CPC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of Meeting September 23, 2015

Wellfleet Town Hall Hearing Room


Present: Elaine McIlroy, Robert Jackson, Geraldine Ramer, Cary Rea, Janet Reinhart, Thomas Siggia

Regrets: Peter Hall, Kevin Carroll, Gary Sorkin

Acting Chair Elaine McIlroy called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m. and introduced Tom Siggia, the new representative from the Historical Commission. 


Janet Reinhart moved to approve the minutes of June 24, 2015.  Cary Rea seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

Potential Regional Project – Discussion

Bob Jones from Cape Cod Village was present to discuss a possible regional project for long-term housing for adults with autism.  He explained the origins of Cape Cod Village, how funding for young adults with autism works, levels of severe disabilities, and available land in Orleans for a 16-person complex for Cape Codders with disabilities.  Orleans CPC and other fund sources have enabled Cape Cod Village to buy a very desirable parcel of land in Orleans.  Their goal is to open in 2018.  Another goal is to be able to replicate the model housing elsewhere on the Cape, Mr. Jones said.  CPA members encouraged Mr. Jones to submit an application this November for Fiscal Year 2017 funding. 

Anticipated Projects

The Committee discussed applications that are expected to be submitted this November.  Elaine McIlroy reviewed provisions allowed for Affordable Housing.  

Financial Outlook

Mary Rogers said that the tax rate had been set, but she had not met with the Accountant yet to determine the percentages and estimated Fiscal Year 2017 CPA funds that would be available. 

Project Updates

Elaine McIlroy updated the Board on the status of a number of Affordable Housing projects.

Needs Hearing Planning

Peter Hall and Mary Rogers will present the Annual Needs Hearing at a Selectmen’s meeting before the end of the year.

State House Event

There will be a Fifteenth Anniversary Celebration of CPA with an awards ceremony for CPA Heroes at the State House on October 6, 2015.  Members who plan to attend will make arrangements to get there.

Agenda for Next Meeting

The agenda for the October 28, 2015 meeting will include:  Updates, Anticipated Projects & Finances, Procedures, Minutes and Mail.


The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 10:35 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,         

_________________________                            ________________________

Mary Rogers, CPC Coordinator                            Elaine McIlroy, Acting Chair


The Community Preservation Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 11/18/15.