CPC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, October 21, 2020


Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of October 21, 2020

Virtual Meeting


Attending: Gary Sorkin, Chair; Michael Fisher, Rhonda Fowler, Robert Jackson, Elaine McIlroy, Janis Plaue, Geraldine Ramer, Thomas Siggia

Chair Gary Sorkin called the Zoom meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.  


Michael Fisher moved to approve the minutes of the virtual meeting of September 23, 2020. Janis Plaue seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  Gary Sorkin called attention to an action in those minutes that needed to be completed. 

Needs Assessment Lists

CPC representatives will have their committees assess and update the needs lists for a 2020 hearing with the Select Board.  The lists should be returned in time for inclusion in the November CPC meeting.  Gary Sorkin mentioned one accomplished item on the Housing list with the completion of the Habitat homes at Durkee Way.

New Applications

CPC had received 7 applications by the October 15th deadline.  Since then, the Modern House Trust has withdrawn their application for the Breuer House for now.  This left 6 applications for the committee to review.  Three are for community housing, two are for historic preservation and one is for recreation.

01-21 Contribution of $50,000 to the Veterans Home in Dennis

One new letter of support had been added to the application.  Adam Gracia, the representative for Veterans Outreach, said that they will be submitting more new letters since it was proving impossible to locate the old ones.  Elaine McIlroy recommended looking at the Veterans Outreach website to see what progress the home had made.  She said the proposal should go to Town Meeting for a determination.  Towns have been encouraged to support projects that involve cooperative efforts between communities.  Several committee members said the money should stay in Wellfleet.  Jan Plaue said we owe our veterans help and are not likely to have a home like this built in Wellfleet.   Elaine McIlroy said the Veterans Outreach had approached the Housing Authority about inclusion at 95 Lawrence Rd. Any veteran will be able to apply for future housing there.  The committee agreed that the representatives should be invited to the next meeting to provide more information and discuss on benefits to Wellfleet.

02-21 Preservation of Breuer House 

The Modern House Trust is not ready to proceed with their request for $200,000 since the Breuer heir is asking a significantly greater amount for the property.  They are in contact with the Trustees of Reservation to arrange a purchase of 8 acres and house.  They are not close to making an agreement, so the application is on hold for now.  The consensus of the committee was to take no action at this time. 

03-21 Contribution of $500,000 to the new Municipal Affordable Housing Trust

Elaine McIlroy explained how the change to a Massachusetts Municipal Trust Fund would replace the old trust fund and make it a true Town agency.  The Housing Authority is requesting $500,000 as money to seed the new municipal trust fund.  Other towns across the state have given comparable amounts, she said.  Any money  remaining in the old trust fund will be transferred into the new one.  Town Counsel has recommended the changeover.

Gary Sorkin discussed the greater flexibility afforded by a municipal trust.  It allows the Housing Authority to act quickly, without waiting once a year for Town Meeting to get approvals.  He said that affordable housing happens everyday; you don’t know when.

Janis Plaue moved to contribute $500,000 to the new Wellfleet Municipal Housing Trust Fund to support any and all Affordable Housing initiatives.  Michael Fisher seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.

04-21 Contribution of $7,500 for CDP’s Lower Cape Housing Institute

There was discussion about the Housing Institute reaching a saturation point in education of Town officials to Housing issues.  Elaine McIlroy said the format of the Institute had reached a saturation point, rather than the material.  The focus will change from seminars to once a month in-depth discussions of special topics.  Gary Sorkin mentioned the changing committee members and professional staff, who are always creating a new audience.   Elaine McIlroy credited the recent CDP discussion among the eight Lower Cape towns that resulted in the COVID-19 assistance initiative.

Janis Plaue moved to contribute $7,500 to the CDP’s Lower Cape Housing Institute.  Elaine McIlroy seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.

05-21 Historic Preservation request of $10,000 for Melville House Repair

There were many questions about the request for repair of the private home at 119 Cove Rd.  The application did not include verification of the historic significance of the house.  There was no discussion of community support or the benefit to the Town through a preservation restriction and public access.

Janis Plaue moved to deny the application for the Melville House Repair.  Michael Fisher seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.

06-21 Preservation of Artifacts request of $12,000 for the Historical Society & Museum

Michael Fisher said the application was well written.  He recognized the need for archival items to have the right climate controls and proper shelving.  Rhonda Fowler questioned the amount and asked if the money could come from another source. Janis Plaue noted that this project was different from the restoration of the museum.

Janis Plaue moved to approve a grant of $12,000 for the preservation of the Wellfleet Historical Society & Museum artifacts.  Michael Fisher seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.

07-21 Request for Stage & Storage Unit for $23,027.91 for Recreation Department

Recreation Director Becky Rosenberg and Assistant Director Angel Robinson were present to answer questions about the stage and storage unit for the Baker’s Field Pavilion.  There were two companies that offer what they are looking for in a stage: adjustable, all terrain, streamlined, waterproof, easy to put up and take down, and easy to store.  They explained that the size was approximately the same as the old stage.  There were many questions about the storage unit included in the request.  Becky Rosenberg said its location was planned at the back of Baker’s Field.  The DPW Director had requested that it be on site, but she was willing to request that it go elsewhere if that was not feasible.  A Conservation Commission determination will be necessary for its intended placement.  In response to Gary Sorkin’s question about a contingency amount, Ms. Rosenberg said that had been included for a ConsCom filing fee and any other unexpected expenses.  She said any unused money would be returned to CPA funds.  Budgets are to be level funded this year, so she doubts there is any Recreation money available for a storage unit.

The money for a stage would not be available until July 1, 2021, so Gary Sorkin asked about timing for pavilion use.  Becky Rosenberg said the pavilion will remain in use for six to seven months, so obtaining the stage in July would not be a problem.  Rhonda Fowler asked if the stage could just remain in place.  Angel Robinson said it could be left in place, but staff wouldn’t be there through the winter.  There are security cameras in place, but that’s not the same as have people there.ry Sorkin requested that the Recreation directors come to the next meeting with more information on storage: costs, off-site options, and what other towns do.   Committee members discussed the stage further.  From her past Library experience, Elaine McIlroy verified that it is difficult to find stages that fit your needs.  Janis Plaue considered a storage box placement right beside the Recreation building, and Michael Fisher questioned the large size of the container for a foldable stage.


Mary Rogers presented a preliminary look at finances available for the projects.  She and Assistant Accountant Jane Tesson are working on the DOR forms to set the actual amount of money available for the projects that move forward to Town Meeting 2021.

Project Reports & Concerns

Elaine McIlroy reported that two families with school-aged children are in place at the new Habitat homes on Durkee Way.  Mary Rogers said there were continued public records requests for information on the cemetery project.

Next Meeting 

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 18 to discuss projects with the applicants for the Veterans’ Outreach Home in Dennis and the Recreation Department’s stage for the Baker’s Field pavilion.  The Needs Lists will be reviewed at this meeting.


Before adjournment, Rhonda Fowler received on congratulations for her announcement  that she had recently become a Justice of the Peace.


Janis Plaue moved to adjourn. Michael Fisher seconded, and the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Rogers,

CPC Coordinator


The Community Preservation Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 11/18/2020.

Public Records material of meeting of 10/21/2020

All applications are available  in the CPC permanent files.