BWC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Board of Water Commissioners

Wellfleet Town Hall Conference Room, 300 Main St.

November 14, 2017 at 6:30 PM

Commissioners Present: Chair, Justina Carlson, Neil Gadwa, Curt Felix, Catharie Nass

Regrets: James Hood

Also Present: Roy Maher, Operations Supervisor, Whitewater

Chair Carlson called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.


Whitewater Update: Roy Maher, Operations Supervisor

Chair Carlson opened the discussion with Roy Maher asking if he were open to alternating on-site and off-site updates, and offered looking into Skype or teleconferencing after verifying off-site meetings requirements with Town Hall administration.

Felix motioned to have a remote attendance report from WhiteWater, with a quorum. Seconded by Nass. The motion carried, 4-0.

Maher presented the report on the Coles Neck generator. There was wear on

the rotor and stator which generate power, and South Shore Generator (SSG) replaced the bearing and surroundings. The consensus by SSG was to buy another generator. Gadwa suggested talking with SSG to find out more information, and whether it needed to be fixed or replaced. Maher suggested being able to use the portable generator as a backup. Felix suggested asking South Shore Generator what would be the best exercise program for the generator would be.

He also reported that the level sensor at Coles Neck-Well #2 was replaced. WhiteWater performed the backflow testing and seasonal turnoffs were completed. Maher received a call from the DPW Facilities Manager, Davis Walters and they discussed looking into the possibility of connecting the fire main at the Fire Station onto the sprinkler system.

Chair Carlson asked about the level of small repairs can be done during the contract hours. Maher explained that there is routine maintenance and divides up the duties accordingly. He also recommended that the battery backup at Coles Neck should be replaced, and the hydrant system should be flushed.

Felix asked if a twelve-month “calendar” update can be developed to see ongoing progress. Maher will return at later date with an update for the Board .

Wastewater and Water Commission Warrant Article: Communication Strategy-

Tabled to the November 21, 2017 meeting. The Forum meeting is still to be determined. Felix passed around a draft handout from the Harbor Conference devising critical issues and adaptive management.

Cost of Service-Chair Carlson said she would connect with the Town Administrator, Dan Hoort.  Felix ran through the scenarios which could be potentially add costs to the consumer. The Board discussed possible costs to consumers and accessibility to residents. The Board members considered potentially having a uniform policy for costs to residents and how to allocate the costs fairly amongst consumers.

They continued that there are no plans for expansions at this time, or any type of capital investments to fund it, but queried if the Town can provide service to people who want to pay for it, and want to understand the parameters from a legal standpoint. This discussion will be tabled for future meetings with an update from Town Administrator, Dan Hoort.

Discussion-Water Fountain Refill Stations-

Gadwa called Derrick Oliver and will follow up at a later date.

Discussion-Board of Water Commissioners Meeting Time and 2018 Meeting Schedule- The 2018 schedule was approved by consensus, 4-0. Meeting time moved to December to 6:00 P.M. by Nass. Seconded by Felix, and the motion carried, 4-0.


Nass moved to approve the minutes of October 17th as amended, by Nass.

Seconded  by Felix and the motion carried, 4-0.

Correspondence-None to note

Topics for Future Discussions:

-Cost of Service

-Wastewater and Water Commission Warrant Article: Communication Strategy

-Joint meeting with the Finance Committee on November 29, 2017

Moved to adjourn by consensus at 8:00