CPC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of Meeting November 13, 2019

Wellfleet Town Hall Hearing Room


Present: Gary Sorkin, Chair; Rhonda Fowler, Andrew Freeman, Michael Fisher, Robert Jackson, Janis Plaue, Thomas Siggia                            

Regrets: Elaine McIlroy, Geraldine Ramer

Chair Gary Sorkin called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.  


Michael Fisher moved to approve the minutes of October 23, 2019.  Janis Plaue seconded, and the motion carried 7-0. 


The Community Preservation Coalition has advised towns not to plan on using the anticipated one-time surplus payment from the state for this round of grants. 

Discussions with Applicants

Cemetery Historic Restoration Phase

Nancy Vail, one of the Cemetery Commissioners, presented their request for $75,000 for the continued restoration of the historic gravestones at the Pleasant Hill and Oak Grove Cemeteries on Gross Hill Rd.  The Cemetery Commission had placed a flyer in the tax bills this year, but the contributions were small.  State law does not allow the Commissioners to use the full amount of money in their Perpetual Care fund, only the interest. 

To prevent further damage to the gravestones, the Commissioners have approached the DPW with a request for more careful mowing, particularly at the Duck Creek Cemetery.  Rhonda Fowler discussed the responsibility of the DPW in mowing, getting upkeep as a Budget line item, sending a letter to DPW, requesting help from the concerned families, and investigating what other towns do.  Nancy Vail said she is planning to participate in a Lower Cape meeting of cemetery commissioners.  Ideally, the Cemetery Commission would like to find someone who could mow around the historic stones more carefully. 

Ms. Vail said the stones are repaired in order of need.  CPC members asked about exploring available money from the Chamber of Commerce and asking for a Cemetery Budget line.  Ms. Vail said the cemeteries were a part of the history of the Town. 

Historic Society Museum Restoration Phase 2     

President of the Historical Society Board of Directors Dwight Estey and John Connors came forward and introduced other members of the Board of Directors, who were present.  Dwight Estey thanked CPC for the Phase 1 work on the building.  He reviewed work on the building and front yard to date.  Phase 2 is meant to make the building usable, allow for proper storage, and add display areas. It would help commemorate the 400th anniversary celebration of the Pilgrim landing, he said.  The ADA requirements, which would make the center section usable, need to be completed in Phase 2. 

The Society has been reaching out to the community more than in the past; they have started an “I Remember Wellfleet” program; and Town boards and community members have come to the museum for research.   The museum and society website is receiving heavy usage.  There are provisions on the website for contributing to the museum.  The Historic Society believes the museum brings people to Wellfleet from all over the country and from abroad. 

John Connors, head of the Building Committee, said Larry Franke is clerk of the works for the project.  Mr. Connors displayed the floor plan of the museum and explained how the center section will join the older museum section and the East wing.  Phase 2 work will include preparation for an elevator, which will be a part of Phase 3.  Also, there is a large beanpot cellar that they hope to preserve.  He indicated where the handicap bathroom will be placed.   Mr. Connor explained that ADA accommodations are very expensive.  

Financial Officer Jake Ketchum explained fund raising efforts, including the request to the CPC for $500,000.  A member has now pledged $100,000 from the capital campaign.  They have money from other events as well.  He said the museum is a very vital center for Wellfleet.  The center section is an investment for the Town and its history, he said. 

Gary Sorkin said that CPA funding has been over $800,000 so far.  He asked what back up plan the Historical Society had if they did not again receive money from Community Preservation funds.  Mr. Ketchum said the building would not be functional.  There is a further phase planned in order to operate the museum fully, but $1 million is needed to do this.  ADA allows the Society to do the project in phases.  John Connors said the first floor would become compliant with the contribution of $500,000 from CPA funds.  The Historical Society would not get additional Mass Council of Arts without the support of the Town.  There are other smaller grants they are seeking, Museum Coordinator Sheryl Jaffe said. 

Mr. Connors said the ADA access makes the building  available to many more people.  There will be handicap parking in the back of the building. Dwight Estey reported on volunteer efforts, their annual House Tour and other events.   

Mayo Beach House Rehabilitation  

No one from the Friends of the Mayo Beach House was able to attend the meeting, but Lydia Vivante, Historical Commission Chair, presented information on their behalf.  The request was for $15,000.  The Friends felt confident they could raise additional money, she said.  Ms. Vivante displayed photos of comparable bath house arrangements from another town.  Rhonda Fowler suggested putting more research into the porta-potties.  Michael Fisher addressed some of the Conservation Commission filings and arranging for use of Town property through the Selectboard.  Lydia Vivante discussed some of the potential for the uses of the building.  Rhonda Fowler said the Friends would need to decide upon the use of the building.   There are considerations about the amount of money that can be put into the building.  Gary Sorkin said the application was still premature, not to say that it did not have merit. 

Lower Cape Housing Institute (2 years)                 

Community Development Partnership (CDP) Program Officer Ann Robinson and Director of Housing Andrea Aldana presented their application for a two-year grant of $15,000 for a continuance of the Lower Cape Housing Institute.  There are three pieces: the Institute, an Advocacy effort, and the media campaign.  The Institute offers six-week sessions, peer group meetings, and advanced trainings on topics that come out of the Institute.  Nineteen people have participated from Wellfleet to date. 

Rhonda Fowler commented on funding for two years.  Janis Plaue asked about any drop-off in numbers since the Institute began.  Ann Robinson said it was better to offer a Lower Cape and a Mid-Cape Institute.  Janis Plaue asked about an end date to the Institute.  Ann Robinson did not see an end to the training, especially with new board members.  With advanced trainings and inter-town peer group meetings the CDP representatives expect the Institute to continue. 

Decisions for Application Requests

Gary Sorkin suggested splitting the approximately $150,000 Historical Reserve money for the three proposals for historical preservation projects. 

Cemetery Phase 3

CPC members commented on their reservations on DPW mowing, focusing on upkeep, undefined parameters, percentages of money for each gravestone, and a lack of urgency.  Janis Plaue noted that there would be no cemetery improvements without some CPA funding. 

Jan Plaue moved to make the Town the responsible party for Town cemeteries but offer $25,000 for the current request by the Cemetery Commission.  Gary Sorkin seconded. 

Michael Fisher moved to amend the amount to $10,000 for headstones.  Andrew Freeman seconded.  The motion to amend carried 7-0.

The motion to grant $10,000 for restoration of headstones in a Phase 3 Cemetery Restoration with the Town as the responsible party for cemetery care carried 7-0.

Mayo Beach House

Rhonda Fowler moved to defer action on the Mayo Beach application for another year.  Jan Plaue seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.


Robert Jackson spoke in support of the museum request based on their organization.  Andrew Freeman considered offering a smaller amount.  A decision will be made at the next meeting when there is more time to deliberate and a full complement of CPC members are present to vote.

Housing Institute

Michael Fisher moved to offer the Community Development Partnership a one-year grant of $7,500.  Andrew Freeman seconded, and the motion carried 7-0. 

Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2019 at 8:30 a.m. to make determinations on the applications for the Rental Assistance program, the Housing Buy-Down program, and Phase 2 Historical Restoration of the Museum.


The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 11:04 a.m. 

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Rogers,

Community Preservation Coordinator