
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners

Tuesday November 20, 2018

Town Hall 2nd Floor Conference Room

300 Main St, Wellfleet, MA



Members Present: Jim Hood, Chair; Neil Gadwas, Catherie Nass, Thomas Flynn

Members Absent: Curt Felix

Also Present: Rebekah Eldridge, Committee Secretary/Water Clerk; Gail Ferguson member of the community


Chair Hood Called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM


Cumberland Farms

  • Status of water main, installation, abutter notification, connection fees
  • Board went over the current lay out of the water main. Jim talked about the proposal is to take the water main to Cahoon Hollow Road, and diagonally across Cahoon Hollow Road all the way to the intersection of Pine Point Road. Traveling to the west side of route 6 and in front of the old gas station. The Board couldn’t decipher what the dotted line on the map was. Jim talked about the meeting that he and Neil would attend the following week with Cumberland Farms, a building rep from the DPW, A rep from Coastal Engineering, Chief Pauley from the fire department and Dan Hort. They should be able to answer any of the lingering questions that they have regarding the size of the mains and hydrant placement concerns. The board talked about having curb stops so that maybe in the future they would be able to run water further down route 6 on the east or west side or even both sides if needed. There was discussion of the gas pumps going up and the store being set back a little. There was a question if the liquor store be a part of this project. They stated that the plan had already been approved by DOT and it was pretty much a go.
  • Catharie moved to accept the plan from Cumberland Farms Jim seconded the motion. 4-0 Motion carried  


Connection Fees and Rate Structure

  • Tabled for tonight due to Curt’s absence.


Coles Neck Generator

  • Emergency generator capacity and connection requirements
  • The update is the Roy checked and there is a capacity for a manual transfer switch If they have a portable generator on site. Roy recommended that the board get South Shore Generator to tell the board what size it should be, it is currently 440 volts in the system. Roy wasn’t certain. At this point there is not further information. Will follow up.

Masonic Lane Connection Request – Follow up

  • Jim received information from Dan Hoort, there is a meeting scheduled with Austin Knight, who is a member of the Masonic Lodge in Provincetown. The interest in water is on the Masonic Lodge. Jim stated he is unaware if there is a curb stop for the lodge. The meeting is scheduled for the following Thursday. Jim stated he would get in touch with Roy about a whether there is a curb stop at that location. Neil suggested the board consult the plans and Roy. Jim stated this isn’t an issue Masonic Lane but just the Masonic Lodge. The steep grade was discussed and if they went through the back it would have to go through private property. More to follow.


Briar Lane Survey Instrument

  • They discussed there were 7 property owners that sounded interested in hooking up to water if there was a water main on Briar Lane. Catherie presented a survey that she worked on to go out to all property owners that would be mailed with a cover letter. The survey would be on a post card so that owners could mail it back. The board discussed the questions; if this survey just went to Briar Lane some of the wording would need to be modified. “Would you be interested into connecting to town water”? The surveys would be anonymous. Catherie stated the opinions would be honest and the board would receive a higher turn in rate if they stayed anonymous. The letter will be part of the education piece to give information to the property owners. Catharie will work on the survey further to be able to send out before the end of the year or early in the new year. Jim said he would give Catherie information for her to draw on. To be put on the agenda for the next meeting.


Outsourcing Water System Billing System Management

  • Pennichuck will have the billing function of the water system. What is being proposed is that the contract with Whitewater will be expanded to Pennichuck. Whitewater will oversee Pennichuck. Jim stated that they wouldn’t have to get into a new billing company and no competitive bidding. Tom asked about metering versus billing. Jim explained that the water clerk would be responsible for certain things but that Pennichuck would do the billing. Billing would be twice a year and metering would be more often. How can Pennichuck connect with our billing system because their software package is different from theirs. Jim stated that if they change the billing software than the water meters would have to be changed out as well. Catherie wanted to know how much Pennichuck would receive for payment in doing the billing for the water system. Jim stated that he hasn’t seen that yet and there is another meeting to go over Pennichuck’s rate and contract would be. Neil asked what Whitewater received? Jim said this is only a proposed project and that it is the water committee’s budget, they are responsible for the enterprise fund. They must sign off the use of any funds. Jim explained that customers had expressed concerned about having hire rate due to later readings. Jim stated this would be discussed further with Dan or Joe.  The board discussed maybe hiring someone to come in and do just this billing cycle, until this is matter is settled.  Discussion of having someone from the software company coming in to explain the software.


New Business

  • Rebekah Reported that the Herridge Bookstore will be connecting to town water. She will let the board know when that application comes in.
  • The Holden in will also be looking into hooking up to town water.
  • Jim talked to Joe about not seeing any deferred payments coming in.


Approval of Minutes – November 6, 2018

  • The board wanted to look more deeply at the minutes as the second page wouldn’t print. Rebekah will email the board the minutes for them to look at.