Approved Cons Comm Mtg Mins

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Wellfleet Conservation Commission

Meeting Minutes

April 5, 2017, 3:00 pm

Town Hall Meeting Room

Attendees:  Trudy Vermehren, Ed Simpson, Barbara Brennessel, John Portnoy, Ali Sands, Lauren McKean, Ginie Page, Agent Hillary Greenberg-Lemos and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Review of proposed regulation changes

Denny O’Connor stated the Town Charter does not include the Conservation Commission regulations and believes it should be included.  The idea of alternate members for the Commission was briefly discussed.  There are many times members need to recuse themselves.  Denny stated he will continue to review the rules.

Friends of Herring River:  Martha Craig, Project Manager for the Herring River Project,  provided a brief overview of the project.  A map of the historic marsh and a map of the current marsh were viewed.  She discussed the tidal restrictions, the value of marsh grasses.  The solution will be to rebuild the Chequessett Neck Road Dike and tidal control structure.   There will be a series of tide gates, opened incrementally.  Phase 1 restoration will include rebuilding the Chequessett Neck Road dike with tide control gates, building Mill and Upper Pole Dike Creek dikes and tide control gates, removing a 1000-ft section of High Toss Road, which would block water and sediment flow, raising low lying roads, and private property mitigation.   Benefits include access to 160 acres of kettle-pond spawning habitat for river herring, increased water quality throughout the marsh and five miles of river, restoration of intertidal salt, brackish and freshwater-marsh habitat, restoration of marine animals, restoration of marsh organic-matter export to feed  near- and off-shore marine habitats.  The project will further restored ecosystem services, carbon storage (blue carbon), improve storm-surge protection, and natural mosquito control.  Craig also mentioned Recreation along the river, and benefits to the local economy conferred by restored shellfish beds and environmental and property enhancements.   Timeline:   Final EIS/EIR for State and Federal approval were approved in 2016.  2017 – 2018 continue work with owners of low lying properties, secure environmental permits, continue to secure project funding; 2018 – 2019 obtain final design and construction bids; with construction beginning in 2020.       

Mail / Discussion


Jurisdictional Opinions

  Roland, Welsley Street, 46/55 install new well, is 90’ from resource area.  Trudy Vermehren moved to approve the Jurisdictional Opinion; seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 7-0.

            Bartlett, 50 Steele Rd., 4/33, replace one section of 5 vandalized fence posts.  Replacements will be installed at the same locations. Lauren McKean recused herself.  

Research is required to review whether mitigation was completed for a previous violation with topping trees.   Ed Simpson moved to continue; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 6-0.


Mass. Division of Fisheries and Wildlife letter regarding the availability of Priority Habitat maps

Eversource  2017 operating plan – Board. Of Selectmen wrote letter to Eversource objecting to herbicide application on the power lines. 

Letter sent to Board of Selectmen from Edward and Jane Simpson expressing concern that the new $5.00 charges for Whitecrest and Cahoon Hollow Beach pedestrian entrance will cause people to access the beach via unstable dunes and coastal bank.

Letter from National Seashore to homeowners near the Seashore, regarding beach-nesting birds. 

Trudy Vermehren recommended writing a letter to the Board of Selectmen regarding the Commission’s concerns that the $5.00 fee will result in pedestrian damage to the dunes and coastal bank.  Suzanne Thompson stated they will charge the fee for a year and see how the program works. 

Meeting Minutes – to be addressed at next meeting.


Public Hearings 5:00 pm:

Engel, 25 Warren St., Map 36, Parcel 133, Request for Certificate of Compliance.  Gordon Peabody represented the applicant and stated that there was no construction; therefore there were no drywells.  Ginie Page moved to approve the Certificate of Compliance seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 7-0. 

Bartsch, 80 Aunt Sarah’s Way, Map 42, Parcel 57, NOI, addition.   Gordon Peabody represented the applicant and Mr. Bartsch came to the table.  Mr. Peabody stated there will be a “no mow” area.  Mr. Bartsch stated he usually mows once a year to help control deer ticks and invasive weeds.  Ed Simpson stated he saw several oak stumps that have been cut or mowed within the buffer zone.  Trudy Vermehren stated the no mow area is already there and should not be counted as mitigation.  There are two areas considered as no mow, one that will not be touched, and one area that can be mowed once per year.  The commission requested a new site plan identifying the amount of disturbance as well as identify the no mow areas.  Additional plantings were requested in the area where trees have been cut without Commission approval.  Trudy Vermehren moved to continue to April 19, 2017; seconded by Ed Simpson; passed 7-0.   

Eisinger, 60 Indian Neck, Map 28, Parcel 49, Certificate of Compliance.  Trudy Vermehren moved to approve the Certificate of Compliance; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 7-0.  With conditions

McDonald, 125 Peace Valley Rd., Map 8, Parcel 238, NOI, Septic and well.  John Schniedle, Coastal Engineering, gave an overview of the project.  There is a 2 bedroom dwelling and a separate studio that does not have a water supply and is distant from the dwelling.  He proposes a tight tank system which will be used when the owner is in the studio.  There will be approximately 8 inches of fill to go over the tank.  Trudy Vermehren moved to continue to 04/19/17 awaiting a Natural Heritage determination; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 7-0. 

Corridon, 50 Fifth Ave, Map 40, Parcel 49, RDA, improve walkway, driveway, patio, and remove non-native plants and replant with native plants.  Charles Wentz from Ponderosa Landscaping stated most of the work is between the 50’ and 100’ buffer zone.  The home owner will use shells for the driveway, the timbers going to the patio may be replaced with natural field stone steps.  Most of the existing plants are non-native and  will be replaced with native plants.  There are two dead pines in the area which will be removed. Barbara Brennessel stated there is a large population of terrapins in the area.  Work would have to be done by June 1, or after September 30.  Trudy Vermehren identified the project as a Negative 3; seconded by John Portnoy; passed 7-0.  Ed Simpson Supervisor   

Cohn, 40 1st Ave., Map 30, Parcel 124, NOI, additions and renovations.  David Lyttle represented the applicant, along with Andrew McGee.  David stated all work is outside of the 50’ buffer zone. Wilkinson Ecological (Andrew McGee) gave an overview of the mitigations planned.  He stated there is a large area of English ivy as well as bamboo which will be removed.  Removal of the plants can take over 3 year.  He provided the planting plan which will be over a period of 3 years.  There will be no increase in disturbance within the ACEC or  in the 0 to 50’ buffer zone.   Lauren McKean moved to approve the NOI;      

Seconded by Ali Sands; passed 7-0.  Supervisor:  Lauren McKean.

Tom Flynn, who is running as a Selectman, stated he is going to all the meetings and found the Commission meeting to be especially well run. 

Trudy Vermehren moved to adjourn at 6:15 pm; seconded by Barbara Brennessel; passed 7-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates, Committee Secretary