town regarding Herring River Restoration
  • Subdivision Information about a new subdivision on Marven Way
  • Newcomb Hollow – eroding dune information.  She stated Greg Berman gave a presentation/discussion to those interested.
  • Information on potential road race planned within seashore.
  • Agent Greenberg-Lemos letter to DEP regarding Hawes Pond culvert.

There was discussion regarding the disturbance amount allowed on property.  The local regulation states nothing over 5,000 sq. feet disturbance, but it was agreed that perhaps a percentage based on lot size should be considered. 

Lauren McKean recommended looking closer at sea level rise and the retreat of the beach / dunes, etc.  Agent Greenberg-Lemos and Lauren McKean will have a future discussion to come up with ideas / words for a future meeting.

Trudy Vermehren moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:20 pm; seconded by Deborah Freeman; passed 5-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates, Committee Secretary