CPC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Friday, July 17, 2020

Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of July 17, 2020

Virtual Meeting


Attending: Gary Sorkin, Chair; Michael Fisher, Rhonda Fowler, Robert Jackson, Elaine McIlroy, Janis Plaue, Geraldine Ramer, Thomas Siggia

Also Attending: Courtney Butler, David Mead-Fox

Chair Gary Sorkin called the virtual meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.  


Michael Fisher moved to approve the minutes of May 20, 2020.  Janis Plaue seconded, and the motion carried 8-0. 

Town Meeting

Administrative Assistant Courtney Butler and CPC members discussed provisions for Annual Town Meeting, which is now scheduled for Saturday, September 12, 2020 at 10 a.m.  Rain dates are scheduled since it will be held outside in the school ballfield to provide space for social distancing.  Ms. Butler said there will be no slide visuals and no presenters.  The CPA motions can be made by CPC members.  She will be preparing an information sheet “What to Expect When You Go to Town Meeting.”

New Applications

Application #20-08 Veterans’ Home in Dennis

The Committee considered the application by Cape Cod Veterans Outreach Center for a contribution of $50,000 towards a five-bedroom Veteran’s Home at 1341 Rte. 134 in Dennis.  There was discussion of its benefit to Wellfleet, referenced letters that were not in the application packet, helping to prevent homelessness for veterans, offering a smaller amount of money, the Provincetown Drop-in Center for veterans’ needs, and the pressing deadlines of the September Town Meeting.  It was decided by consensus to defer action at this time and have the request considered in October when it could be updated and include the letters of endorsement.  Hopefully, in fall everyone will have a better sense of Covid-19 circumstances.  The committee supported the proposal in spirit and will bring it back with the next round of applications. 

Application #20-09 Covid-19 Emergency Housing Assistance

Housing Authority members Gary Sorkin, Elaine McIlroy and Richard Ciotti, aware that the moratorium on evictions would end on August 1, that many renters would not be able to pay July rents in full, and unemployment would remain high, prepared the Covid-19 Emergency Housing Assistance application for $205,000, and submitted by the Housing Authority.  Housing Authorities from the Lower Cape towns examined data from a survey of Massachusetts renters and mortgage holders and recommended plans for emergency housing assistance.  The three-part application to the Wellfleet CPC is based on the recommendations of those meetings.  The first part requests $120,000 for emergency rental assistance for one year, offering a maximum of $500 per month.  The second part is $50,000 towards mortgage assistance for the deed restricted Wellfleet homeowners.  There are about 12 of these homes.  The third part, budgeted at $35,000, is to help those in arrears who will be facing eviction.   It provides for first, last and security deposits on a new rental. 

Committee members discussed the amount of money, evictions, allowances by income, and exhausting other other sources of help.  Elaine McIlroy said that the Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA) had surveyed Massachusetts and found many towns offering this kind of emergency relief through CPA funds.  Except for SPAT’s help to shellfishing families, other services do not appear to be offered in Wellfleet. 

In the interest of streamlining Town Meeting, an objective of the Selectboard and the Town Administrator, Chair Gary Sorkin suggested combining into one Warrant Article the new $205,000 request for Covid Emergency Relief funds with the existing Article for the Rental Assistance program at a sum of $165,000 for a total amount of $370,000.  He also called attention to the Article in the Warrant requesting that the Affordable Housing Trust become a municipal housing trust, which would allow them to do rental assistance without annual requests. 

Janis Plaue expressed her reservations about combining the Article for emergency provisions with the original rental assistance request.  She said the Covid-emergency Article was likely to do better on its own.  Other committee members indicated support for a four-part request in a single Article.

Michael Fisher moved to approve $205,000 for the Covid-19 Emergency Housing Assistance application.  Rhonda Fowler seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.

Rhonda Fowler moved to amend Article 12 for Rental Assistance by combining it with the Covid-19 Emergency Housing Assistance and to now read: “To see if the Town will vote, pursuant to MGL c.44B, to appropriate $65,023.00 from the Community Preservation Fund budgeted housing reserve and $304,977.00 from the Community Preservation Fund Balance for a total of $370,000.00 to the Wellfleet Housing Authority to provide funding for Covid-19 Emergency Housing Assistance and for continuance of the Rental Assistance program for Wellfleet households for one to three years, or do or act anything thereon.”  Robert Jackson seconded, and the motion carried 7-1.

Application #20-10 Breuer House

The Modern House Trust (MHT) had submitted a request for a $200,000 grant for the historic preservation of the Breuer House at 634 Black Pond Rd. (Map 4, Parcel 35), located on a 4.2-acre lot between Higgins Pond and Williams Pond.  The application gave reconstruction costs for the house which the Modern House Trust has not yet purchased from the Breuer heir.  There were questions about MHT’s ability to raise the money needed to obtain the property and the need to proceed at this time.  Although CPC members endorsed the proposal, they would like to see more information on how the MHT plans to proceed.  Elaine McIlroy stated that a more positive response might be achieved at Annual Town Meeting 2021.  Timing seemed off to bring this request forward during the pandemic, which is not denying that it is an important project.   CPC supported it by consensus but asked that MHT Director Peter McMahon submit for the October 15th application deadline an updated plan with a compelling reason to proceed with the request for funds to rehabilitate the house.  The application would then be under consideration for the spring Town Meeting. 

Project Reports

Rhonda Fowler and Mary Rogers gave a quick update on the successful and rapid completion of the Baker’s Field Pavilion, which is now in use.   Mary Rogers and Recreation Director Becky Rosenberg are making plans for a permanent CPC sign for the pavilion and other improvements at Baker’s Field. 

Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, September 23, 2020 at 9 a.m.  It is expected to be another virtual meeting.  The Zoom link will be sent out with the agenda and materials for the meeting. 


Janis Plaue moved to adjourn.  The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 3:36 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Rogers,

CPC Coordinator

Public Records Material of 7/17/2020

All Community Preservations applications are filed in the CPC permanent records.