BWC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners

Town Hall Conference Room

Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 7:00 PM

Commissioners Present:  Justina Carlson, Chair, Neil Gadwa, James Hood Catharie Nass, Lori Vanderschmidt

Commissioners Absent:

Others Present: WMWS Manager Michaela Miteva, Selectman Dennis Murphy, TA Harry Terkanian,

Chair Carlson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Discussion of Fee Schedule Revision – Public Hearing

Chair Carlson opened the hearing to public comment, there being none, then closed the hearing to public comment.  Manager Miteva explained the benefits of capping the Connection Fee Discounts indefinitely at a 40% rate.  Interest rates would remain the same.  The one complication is 160 Main St. where the property owner already paid a connection fee at 30% in full.

Chair Carlson moved to cap the Connection Fee Discounts for both Phase I and Phase II indefinitely at a 40% rate; Hood seconded; the motion passed 5-0.

Chair Carlson moved to ask the owner of 160 Main St. whether she would the money paid be refunded or applied toward water charges; Nass seconded; the motion passed 5-0.

Operator’s Report

In his absence, Manager Miteva presented Roy Maher’s WhiteWater Operator Report.

FY15 Preliminary Close

Manager Miteva explained the Preliminary Close for FY15 to the Board.  The Close will be finalized after meeting with the Town Accountant, Marilyn Crary.

Mass DEP Survey Recap

Manager Miteva explained the DEP Managerial & Financial Survey, including the parts that require attention or action.  The survey provides a framework for the BWC to address systemic needs and prepare for FY17.  Nass agreed to look into #3 on the survey which requires a schedule and a yearly cost estimate for maintaining WMWS assets.

TA Terkanian noted that the Commonwealth has grant funds available to develop a plan for implementing best practices.

The inventory was completed and the conclusion is that very little of what the WMWS has in storage is more than scrap metal.  Discussion turned to the “missing” cement pipe that should have been delivered to the DPW by Robert B. Our at the time of the Rt. 6 repair.  It was noted that a storage space designated specifically for the WMWS would be beneficial. 

Discussion of Possible Meeting Time Change

The Board agreed to change the BWC meeting time from 7 PM to 6 PM.  It also agreed to meet only once in August, on the 18th.

Tower Inspection and Paint Update

The water storage tank will be inspected on Thursday, July 23.  Once the interior condition of the tank has been determined Chicago Bridge and Iron (CBI) will be approached with demands through Town Counsel.

Financial Models / Master Planning

Manager Miteva presented a timeline for updating the WMWS Master Plan.  TA Terkanian pointed out that steps 1-8 are financial planning for the next construction, steps 9-15 are the actual Master Plan.  Both are distinct projects. 

It was agreed that the first order of business is to craft a viable financial model.

Betterments need to be factored into the equation.  These can not be used for Phase I and II.

Hood recommended that the BWC start with the current Master Plan and update the data, use what can be used from the original plan, and use a professional engineer to draft the plan. 

TA Terkanian pointed out that prioritizing the Master Plan means determining how much money is available and how many problems can be solved in the process.  Salinity and nitrate level should be used to prioritize areas of need, rather than level of interest.  Hood pointed out that Eastham is offering free water testing to home owners.  He suggested that Wellfleet do the same and then have access to the results. 

Nass suggested that providing hydrant coverage may be a segue to encouraging public support to an expanded water system.

TA Terkanian and Selectman Murphy recommend that the BWC update the current Master Plan in order to have the information to facilitate decision making.

Survey of State Water Systems

This project is being tabled for the time being. 

USDA Phase II Funding Update

WhiteWater has started purchasing items with the balance of the Phase II USDA funds including two dehumidifiers and some hand tools.  An accounting discrepancy is being investigated.

Tufts Project

Some preliminary work has been done to develop a scope of work for the project, but the graduate student is not yet prepared to present her proposal.

Minutes of 6/18/15

Chair Carlson moved to approve the 6/18/15 BWC minutes; seconded by Hood; motion passed 5-0. 


Chair Carlson read a letter from J. Smith expressing his frustration at not being connected but still having to pay the WMWS base fee.  Hood said that he would speak to Mr. Smith. 

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, August 18, 2015 at 6:00 PM at the Wellfleet Town Hall in the 2nd floor Conference Room.  


The meeting was adjourned by Hood one Nass 2 5-0 at 9:02 PM.        

Public Records Materials of 7/21/15

  1. Pages 18 & 19 of the WMWS Rules & Regulations pertaining to Connection Fees
  2. WhiteWater Inc. Operator’s Report
  3. Water Enterprise Fund FY15 Preliminary Close Summary
  4. WMWS FY15 Total Revenue Received
  5. Water Enterprise Fund Revenues and Expenditures Sheet
  6. DEP Managerial & Financial Survey
  7. WMWS Inventory
  8. Letter from J. Smith dated June 23, 2015